Thursday, February 6, 2020

Desolate Wastes: Campaign Diary 2/4/20

2/4/20: Snake Eyes has a dream and a mysterious voice guides him to a hidden alleyway where he find a magical treasure; A piece of dried magical fruit that gives advantage on saves vs fear and charms for an hour after eating it. He doesn't like it, so goes to Narrine to sell it, getting 200gc. He then has dinner with Narrine and exchanges rumors. Meanwhile, Lord Fatty (human male Cleric 2) enters the city after wandering out of the Desolate Wastes. He has no idea where he is but knows he wants to find a tavern. He winds up at the Maid & Shield. He and Snake Eyes banter a bit then decide to adventure together. Over hearing a rumor that the Black Gate Brewery is overrun by giant rats they head over to it to see what they can do. Snake Eyes remember Pint o' Fish also had a rat problem. At Black Gate they meet the owner, a gnome named Bogdan Gostgot. He tells them there is at least 6 giant rats in there and offers a bounty of 2gc per head and a bonus if they rid the Brewery of all of them. They kill 10 giant rats and 2 rat swarms before Lord Fatty's nerve breaks and he runs off from Snake Eyes and tries to break out of the Brewery. Snake Eyes, covered in a rat swarm, jumps and rolls into a pile of burning nestings and rags to get the swarm off and also runs to the main door, using his crowbar to pry open the door. Lord Fatty runs off into the city. Snake Eyes tries to convince the owner he has killed all the rats but refuses to enter the Brewery, the owner slamming shut the door as a giant rat tries to rush out. Getting no pay, Snake Eyes returns to the Maid & Shield. When Lord Fatty returns shortly after that, he find Snake Eyes drinking and smoking at the bar. Not smoking cigars, just his armor smoking. The next morning, Suntunu the bard shows up, wanting to hear all about the adventure and paying for breakfast. Suntunu goes off to add to his "Snake Eyes Saga song". Snake Eyes and Lord Fatty convince Kiki (male halfling Barbarian 1) to join them to hunt wolves for the Tyrant's bounty on them. They spend the day and kill 7 wolves over two encounters, SE managing to skin two for their furs and LF keeps the tails. LF later uses the tails to quiet the string of his crossbow. Bounty on the wolves is 4gc each (4x7=28gc) and two wolf skins (1gc each), so they each got 10gc.

Sectorbob's Adventure running rules

1- Be prepared.. you only have two hours so should only take you a few minutes to get playing. carry extra pregens, pencils, dice etc.

2- Cut to the chase... NPCs should be pretty direct in their dialog. don't waste time trying to lure or trick players into the right path.. give them maps, clues should be detectable by characters with the right proficiencies (don't care about a roll.. if its important then they get it). Use clue-by-4s as needed.

3- Make the players feel like the heroes of the story... not every combat is or should be life threatening.. (also if it isn't keep it short and violent). Players should feel badass from level 1 as they are noticeably tougher and more skilled then 90% of the people they meet. Use mooks for unimportant foes (a mook is like a regular creature but only has 1hp).

4- Skill rolls... Only people with proficiency roll. Also things that are color or details that add depth to the adventure are gimmes, don't waste time making lots of rolls for bullshit that won't further the adventure. Rolls should only be used for Skill Challenges.

5- Skill Challenges.. this is where you use skill rolls. A skill challenge could be a contest (like an archery contest, a joust or a race), over coming an obstacle (like crossing a chasm or river, climbing a tower, etc) or escaping a deathtrap.. There are a couple of components to a Challenge... 1) Successes needed (usually 4), 2) If there is a time limit how long (in turns), 3) what happens on a failed roll (usually a setback or damage, might be able to avoid with a different skill roll by another player) and 4) what proficiencies are useful in this challenge (see examples below).

6- Spotlight the players.. each player should get a turn being in the spotlight doing what their character is good at.. Fighters in combat, thieves in stealthy things, bards doing whatever they do.. etc. Don't force a player into the spot light as some don't want to be put in it and are playing for other reasons.

7- Each player character is a snowflake.. don't be afraid to make characters feel special.. minor magic, henchman, pets and named items that have history attached to them make players feel special. This leads to PC investment.

8- PC investment. The players should feel that their characters are part of a thing; a team, a region, a world. This is hard in a shortish game, but things that can help are named NPC that appear regularly, family members, friends, NPCs that know them.

9- player agency... players should always feel they have control of their actions and choices. Don't railroad the players or give them no choices. This doesn't mean don't let the players suffer consequences for bad/stupid choices..

Be a fan of the characters.. the best stories are where the heroes beat the odds and come out on top.
The purpose of role playing games is to have fun...if the group isn't having fun you are failing as a Gm.
Your goal as a Gm is to set up a fun environment that makes the players feel heroic and like they mattered to the story.

House Rules
1- Mooks: Included in groups of NPCs and Mobs, basically everything the same as a regular NPC or Mob but only 1 Hit Point.

2- Roll damage at same time as to hit roll. It speeds up combat.

3- For important combats, each major creature will have a hp card (use post-its) that the player that gets the killing blow gets to rip up (player investment for the win!). Or use candy trophies (ala Ken).

4- Magic Items.. should have a card with a name, description and affects on it. And a space for Owner/Attuned to.

5- The main enemies in this campaign area going to be animals, undead and ancient autonomous war machines. I don't want the players killing other sentient beings as a general thing.

6- Ransom and enslavement is more common as everyone wants to live. Players should know if they surrender they will not be killed and most NPCs will feel the same.

7- Morale rules are used so not every fight will go to the last creature standing.

Desolate Wastes: Rules (Morale)

Since I want retreat to be an option for my monsters and NPCs, who might not want to fight to the death, here is a standard based on some rules of thumb for when a unit should retreat or rout.

Check Morale when:

If they lose half their number.
If their leader is killed in a bloody or disgraceful way.
If escape would be easy and more beneficial for their mission.

Opposing factors, those that would have even a coward stay to fight, would be:
Risk of torture or imprisonment.
Their leader inspires them to fight on.
Their leader's death was inspiring and tragic.
The players are clearly going to kill everyone behind them, so they need to stay and protect them.

Roll d20+level or CR of monster plus any opposing factors, on a 10+ morale is good and they continue with their plan, less then 10 they look for escape or surrender (if possible). Use individual checks where feasible.

Desolate Wastes: Rules (Fixed and Levelers)

While most races are Level 0 creatures (or whatever the base for that race is as per Monster Manual etc), there are 2 other types of race members, fixed and levelers. Fixed start out at a random level (usually 2d4 (on a 4 add 4 and re-roll that die)) and stay that level forever. Levers started at level 1 (2 if PCs) and have the potential to go up in level, giving greater stats and more ability slots. Levelers gain Experience Points (or XP) by training, killing monsters and consuming Mana Crystals. Fixed do not gain Experience Points or change level.

360 days in a year, 12 months of 30 days, 6 days in a week, 5 weeks in a month, 60 weeks in a year.
50 hours of training a week possible if in a monastery, school or training facility, 25 hours if working at a job that is similar to class.

Beings that have that speed of training
1 exp per hour (PCs)
1 exp per 2 hours (x2, SuperGenius NPC )
1 exp per 5 hours (x5, Genius NPC)
1 exp per 10 hours (x10, SubGenius NPC)
Exp has no effect (the bulk of all races)

Desolate Wastes: Campaign Diary (Earlier notes)

1/21/20: Asteroid (Julie:Sorcerer 2), Lord Lowdex (Jose:Cleric 2), Maul (Matt:Rogue 2) and Snake Eyes (John:Warrior 2) are in the Maid & Shield drinking and listening to rumors for possible work. They hear about a noble looking for a missing sword, a brewery overrun by giant rats and some hunting missions offered by the Tyrant of the city. They talk to the noble and convince him to let them recover the sword from the Black market. Things go over pretty well except for Lord Lodex bidding all of the gold given to them versus a much smaller bid (200 vs 82 gold). The noble (Amblecrow) rewards them with food and a sigil showing his sponsorship of them. They then head back to the Maid & Shield to try and find out more about this giant rat problem. No one at the tavern knows anything. They find out there are only 3 big breweries in Erindale so they decide to check them one by one. As luck would have it, the first one, Pint o' Fish, is having a giant rat problem. They group goes inside, almost burns down the building but kills all the rats and swarms. They also found clues pointing to the rats being send inside crates and barrels from "Joe's Farm". They were each rewarded with 25gold and a small cask of brandy worth 20gold. Of note, Maul missing a Giant Rat three times in a row, earning the title "Strike of Borrowed Luck" and Asteroid getting critical-ed three times in a single combat, earning the title "I Spurn My Cursed Fate".

1/28/20: Snake Eyes is alone at the Maid & Shield (where he also rents a small room). He is approached by Fann Urchor (Female Human Cleric 1, worshiper of Hardty (God of Change)) and her companion, Suntunu (Male Halfelf Bard 1) who ask him to join them on a quest to recover a lost statue. A vision has lead Fann to believe it will be found at a lost temple that she has a map to. The three of them and two initiates of her Temple head off on mounts to travel to the temple. It is a 3 day journey. On the first day they find a burnt down farm house that housed two Smoke Mephits. They were destroyed and 20silver was recovered. The rest of the journey was uneventful. In the lost Temple, one of the first rooms contained a Gelatinous Cube that almost killed Snake Eyes when he walked into it. He got lose and found another door to get through away from the Cube. Fann used Sacred Flame to kill the Gelly Cube (taking several minutes to do so), while a goblin on patrol almost finished Snake Eyes off but he killed it first. Among the bits of Cube were coins totaling 30gold. The next room held a Goblin Boss, that was woken by Snake Eyes prying open the door with his crowbar. Upon defeating him, his treasure was 2 smokey quartz worth 10gold each and 26gold in various coins. The next room was a goblin den with 10 goblins but they fled when hearing the battle in the other room. A search of this room turned up lots of filth and trash and the statue covered in filth. There was another door with "Gelly Cube!" writing in goblin on it, that they did not search. They leave the temple and head back... right into a goblin ambush.. The goblins kill the two initiates and down Fann. Snake Eyes rides his mount over to the mount with the statue and gallops away with it as fast as he can, pursued by four goblins . Suntunu heals Fann and the two of them drive away the goblins that didn't chase after Snake Eyes. Snake Eyes arrived back at Erindale three days later and hides the statue in his room. Another two days pass and Fann And Suntunu show up. Fann gives Snakes Eyes his share of the loot and takes the statue. Suntunu is pissed off and sings a satirical song about Snake Eyes "When danger reared it's fearsome head, he turned his mount and quickly flee..." Snake Eyes is now level 3.

Desolate Wastes: Places and NPCs (1/21/20)

Maid & Shield, a tavern known as a place where adventurers can be found, with a bartender not named at this time.

Amblecrow: a bureaucratic noble that works for Lord Nilus. Lost the sword, Silvergraft, that was entrusted to him to get repaired. Hires the group to recover the sword at the Black Market. Gave the group 200gp that they spent getting the sword. When they recovered the sword he gave each of them a sigil of his house to let the town guard know they are under his sponsorship. Amblecrow owns a small manor and has two servants, a butler named Alfred and a young maid (unnamed) that sleeps in his bed.

Lord Nilus: mentioned but not appearing. Richest and most powerful noble in the town. Has a son named Richard, that is to be given the sword Silvergraft.

Heron Littlehill: female halfling rogue, drinking at maid & shield.

Kordal Slowwalk: male halfling rogue, drinking at maid & shield. Friend of Maul.

Black Market, secret floating auction that meets at various locations in the town. Different days has different types of items. Located at the corner of Dark and Darker streets. Run by unknown persons wearing dirty jester motley. Items sold that night were a Bracer of Fire Resistance, Silvergraft, A crystal that made tones when pressed with a finger tip and a +1 Battleaxe. All items were bought by separate unknown persons.

Breweries: There are three breweries in the town, they are:
Pint o' Fish: Located towards the center of town, has a largest warehouse/ brewery that was infested with giant rats (and some rat swarms). The group killed all the rats and found clues pointing to the rats being sent by "Joe's Farm" (subject to change). They were each rewarded with 25gc and a small cask of brandy worth 20gc. Pint o' Fish is owned by John Fish.
Black Gate: Located by the Blackgate of the town (the eastern gate). Not visited nothing else known.
Hobble Lich: Located outside of town, about 30min by horse, 1hr walking, northwest direction. Not visited nothing else known.

Mages that may make or sell magic items: None visited, only their names were mentioned. The three names were Harde, Gotta and Kater Seve. These are notable town folk and easily known.

Deolate Wastes: Creatures, Places and NPCs (Eariler Notes)

Past notes sent as messages via text.

Atlina: Large stocky dog like creatures used in place of horses, stats as horse with bite instead of a hoof attack.

Sorg: Largest city in the area, has a population of over 200k.

Erindale: A city of 25k, 3 days mounted travel to the north west of Sorg. About 40 km from the edge of the Desolate Wastes. Main setting of the Campaign.

Desolate Wastes: A harsh desert environment enclosing an area of 50 km radius. The closer to the center the harsher  and weirder it gets. Due to an unknown magical field, ruins, temples and dungeons from many times and places appear in the DW and then vanish after a few days. The edge of the DW has many savage tribes that believe the area to be holy and will drive away or kill intruders (though some tribes will accept offerings and bribes to let explorers and knowledge seekers enter for a limited time).

Kichi Coni, a wandering merchant, has a rich and cultured manner. Has a large wagon served by two Atlina and travels with two mercenaries, Ezth and Helcatl. He is usually based out of the city of Sorg.

Narrine, Kichi's factor in the town of Erindale. A shrewd Trader with a very raspy voice, he is short with brown skin and wears embroidered robes.

Brogan, a warrior that makes his living exploring ruins in the Desolate Wastes. Has a lot of experience dealing with the tribes that guard that area. Has a small wagon with a well trained Atlina called Motwa.

Ursula, a rogue that works with Brogan, very quiet and moody.

Morth, a wizard that joined the party to explore the Desolate Wastes. Does sleight of hand magic tricks and has doves hidden in his robes.

The Gruesome Egg: An inn in Erindale known to adventures and merchants.

Small portal Station: A small building buried in sand made of some unknown plastic-like material. inside were three rooms. Room one contained a Golem servant the players hacked apart. Room two had a control station that give views and full sensory feedback to the person sitting in the chair, i.e. you could tastes, smell and feel as well, the key to the array in room 3 was found here. In the third room there was a transporter array that took them to a underground water treatment facility.

Large underground water treatment facility: Large carefully and smoothly carved underground chamber with a giant artificial lake in the center. Lots of worker Golems and several security Golems. Much was unexplored by the time the players fled the area but findings included, a factory area with Snake Men captives forced to work, several storage rooms filled with pipes and fittings, a changing station for the Golems, and a trophy room/ Museum filled with cases of artifacts from different times and places. It's also connected to an underground tunnel system with a Snake Men Village and a destroyed Bandit camp (with a exit to a desert area).

Golem: Used to refer to any type of autonomous creature, humanoid or other, that was crafted by magic or other means rather than born. Warforged would be Golems under this meaning. Note this does not mean that they are all intelligent and or self willed but rather that they are self-motivated via programming or other means.

Flaming Skeletons: Skeletons with a flaming aura (all in contact must make Save 10 vs Dex or take 1 HP from flames).

Druck, a Half Orc warrior that is a undead hunter. Was the teacher of Tombstone. Druck knows Undead Bane and Undead Fear, and knows rituals for teaching others.

Helton Farm: A large farm about 14Km from Erindale. Had a problem with wolves raiding and destroying crops and livestock.

Ned Helton, Owns a farm, has a daughter named Kath (and a son), widower, was married to a werewolf.

Torren, A minor noble that lives in Erindale, wanted to marry Kath, but was driven off and has vanished. Not much else is known (Killed by Rodnar?).

Kath Helton, Daughter of Ned, has some Werewolf blood, pretty, hard working.

Rodnar (Helton), Son of Ned, is a Wolfwere, was in love with Kath (did not know she was his sister), is the Alpha wolf of a large pack of Wolves. Last seen heading to the west with his pack.

Desolate Wastes Campaign

This is where I will be sticking the campaign notes, recaps etc for the campaign I am currently running on Tuesdays at The Gamer's Gauntlet in Mamaroneck. I was originally running this in Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells but the players complained it was too simple and not DnD 5e. So now I am running in 5e with some modifications.
The heading of the post will tell you what the post is about: Diary, NPCs, Places and Rules. More headings as needed.