Friday, October 23, 2020

Campaign Recaps from 05/05/20 to 06/16/20

 5/5/20 Lord Fatty/Thineli/Ellalan/JohanaHex+(Lars-rescued woodsman) make it to the river, see the island, some giant crabs in a small semi-submerged ruin. Thineli animal friendships one and winds up having the feed the pack of 4 giant crabs. Rest of group goes to island and saves Godwin (another woodsman), they have some difficulty with Swarm of Quippers but chase them off using the crabs.. then have to fight three of them (Exp (150+50)/4) 50exp each. Thineli loots a Crab Claw (can be crafted to a dagger). They continue up the beach and encounter the camp of Earl Wallace Viktir, whom is very cold and rude to them, refusing to join them or even let them enter his camp/clearing. The party retreats and debate about making a raft and escaping down river but decide to head back around and seek another way forward. Returning to the Druid's Clearing (area F) they encounter a group of 5 Twig Blights and 3 Needle Blights (Exp 275/4) 69exp each, +100exp each for rescuing Godwin and not fighting with Viktir. 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 2149, JohanaHex 2170, Lord Fatty 1483, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 3058, Yeusof 1450.


5/12/20 Lord Fatty/Thineli/Ellalan/JohanaHex+(Lars+Godwin-rescued woodsman) heading from the Druid's Clearing (area F) group makes it to Central Hollow (area B). They enter and fight with Nergis, Mother of Briars and four Thorn Wolves. Lots of injuries, no deaths, Nergis escapes into the woods. Lord Fatty skins a Thorn Wolf recovering a hide. The party decides to take a long rest setting up watches (JohanaHex/Lord Fatty/Ellalan/Thineli). They are attacked three times during the night (4 Twig Blights/ Ving blight+ Needle blight/ 4 Needle Blights). They receive (Exp 750/4) 188Exp, plus (Exp 350/4) 87exp for driving off Nergis.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 2424, JohanaHex 2445, Lord Fatty 1758, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 3333, Yeusof 1450.


05/19/20: Lord Fatty/Thineli/Ellalan/JohanaHex/Yuseof+(Lars+Godwin-rescued woodsman) 

Following the twisty narrow path to the north, north west the party enters a large clearing.. looking in they see several twig blights standing around in the sunlight. They rush in a start smashing them, wakening the other plant creatures here and Nergis in her tent, In the end they drive away Nergis and defeat 6x Twig Blights, 2x Needle Blights, a Thorn Wolf and 3x Briar Child (150+100+100+300+350=1000exp/5=200Exp each). During the battle Ellalan had summoned two fey creatures (A Dire Wolf and a Giant Badger) that harried Nergis, drove her back to her tent and then into the woods to escape. Ellalan started harvesting the body of the BriarChild that was undigested by Thineli Toad...Meanwhile Thineli, JohanaHex, Lord Fatty and Yeusof crowd into the smelly hide tent that Nergis left behind in her escape. Thineli finds scraps of bones, fur, leaves.. and they a dark brown carved wood box, with elaborate designs all over it.. he quickly opens the lid and a Thunderwave trap engulfs the three of them, blowing the tent to scraps and sending them all injured thumbling away from the text...Ellalan comes over to help, stabilizes JohanaHex. She notices the Bag of Tricks animals almost entering the forest so he walks over and finds an area with a hidden nature shrine. She is very confused by it, thinking it is evil and should destroy it but the area seems to calm her down. The rest of the group follow her to the shrine area. Ellalan searches the leaves at the base of the shrine and finds a healing potion (that she used on Johana), a scroll case and a glass jar.This glass jar, 3 inches in diameter, contains 1d4 + 1 doses of a thick mixture that smells faintly of aloe. The jar and its contents weigh 1/2 pound. As an action, one dose of the ointment can be swallowed or applied to the skin. The creature that receives it regains 2d8 + 2 hit points, ceases to be poisoned, and is cured of any disease. Keoghtom's Ointment 3 doses. Scroll case contains Shield 1st lvl spell.  After a big battle in this clearing the players decide to rest near the nature shrine. Short or Long...It's 7am... and they have been moving for an hour...Thineli determines that if they take a rest here they will each gain Inspiration.

Exp is 200exp per person.. +25Exp surviving the thunder trap, +50 exp for Ellalan for finding the shrine. 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 2699, JohanaHex 2670, Lord Fatty 1983, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 3583, Yuseof 1700.


05/26/20 the party takes a short rest burning all their hit dice, except for Yuseof saving 1. Then they decide to head south. They enter and see a man trapped in a cage of bark and leaves in a large oak tree. They decide to free him and discover the two large trees in the center are Awakened!! They battle 2x Awakened Trees, 4x Needle Blights and 1x Whirlwind of Leaves (900+200+450=1550/5=334Exp each). The party returns back to the area from before and waits till nightfall to take a long rest...Encounter rolls are 4x1d6=5+5+4+1, so on the 16 hour 3 thorn wolves attack and are killed (50x3=150/5=30Exp). Party to take a long rest, Watch order is Thineli, Yeusof, JohnaHex, Ellanlan, 2hrs each. The night passes slowly but without incident. In the morning,  JohnaHex and Ellanlan are 4th lvl. Now it is 6am of the third day! the group enters the Earl's clearing and convinces him that they know the way out.. Ellalan summons a Giant Elk that slows the groups down by a lot as they slowly wind their way back to the logging camp. When they enter the clearing with the massive tree stump, they see a giant tree waiting for them to enter the clearing... It is Onnu, the nature spirit! It monologues a bit and the Nergis appears. They run into battle and after three turns we end on a cliffhanger... in the middle of a massive battle.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 3073, JohanaHex 3044, Lord Fatty 2357, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 3957, Yuseof 2074. no Exp from the current battle added. 


06/09/20 Death count is Omnu, the Nature Spirit, Awakened Tree, 3 Briar Childs, 3 twig blights, 1 needle blight, Nergris escaped.Chunks of Crystallized Mana.. Each can be turned in a potion by an Alchemist DC 10 common, 12 uncommon, 16 rare, 20 very rare. A fail ruined the chunk, each attempt takes 4 hrs.  Returning to the scene of where Nergis's tent was, they can see someone has been digging in the debris.. they find a chest that has been opened and the contains spread about.. left about is 900 cp, 7000 sp, 3000 gp, Lacquered Wooden Vase (250 gp), Silver Ewer (250 gp), Circlet of Blasting (uncommon, dmg 158)

thineli keeps the circlet of blasting.

Loot is worth 3579gold/5= 596.5gold

Exp =2300+450+600+75+50+350=3825/6=637.5

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 3710, JohanaHex 3681, Lord Fatty 2994, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 4594, Yuseof 2684. 


06/16/20 Riding back to Erindale from haunted forest, 1.5 days on Acuna. 3 encounter rolls. Nothing was encountered. The party purchases various things. 

JohnnaHex spends nine days and with a total expense of 50+50+180+180=460gp Johnna has his cloak of protection. Thineli brings his drake fangs to a jeweler and has then has them worked into a silver necklace worth 50gp, (costing 25gp) He wants to enchant it to give INT 19 (Uncommon), He hires a wizard to assist him in enchanting (100gp). 5x30gp=150gp, five days later the item is destroyed in an enchanting mishap... 250gp down the drain... Lord Fatty wants to enchant his shield to be able to cast Bless once a day. He hires an assistant for 100gps. and starts the nine days of enchanting...10days later...1 failure... he has his shield finished... 10x20=200gp and it is finished!

The party goes to the Black Market (run by the Black Masquerade, a thieves guild that dresses as grimy clowns and jesters). The party buys several things.. Most notable is a Magic Longsword for Yeusof. (It's embossed and runed Longsword +1 to hit, +1d6 Frost damage, bought for 555gp). Lord Fatty bought a Pocket Battle Deamon (silver and copper 1str Centaur). Eallalan bought 5 minor climbing potions.

The party decides to return to the Ruined temple that Thineli had escaped from in the past... leaving behind his friends, Asteroid, StormShadow and Lord Lodex....

The journey to the Ruined Temple will take 1 day by Acunca back. Six encounter rolls for the day and then 4 for the night. During the second watch six goblins attack the camp from the northwest. JohnnaHex is on watch, awakes others and they head out into the darkness to kill the goblins. 

The party kills the six goblins that attacked from the north but failed to notice the other goblins stealing four of their mounts and gear. JohnnaHex has the only mount left. 

Exp for battling the goblins is (6x50)=300/6=50Exp. Bonuses +100 each to JohanaHex, Lord Fatty and Thineli for enchanting. +50 each for visiting the Black Market.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 3810, JohanaHex 3881, Lord Fatty 3194, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 4794, Yuseof 2784.

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