Saturday, February 27, 2021

Campaign Recap for 02/16/21

 After action for 2/16/21. Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Cryrus Shwing (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose), Hej Mallorca (Rumo)

Date in Campaign is: 44th of Grentle.

Meanwhile in the cells on the Burning Rose, Yeusof is trying to convince the guard he is the "pirate prince". Sir Dawnstar is just making complaints and being noisy.

The guard tries to speak to his Mistress but is rebuffed. He comes back to tell Yeusof she is not going to see him and he responds with 'what will you Mistress do when she realizes you are holding her pirate prince lover captive...". The guard laughs and explains Yeusof's misconceptions.

At the camp of Bryce, Ellalan and Thineli rest and plan to get to the sage at the library.

Cyrus on the ship is taking with the mercenaries and tells them he was prisoner of the perverse nobles that drugs him and he was running to escape them...the two mercenaries that "rescued" Cyrus from the perverted nobles are Lukil and Othrol,

During the night at Bryce's camp, Hej Mallorca shows up, having been lost again. Ellalan brings him up to speed. Bryce draws them a map of the town to the library in the town center. Before dawn, they sneak into Allenstones through Castle Slohan. They encounter nothing on the way to the library. After carefully sneaking through the town, the search around the library, find a side that isn't covered in salt.. and then Hej breaks a window with his axe. At the library, Hej, Ellalan and Thineli rescue Melyer Helkin, the head librarian. She is distressed by the state of the bldg. She directs them to Corbite.. he needs his books however...

OH! Ellalan is thinking if everything is being turned into salt and she is all seaweedy, maybe she needs every living thing’s water?

While breaking free Corbite the sage, Ellalan uses a ki point to hold the poison salt air back.

The Sage uses his books and knowledge to tell them the following: Sotysios Naxxremis, the famous merchant. Made a deal with an entity (think demon, not all are evil) for his daughter to gain great power.

the curse was caused by her father, when she was little.She gained great power but it is uncontrolled and tries to make her do "evil"

She has to pray or meditate at a small shrine there every day. The longer she is away from her manor on her island the more uncontrolled the curse will be.

She is a skilled merchant and was trained to be so by her family. But the curse keeps her on the island except for a trip of a month or two.She has been known to search for the "Tears of an Angel" which may be linked to her cure...

Meanwhile at ship, Yeusof entreats the guard to ask again of his Mistress that he be seen. He tells the Merc that he needs Sir Dawnstar by his side when he talks to her... The merc that delivered Yeusof message comes back dripping wet and smelling of salt and pissed off. Sir Dawnstar breaks the locks on their cells using smite. They wait in their cells to ambush a guard.

Cyrus tells Gakrar, the half orc, that he wants to speak to the Mistress but a guard being covered in salt after delivering a message from a prison and having to be freed.. makes him rethink that so instead he will make a tapestry of a lunar eclipse..

Back at the library, a mysterious voice asks them how they would break the curse. Ellalan covers her eyes hands in a panic thinking it is a Medusa as the halfling steps from the shadows. He tells them the following: On the island she is nice. away, she is more evil, and The pirate prince is a blonde. He tells them to find the "pirate prince" or his body so he can get his Mistress to return to her island. He will help the members of the party on the ship escape so they can go do that. He tells them that Rabid Eye will lead the guards and will not be happy with them.. Corbite is a huge fan of Rabid Eye the Gladiator and has some fanzines of him.. 

Thineli creates distraction at the castle using Summon Lighting. Thundermint sends most of the guards to investigate and Rabid Eye leads them. Thundermint helps the two prisoners and Cyrus escape from the ship, with their equipment and a map to the library and then everyone is together at the library. Ending here... Cliffhanger??

Note to party: Never split the party.

Kill Count=Nothing

For finding the library and freeing the sage +300 Thineli, Ellalan and Hej Mallorca, For breaking out of their cells +200 Sir Dawnstar and Yesof, For lying to the guards and making things worse +200 Cyrus Shwing, For getting jealous of Rabid Eye fans +100 Yeusof (amusing the GM)

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 17497, Ellalan 22026, Thineli 23383, Sir Dawnstar 19297, Cyrus Shwing 3280, Hej Mallorca 3910.

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930, 

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