Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sectorbob's Adventure running rules

1- Be prepared.. you only have two hours so should only take you a few minutes to get playing. carry extra pregens, pencils, dice etc.

2- Cut to the chase... NPCs should be pretty direct in their dialog. don't waste time trying to lure or trick players into the right path.. give them maps, clues should be detectable by characters with the right proficiencies (don't care about a roll.. if its important then they get it). Use clue-by-4s as needed.

3- Make the players feel like the heroes of the story... not every combat is or should be life threatening.. (also if it isn't keep it short and violent). Players should feel badass from level 1 as they are noticeably tougher and more skilled then 90% of the people they meet. Use mooks for unimportant foes (a mook is like a regular creature but only has 1hp).

4- Skill rolls... Only people with proficiency roll. Also things that are color or details that add depth to the adventure are gimmes, don't waste time making lots of rolls for bullshit that won't further the adventure. Rolls should only be used for Skill Challenges.

5- Skill Challenges.. this is where you use skill rolls. A skill challenge could be a contest (like an archery contest, a joust or a race), over coming an obstacle (like crossing a chasm or river, climbing a tower, etc) or escaping a deathtrap.. There are a couple of components to a Challenge... 1) Successes needed (usually 4), 2) If there is a time limit how long (in turns), 3) what happens on a failed roll (usually a setback or damage, might be able to avoid with a different skill roll by another player) and 4) what proficiencies are useful in this challenge (see examples below).

6- Spotlight the players.. each player should get a turn being in the spotlight doing what their character is good at.. Fighters in combat, thieves in stealthy things, bards doing whatever they do.. etc. Don't force a player into the spot light as some don't want to be put in it and are playing for other reasons.

7- Each player character is a snowflake.. don't be afraid to make characters feel special.. minor magic, henchman, pets and named items that have history attached to them make players feel special. This leads to PC investment.

8- PC investment. The players should feel that their characters are part of a thing; a team, a region, a world. This is hard in a shortish game, but things that can help are named NPC that appear regularly, family members, friends, NPCs that know them.

9- player agency... players should always feel they have control of their actions and choices. Don't railroad the players or give them no choices. This doesn't mean don't let the players suffer consequences for bad/stupid choices..

Be a fan of the characters.. the best stories are where the heroes beat the odds and come out on top.
The purpose of role playing games is to have fun...if the group isn't having fun you are failing as a Gm.
Your goal as a Gm is to set up a fun environment that makes the players feel heroic and like they mattered to the story.

House Rules
1- Mooks: Included in groups of NPCs and Mobs, basically everything the same as a regular NPC or Mob but only 1 Hit Point.

2- Roll damage at same time as to hit roll. It speeds up combat.

3- For important combats, each major creature will have a hp card (use post-its) that the player that gets the killing blow gets to rip up (player investment for the win!). Or use candy trophies (ala Ken).

4- Magic Items.. should have a card with a name, description and affects on it. And a space for Owner/Attuned to.

5- The main enemies in this campaign area going to be animals, undead and ancient autonomous war machines. I don't want the players killing other sentient beings as a general thing.

6- Ransom and enslavement is more common as everyone wants to live. Players should know if they surrender they will not be killed and most NPCs will feel the same.

7- Morale rules are used so not every fight will go to the last creature standing.

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