Saturday, April 10, 2021

Campaign Recap for 03/16/2021

 After action for 03/16/2021. Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Ironhide (John), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: 47th of Grentle, ending at 49th.

Running from the Sorrow Pits the party realizes there are three directions they can run in. They can try and circle around widely and then go back to Kallamos or head out into the darkness and keep going until they reach the farmlands hiding there or finally head out into the darkness into the nearby small stands of trees and see if they can hide there. They choose the stands of trees heading out into the blackness without using any lights being guided mostly by Elkas and Solaris. The reek coming off IronHide makes them keep him towards the back of the party (lead by a rope?). Finally after about half hour of heading through the moonless night they reach a stand of trees and move about ten feet beyond that. Looking back they can see the Sorrow Pits and shanty town are lit by multiple torches and figures moving about. After an hour of watching they see there are less figures and most of the torches gone. They can see a few groups moving out into the darkness looking for them. A hungry Brown Bear is drawn to the smell of IronHide, almost kills Elkas before being driven off. The party uses some of their water to wash IronHide, scrubing him with branches and leaves. Meanwhile, A group of five Blue Stripes has been tracking them.. moving closer and closer.. till they get with in bow shot... 150 feet. Elkas comes up with a plan and uses Dancing Lights to distract the Blue Stripes and head into the stand of woods away from them. The party over hears "metal demon must die" and then they see the hunters enter the woods and then exit an hour later saying they must have lost them.. the Blue Stripes return to Kallamos. The party spends most of the night hiding in the small stand of trees. Heading back to Kallamos just before dawn. Thinking IronHide is the metal demon the Blue Stripes talked about, they try to figure out a disguise for IronHide. They settle on putting his cloak on and keeping his head covered and mouth shut. Iron Hide and Solaris go to the Main or South Gate. There they overhear merchants talking about a Wizard at Sorrow Pits with a hoard of Ghouls and a metal Demon. The demon is described as over nine feet tall and with glowing wings. Solaris tries to plant a casual rumor about a Druid who turned into a bear at the sorrow Pits with a hoard of ghouls (She keeps at it though nothing supports it).P'wox and Elkas go to the North Gate and see a handbill with the account of the Blue Stripes saving the city from a hoard of ghouls from the Sorrow Pits. A drawing shows a demonic Meltara summoning and blasting stuff, a horde of Ghouls crawling out of the pits and a giant winged metal demon in the background (looks like a heavy metal album cover). They all make it back to the Lucky Steer. All of the people in the tavern seem to think they screwed up. Solaris thinks Alshu might send them off to a convent or something (not to use to the outside world)... Taking a Long Rest, everyone levels up. P'wox goes to the Bleeding Heart but is unable to weedle any potions from them as they have send all their available healing potions to the Blue Stripes as a thank you for saving the city. He is amazed by the hero worship of the Blue Stripes. He keeps over hearing random people praising the Blue Stripes for saving the town and repelling the "demon horde". The Blue Stripes have the corpses of the slain Zombies and Ghouls chained to the Bayview Tower with placards saying "Zombie" and "Ghouls slayed by the heroic Captain Awen". Broken Baron explains how and it is bad for the Blue Stripes to be popular with the city folks. The party finally gets a meeting with Alshu, he tells them that he is greatly disappointed in them and in their performance and their inability to follow directions. He tells them he is going to find something for them to do outside of the city until the 'heat' dies down and then send them back to the Lucky Steer to wait.

Game Note: The party has 4 Heat on them, see other post for Heat rules.

Kill count=(Brown Bear Defeated)+(5xBlue Strike Elites Avoided/Escaped from)

Exp=(200)+(5x450x1/4)=695/5=139 exp each

For Escaping the Sorrow Pits and the approaching Blue Stripes +200, For clever use of Dancing Lights to trick trackers +100 Elkas

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 1274, Elkas 1374, Solaris 1274, Meltara 1274, Ironhide 1324.

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