Saturday, February 27, 2021

Campaign Recap for 02/23/21

 After action for 2/23/21. Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Cryrus Shwing (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose), Hej Mallorca (Rumo)

Date in Campaign is: 45th of Grentle.

In spite of last week's notes telling them which direction they should take, the party decides they will try and break the curse by finding the tears of an Angel. Asking the sage, freeing his books on plants. Corbite tells the party what the flower "tears of an angel" looks like (white and yellow tiger lily) and that it might be at the Pearl Oasis.. (On the other hand Nomora and her companions searched for the tears of angels for years and they did not find it). Corbite wants to free his workers, save his books and go to the Outcast village, the two guards will stay and help him. Ellalan asks if he has any water they can have, but the sage tells them no. Sneaking out of the library, the party looks for a likely house to search for water, Cyrus leading them with his birdlike senses...half the party sounds like a marching band as they sneak but they make it to a nearby small estate. Searching the kitchen of the house they find 4 jugs of water and 12 jugs of wine (and 3 jugs of cooking oil, 3 jugs of dried rice and 1 of dried beans). At the time of looting the manor they party had 2 days of water. each is a jug is about a gallon, 1 day of supply for 1 person. They stuff all the jugs into his Yeusof's ring (1st use of day). With their water supply replenished they head off into the desert. Three hours of walking through the burning sands later.... Ellalan is scouting ahead of the party (interesting and funny confusion about distance, with her scouting 7 feet in front of the party...). She sees an obelisk half buried in the sand. Closer investigation reveals unknown hieroglyphics on it. Some knowledge checks give them a symbol they believe may be Druid or Mage (or Necromancer...) Thineli uses comprehend Languages and touches the obelisk to translate it.. the first thing he reads, as the sand starts to bubble and roll, is do not touch the obelisk of imprisonment. A large Sand Shaman, made of sand rises out of the sand with five Sand Spiders (these were a reskinned Orc War Chief and Giant Spiders). The party makes quick work of these, Cyrus understanding some of the words the Sand Shaman was bellowing "Attack the defilers!" "Don't let them free it!" but things happen so fast he doesn't get a chance to share. With the destruction of the Sand Shaman, the remaining two Sand Spiders crumble back to sand.. and the obelisk also starts to crumble... they hear a mighty bellow from underground "At last! I am free once more!" Cyrus runs forward to try to do something to save the obelisk but sees a shiny metallic blue diamond shape nearby and tries to pull it loose.. Everything seems to stop as a huge Serpentine figure breaks out of the sand, a young Blue Dragon!  It immediately bites Cyrus off his shoulder, where he was trying to pry loose one of his scales.. pinning Cyrus to the sand with a claw, leaving him near death.  Seeing the rest of the party nearby he roars at them "Unknown creatures! Worship me if you wish to live!" Hej says "Of course, Mighty one! May I ask your name to properly worship you?" "I am Nazor, The Taker of Life!" Hej bows and retreats from the dragon, flattering and praising him as he does so. Sir Dawnstar, seeing an evil dragon, casts Vow of Enmity and attacks the dragon slashing it twice!! Thineli pulls out a scorpion and throws it at the dragon, changing it into a giant scorpion that attacks it and poisons it. Yeusof and Ellalan started running when the sand shook and kept running, seeing a pissed off dragon about to kill people... The dragon jumps into the air, getting attacks from both the scorpion and Sir Dawnstar and then blasts them with Lightning Breath!! Thineli falls a charred husk of a drow, Sir Dawnstar is horribly blasted but is somehow still standing, the Giant Scorpion vanishes in a cloud of ash and smoke... Ellalan watches in the distance as she runs, she vows to tell the tale of Sir Dawnstar who stood against a dragon after his friends were fried to a crisp-If she makes it out alive! Ellalan uses Step of the Wind to move faster, leaving behind Yeusof. Sir Dawnstar throws javelins at the hovering dragon...defiant to the end.. Hej runs toward Thineli's smoking body and grabs it up as he keeps running away. Nazor drops from the sky like a bird of prey and savages Sir Dawnstar.. dropping him and pinning his body to the sand. The dragon sees the others run away.. as he starts to eat Sir Dawnstar's corpse. Thineli dies as Hej Mallocra carries his blackened and burned body away (for eating purposes?). Hej takes everything in Thineli's pockets. Hej buries Thinelli and says a prayer to Mallorca for Thinelli's spirit. Ellalan and Yeusof escape into the desert. Hej Mallorca runs far and then starts to track them... Moments later seeing the dragon flying away to the east, they circle around to the site of the massacre.. correction... they do not go back. 

So this tale ends with three dead.. and three still in the desert heading to the Pearl Oasis.

Kill Count=(Sand Shaman)+(Sand Spider x5)+(Young Blue Dragon Undefeated/Evaded)

Exp=1100+(200x5)+(5000/2)=4500/5=900exp each

For gathering water and food without unnecessary pillage +200, For trying to praise and escape the dragon at the same time +200 Hej Mallorca, For scouting “7 feet” in front of the party +100 Ellalan (amusing the GM)

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 18597, Ellalan 23226, Thineli RIP, Sir Dawnstar RIP, Cyrus Shwing RIP, Hej Mallorca 5210. Ellalan can level to 7 with a long rest.

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930.

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