Thursday, February 6, 2020

Desolate Wastes: Places and NPCs (1/21/20)

Maid & Shield, a tavern known as a place where adventurers can be found, with a bartender not named at this time.

Amblecrow: a bureaucratic noble that works for Lord Nilus. Lost the sword, Silvergraft, that was entrusted to him to get repaired. Hires the group to recover the sword at the Black Market. Gave the group 200gp that they spent getting the sword. When they recovered the sword he gave each of them a sigil of his house to let the town guard know they are under his sponsorship. Amblecrow owns a small manor and has two servants, a butler named Alfred and a young maid (unnamed) that sleeps in his bed.

Lord Nilus: mentioned but not appearing. Richest and most powerful noble in the town. Has a son named Richard, that is to be given the sword Silvergraft.

Heron Littlehill: female halfling rogue, drinking at maid & shield.

Kordal Slowwalk: male halfling rogue, drinking at maid & shield. Friend of Maul.

Black Market, secret floating auction that meets at various locations in the town. Different days has different types of items. Located at the corner of Dark and Darker streets. Run by unknown persons wearing dirty jester motley. Items sold that night were a Bracer of Fire Resistance, Silvergraft, A crystal that made tones when pressed with a finger tip and a +1 Battleaxe. All items were bought by separate unknown persons.

Breweries: There are three breweries in the town, they are:
Pint o' Fish: Located towards the center of town, has a largest warehouse/ brewery that was infested with giant rats (and some rat swarms). The group killed all the rats and found clues pointing to the rats being sent by "Joe's Farm" (subject to change). They were each rewarded with 25gc and a small cask of brandy worth 20gc. Pint o' Fish is owned by John Fish.
Black Gate: Located by the Blackgate of the town (the eastern gate). Not visited nothing else known.
Hobble Lich: Located outside of town, about 30min by horse, 1hr walking, northwest direction. Not visited nothing else known.

Mages that may make or sell magic items: None visited, only their names were mentioned. The three names were Harde, Gotta and Kater Seve. These are notable town folk and easily known.

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