Saturday, February 27, 2021

Campaign Recap for 02/23/21

 After action for 2/23/21. Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Cryrus Shwing (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose), Hej Mallorca (Rumo)

Date in Campaign is: 45th of Grentle.

In spite of last week's notes telling them which direction they should take, the party decides they will try and break the curse by finding the tears of an Angel. Asking the sage, freeing his books on plants. Corbite tells the party what the flower "tears of an angel" looks like (white and yellow tiger lily) and that it might be at the Pearl Oasis.. (On the other hand Nomora and her companions searched for the tears of angels for years and they did not find it). Corbite wants to free his workers, save his books and go to the Outcast village, the two guards will stay and help him. Ellalan asks if he has any water they can have, but the sage tells them no. Sneaking out of the library, the party looks for a likely house to search for water, Cyrus leading them with his birdlike senses...half the party sounds like a marching band as they sneak but they make it to a nearby small estate. Searching the kitchen of the house they find 4 jugs of water and 12 jugs of wine (and 3 jugs of cooking oil, 3 jugs of dried rice and 1 of dried beans). At the time of looting the manor they party had 2 days of water. each is a jug is about a gallon, 1 day of supply for 1 person. They stuff all the jugs into his Yeusof's ring (1st use of day). With their water supply replenished they head off into the desert. Three hours of walking through the burning sands later.... Ellalan is scouting ahead of the party (interesting and funny confusion about distance, with her scouting 7 feet in front of the party...). She sees an obelisk half buried in the sand. Closer investigation reveals unknown hieroglyphics on it. Some knowledge checks give them a symbol they believe may be Druid or Mage (or Necromancer...) Thineli uses comprehend Languages and touches the obelisk to translate it.. the first thing he reads, as the sand starts to bubble and roll, is do not touch the obelisk of imprisonment. A large Sand Shaman, made of sand rises out of the sand with five Sand Spiders (these were a reskinned Orc War Chief and Giant Spiders). The party makes quick work of these, Cyrus understanding some of the words the Sand Shaman was bellowing "Attack the defilers!" "Don't let them free it!" but things happen so fast he doesn't get a chance to share. With the destruction of the Sand Shaman, the remaining two Sand Spiders crumble back to sand.. and the obelisk also starts to crumble... they hear a mighty bellow from underground "At last! I am free once more!" Cyrus runs forward to try to do something to save the obelisk but sees a shiny metallic blue diamond shape nearby and tries to pull it loose.. Everything seems to stop as a huge Serpentine figure breaks out of the sand, a young Blue Dragon!  It immediately bites Cyrus off his shoulder, where he was trying to pry loose one of his scales.. pinning Cyrus to the sand with a claw, leaving him near death.  Seeing the rest of the party nearby he roars at them "Unknown creatures! Worship me if you wish to live!" Hej says "Of course, Mighty one! May I ask your name to properly worship you?" "I am Nazor, The Taker of Life!" Hej bows and retreats from the dragon, flattering and praising him as he does so. Sir Dawnstar, seeing an evil dragon, casts Vow of Enmity and attacks the dragon slashing it twice!! Thineli pulls out a scorpion and throws it at the dragon, changing it into a giant scorpion that attacks it and poisons it. Yeusof and Ellalan started running when the sand shook and kept running, seeing a pissed off dragon about to kill people... The dragon jumps into the air, getting attacks from both the scorpion and Sir Dawnstar and then blasts them with Lightning Breath!! Thineli falls a charred husk of a drow, Sir Dawnstar is horribly blasted but is somehow still standing, the Giant Scorpion vanishes in a cloud of ash and smoke... Ellalan watches in the distance as she runs, she vows to tell the tale of Sir Dawnstar who stood against a dragon after his friends were fried to a crisp-If she makes it out alive! Ellalan uses Step of the Wind to move faster, leaving behind Yeusof. Sir Dawnstar throws javelins at the hovering dragon...defiant to the end.. Hej runs toward Thineli's smoking body and grabs it up as he keeps running away. Nazor drops from the sky like a bird of prey and savages Sir Dawnstar.. dropping him and pinning his body to the sand. The dragon sees the others run away.. as he starts to eat Sir Dawnstar's corpse. Thineli dies as Hej Mallocra carries his blackened and burned body away (for eating purposes?). Hej takes everything in Thineli's pockets. Hej buries Thinelli and says a prayer to Mallorca for Thinelli's spirit. Ellalan and Yeusof escape into the desert. Hej Mallorca runs far and then starts to track them... Moments later seeing the dragon flying away to the east, they circle around to the site of the massacre.. correction... they do not go back. 

So this tale ends with three dead.. and three still in the desert heading to the Pearl Oasis.

Kill Count=(Sand Shaman)+(Sand Spider x5)+(Young Blue Dragon Undefeated/Evaded)

Exp=1100+(200x5)+(5000/2)=4500/5=900exp each

For gathering water and food without unnecessary pillage +200, For trying to praise and escape the dragon at the same time +200 Hej Mallorca, For scouting “7 feet” in front of the party +100 Ellalan (amusing the GM)

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 18597, Ellalan 23226, Thineli RIP, Sir Dawnstar RIP, Cyrus Shwing RIP, Hej Mallorca 5210. Ellalan can level to 7 with a long rest.

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930.

Campaign Recap for 02/16/21

 After action for 2/16/21. Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Cryrus Shwing (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose), Hej Mallorca (Rumo)

Date in Campaign is: 44th of Grentle.

Meanwhile in the cells on the Burning Rose, Yeusof is trying to convince the guard he is the "pirate prince". Sir Dawnstar is just making complaints and being noisy.

The guard tries to speak to his Mistress but is rebuffed. He comes back to tell Yeusof she is not going to see him and he responds with 'what will you Mistress do when she realizes you are holding her pirate prince lover captive...". The guard laughs and explains Yeusof's misconceptions.

At the camp of Bryce, Ellalan and Thineli rest and plan to get to the sage at the library.

Cyrus on the ship is taking with the mercenaries and tells them he was prisoner of the perverse nobles that drugs him and he was running to escape them...the two mercenaries that "rescued" Cyrus from the perverted nobles are Lukil and Othrol,

During the night at Bryce's camp, Hej Mallorca shows up, having been lost again. Ellalan brings him up to speed. Bryce draws them a map of the town to the library in the town center. Before dawn, they sneak into Allenstones through Castle Slohan. They encounter nothing on the way to the library. After carefully sneaking through the town, the search around the library, find a side that isn't covered in salt.. and then Hej breaks a window with his axe. At the library, Hej, Ellalan and Thineli rescue Melyer Helkin, the head librarian. She is distressed by the state of the bldg. She directs them to Corbite.. he needs his books however...

OH! Ellalan is thinking if everything is being turned into salt and she is all seaweedy, maybe she needs every living thing’s water?

While breaking free Corbite the sage, Ellalan uses a ki point to hold the poison salt air back.

The Sage uses his books and knowledge to tell them the following: Sotysios Naxxremis, the famous merchant. Made a deal with an entity (think demon, not all are evil) for his daughter to gain great power.

the curse was caused by her father, when she was little.She gained great power but it is uncontrolled and tries to make her do "evil"

She has to pray or meditate at a small shrine there every day. The longer she is away from her manor on her island the more uncontrolled the curse will be.

She is a skilled merchant and was trained to be so by her family. But the curse keeps her on the island except for a trip of a month or two.She has been known to search for the "Tears of an Angel" which may be linked to her cure...

Meanwhile at ship, Yeusof entreats the guard to ask again of his Mistress that he be seen. He tells the Merc that he needs Sir Dawnstar by his side when he talks to her... The merc that delivered Yeusof message comes back dripping wet and smelling of salt and pissed off. Sir Dawnstar breaks the locks on their cells using smite. They wait in their cells to ambush a guard.

Cyrus tells Gakrar, the half orc, that he wants to speak to the Mistress but a guard being covered in salt after delivering a message from a prison and having to be freed.. makes him rethink that so instead he will make a tapestry of a lunar eclipse..

Back at the library, a mysterious voice asks them how they would break the curse. Ellalan covers her eyes hands in a panic thinking it is a Medusa as the halfling steps from the shadows. He tells them the following: On the island she is nice. away, she is more evil, and The pirate prince is a blonde. He tells them to find the "pirate prince" or his body so he can get his Mistress to return to her island. He will help the members of the party on the ship escape so they can go do that. He tells them that Rabid Eye will lead the guards and will not be happy with them.. Corbite is a huge fan of Rabid Eye the Gladiator and has some fanzines of him.. 

Thineli creates distraction at the castle using Summon Lighting. Thundermint sends most of the guards to investigate and Rabid Eye leads them. Thundermint helps the two prisoners and Cyrus escape from the ship, with their equipment and a map to the library and then everyone is together at the library. Ending here... Cliffhanger??

Note to party: Never split the party.

Kill Count=Nothing

For finding the library and freeing the sage +300 Thineli, Ellalan and Hej Mallorca, For breaking out of their cells +200 Sir Dawnstar and Yesof, For lying to the guards and making things worse +200 Cyrus Shwing, For getting jealous of Rabid Eye fans +100 Yeusof (amusing the GM)

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 17497, Ellalan 22026, Thineli 23383, Sir Dawnstar 19297, Cyrus Shwing 3280, Hej Mallorca 3910.

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930, 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Campaign Recap for 02/09/21

 There was no game on 02/02/21. I had to work ordered overtime...

Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Cryrus Shwing (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: 43th of Grentle

The Players get to the castle, they see everything and everyone is covered in a thick (half inch or so) semi-transparent salt glaze. Sir Dawnstar and Cyrus break into the doors in front and explore the castle. All is covered in salt. Ellalan frees one guard at the front gate, each attack on the salt raising a cloud of choking poisonous salt. The freed guard is named Doncan. They question the guard but he knows almost nothing, he was standing guard, heard some shouting and everything went black. he tells them the ruler of Castle Sohan is Lord Laurence and the town is called Allenstones. Gives them some basic knowledge of the background of the setting. Meanwhile, Thineli hears something in the distance to the north and sees a ragged man running towards them and the castle from hundreds of feet away. He throws a spear with something flapping on it at the castle and runs back into the desert. Thineli goes to investigate the spear and finds a message attached. The message was written in blood on a piece of cloth "NO go CaStlE, MeDusA". Thineli turns and does not see the party. They have gone into the castle to go look for water. Doncan leads them to the nearest well.. but it is encased in salt. Suddenly they hear voices coming towards them. Doncan runs back to the front of the castle while Ellalan and Yeusof hide and Cyrus goes running to the docks yelling stop (?). As Cyrus runs past the two mercenaries they are surprised by his appearance and not sure what to make of him as he zooms pass. Sir Dawnstar steps forward and greets the encountered mercenaries. They tell him they are from the ship. They seem at least neutral towards him, giving him their water skins and telling him he should leave, their Mistress wants them to capture everyone but they seem to be trying to chase any unsalted people out of the town. Sir Dawnstar refuses to leave and keeps talking till their boss, Rabid Eye, shows up with two more mercs. Rabid Eye yells to capture him and then fights with Sir Dawnstar, Yeusof and Ellalan joining in when Sir Dawnstar is being beaten down. Sir Dawnstar and Yeusof are knocked out and captured, Ellalan escapes. Ellalan uses a 4th ki to do Step of the Wind and runs away back into the castle. She was thinking the whole time, "Why didn't thinelli help us??? Yousef and Sir Dawnstar...could be dead...and where the heck did that bird go??" Cyrus is running through the town screaming stop... Meanwhile outside the castle, Thineli follows footprints in sand to where he finds a tiny sad little camp. He meets a lone surviving guardman, Bryce has been living alone for the last two weeks. He saw the castle turned to salt. Not much he knows about that. He tells them about the library in town and the sage that runs it., Corbite. Ellalan and Doncan follow the footprints in the sand to Bryce's camp. Bryce is surprised Doncan is alive, believing everyone was dead from being covered in salt. Bryce has seen the Medusa while trying to get food and water from the town, describing her as 8-9 feet tall and wearing tattered sea weedly clothing. He also tells them about how he has been drinking the fluids of the small lizards he finds to survive ("Juice Box Lizards") and how plump those lizards Thineli is carrying are... Meanwhile, Cryus gets close to the ship, sees all the people on board and tries to distract them with an illusion of noise from a nearby house.. Thundermint sneaks up on him.. invites him back to ship but is unable to get an audience with Nomura Nexx so he is just hanging out on the deck with Thundermint and Gakrar (a half orc dressed in fancy leathers that says he is a merchant) and the mercs on the ship. Yeusof and Sir Dawnstar awaken in cells in the hold of the ship, with another prisoner, Lord Laurence. Each is in separate cells and without equipment. Yeusof is bending the ear of Lord Lourace with tales of his ego. Thineli and Ellalan are at a sand dune with the two guards eating weak lizard tail soup.

Will the party come together again?... will they keep wandering in different directions?...

Kill Count=(1xGladiator Fought but lost)+(4xHobgoblin Warrior beating on them)

Exp=(1800/2)+((100x4)/2)=1100/3= 367exp each to Sir Dawnstar, Yeusof and Ellalan. For figuring out how to free victims of salt curse +100, For exploring Castle Sohan +200 to Cryrus and Sir Dawnstar, For attempting parly with mercs +100 Sir Dawnstar, For following the clues on the spear +200 to Thineli, For getting on the ship not as a prisoner +150 to Cryrus, For saying Juicebox Lizards (amusing the GM) +100 to Ellalan.

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 17197, Ellalan 21726, Thineli 23083, Sir Dawnstar 19297, Cyrus Shwing 3080. Thineli can level to 7 and Cyrus Shwing to 4 with a long rest., 

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930, Hej Mallorca 3610.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Campaign recap for 01/27/21

Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Cryrus Shwing (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose), Hej Mallorca (Rumo)

Date in Campaign is: 38th of Grentle

Seeing the thing burrowing through the sand towards them, Ellalan casts Minor Illusion off to the north east, making a drumming noise to try to distract whatever it is. Yuesof and Sir Dawnstar see something sticking out of the sands to the north and head towards it, only to find it is some kind of driftwood like substance that is too small to stand on or hide behind. The bard starts shooting his light crossbow into the sand, hoping for a lucky hit and Thineli turns into a small sand running bird and runs to the south. Ellalan tries to move the drumming noise closer to the thing under the sand as it gets closer. It seems to ignore it and heads towards Yuesof and Sir Dawnstar, about 40 feet from them it bursts out of the sand, revealing a giantantic burrowing armored worm form and spits a spray of Sticky Resin at the two of them. The majority of it misses them and they quickly rips the shreds off of themselves before it hardens. As the glop of it dries it becomes looking like the driftwood object they had run towards. Ellalan tries to push the worm back using Fist of Unbroken Air but the worm is too big. Seeing an outcropping of rocks to the north Ellalan runs towards it and Yeusof follows after throwing javelins at the worm. Sir Dawnstar runs to the worm and starts hacking at it, doing a lot of damage. Thineli finds another outcropping of rock to the south and stays there. The bard keeps shooting his crossbow, hitting the worm. The Sandworm lashes out and bites Sir Dawnstar, almost biting him in half! The bard casts Dissonant Whispers, not realizing the worm has no ability to hear. While in the mouth of the worm Sir Dawnstar continues to hack at the worm before it bites him, leaving him near dead and swallows him. It then turns to head back into the sand.. Yuesof runs to the worm and slashes it, hitting it with his shield. Sir Dawnstar was chewed and swallowed by the sandworm, but Yuesof killed it before escaping with him to digest him. Yuesof cuts into the worm looking for his friend but can't find him till the worm poops him out as it dies. He is still is bad shape. Ellalan comes over to help and stabilizes him. Thineli runs over as a Roadrunner and heals Sir Dawnstar slightly and when he awakes Sir Dawnstar heals himself for all his lay on hands +30hp. As they recover on the rock they found along comes Hej Mallorca walking through the sands...That night they find a seeming safe place to camp and continue for the second day. That day is uneventful. On the third day as they look for a place to camp, they find a largish rock formation that seems to be inhabited by many goblins. Mallorca tries to parlay with them but fails badly and the rest of the party sneaking around puts them on edge. The goblins tell them to leave or die and the party chooses avoiding the Sand Goblin fortress to press on and find a place they can rest. They find a place that is under just the sand, with three inches of sand till you are on rock.. The watches are Sir Dawnstar and Ellalan/Thineli and Yuesof/Hej Mallora and Cyrus. Cyrus hears a hissing noise on his watch.. he wakes up Thineli.. Thineli looks around and see what looks like a tree limb digging into the water sacks...Thineli swings his flame blade at the tree limb thing.. missing.,. Cyrus squalks to wake up everyone... Everyone scrambles to save their water...As Yuesof, Sir Dawnstar, Hej Mallorca and Thineli attack and drive away the vine, Ellalan and Cyrus save what water they can... in the end they have lost 6 days of water.. leaving only 4 days...(started with two weeks (14days) of water). The next day (day 4) they find a small cactus like plant that they hoped would have water but as Sir Dawnstar tries to harvest it most of it goes into the sand. That night they make camp at a secure flat rock and set up watches, same as the night before.,. on first watch... Sir Dawnstar and Ellalan. sitting in their cold fireless camp, when 3 small lizards show up, trying to stay warm.. making a soft murmuring noise. "Let me love you, little lizard!" Ellalan loses her mind and tries to grab them.. failing and kicking Thineli awake.

Thineli casts animal friendship on the lizards, calling them claws, scales and tails. As the sun rises..Thineli and Yuesof on watch,..see a SandWorm cruise by, come at their rock and then head towards a smaller one, flushing out a lizard that is quickly hunted down and eaten... before heading back under the sand. Day 4 is uneventful and by the end of it they see something shining in the distance (water?).. They make camp as usual. During Yuesof and Thineli's watch a fast moving giant turtle with some packs on it's back and a driver passed by their camp but they were unable to attract his attention... They decide to follow the turtle tracks, hoping they will lead to water. At one point Cyrus found a small pouch with 15 goblin teeth. By the end of Day 5, they come to the edge of the desert and see a fort that looks like it is made of bone. There is a port with ships behind the fort.. and a small town.. everything is quiet. There was no noise and no movement. The guards in the fort are unmoving as they approach....


Kill Count=(1xSandWorm)

Exp=(2900/5)=580 exp each except for Hej. For crossing the desert +500. For avoiding the goblin fort +300. For befriending the small lizards (amusing the GM) +100 to Thineli and Ellalan.

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 16730, Ellalan 21159, Thineli 22783, Sir Dawnstar 18530, Cyrus Shwing 2630, Hej Mallorca 3610.

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930.