Thursday, February 6, 2020

Desolate Wastes: Campaign Diary 2/4/20

2/4/20: Snake Eyes has a dream and a mysterious voice guides him to a hidden alleyway where he find a magical treasure; A piece of dried magical fruit that gives advantage on saves vs fear and charms for an hour after eating it. He doesn't like it, so goes to Narrine to sell it, getting 200gc. He then has dinner with Narrine and exchanges rumors. Meanwhile, Lord Fatty (human male Cleric 2) enters the city after wandering out of the Desolate Wastes. He has no idea where he is but knows he wants to find a tavern. He winds up at the Maid & Shield. He and Snake Eyes banter a bit then decide to adventure together. Over hearing a rumor that the Black Gate Brewery is overrun by giant rats they head over to it to see what they can do. Snake Eyes remember Pint o' Fish also had a rat problem. At Black Gate they meet the owner, a gnome named Bogdan Gostgot. He tells them there is at least 6 giant rats in there and offers a bounty of 2gc per head and a bonus if they rid the Brewery of all of them. They kill 10 giant rats and 2 rat swarms before Lord Fatty's nerve breaks and he runs off from Snake Eyes and tries to break out of the Brewery. Snake Eyes, covered in a rat swarm, jumps and rolls into a pile of burning nestings and rags to get the swarm off and also runs to the main door, using his crowbar to pry open the door. Lord Fatty runs off into the city. Snake Eyes tries to convince the owner he has killed all the rats but refuses to enter the Brewery, the owner slamming shut the door as a giant rat tries to rush out. Getting no pay, Snake Eyes returns to the Maid & Shield. When Lord Fatty returns shortly after that, he find Snake Eyes drinking and smoking at the bar. Not smoking cigars, just his armor smoking. The next morning, Suntunu the bard shows up, wanting to hear all about the adventure and paying for breakfast. Suntunu goes off to add to his "Snake Eyes Saga song". Snake Eyes and Lord Fatty convince Kiki (male halfling Barbarian 1) to join them to hunt wolves for the Tyrant's bounty on them. They spend the day and kill 7 wolves over two encounters, SE managing to skin two for their furs and LF keeps the tails. LF later uses the tails to quiet the string of his crossbow. Bounty on the wolves is 4gc each (4x7=28gc) and two wolf skins (1gc each), so they each got 10gc.

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