Sunday, April 11, 2021

Campaign Recap for 04/06/2021

 After action for 04/06/2021. Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose), Sir Moonknight (John)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 53th of Grentle, ending at 55th

P'wox and Solaris are running through the marsh, sure that the Lizardmen are in pursuit. P'wox and Solaris run towards where they believe the village is. Solaris thinks she failed as a cleric because two of our friends just died. Meltara is semi conscious, hears and feels two people cleaning his wounds. "He isn't from the village. Could he be a demon worshiper?"  Elkas, when he exited the cave, went in the direction of the village.. or so he thought. He runs, rushes through the march for 30 minutes before realizing he is not heading towards the village. He stops, looks at the sun, feels the wind and totally heads in the wrong direction. Meanwhile, Sir Moonknight walks into the village and meets with Grandpa and company, joining him on his interviews and learns a few things about the villagers. Sir Moonknight is a young paladin. About an hour later P'wox and Solaris show at the inn looking bedraggled and hungry. Solaris frowns and it's the first time you see her sad because she knows two of her friends are  deceased. Elkas finds a small cottage with an strangely knowledgeable old woman.. She gave him some soup and then reads his palms. Things she says while reading his palms: "You haven't met your father yet...not your real father", "Your brother is evil do not trust him, but you also haven't met him" Finally she says “tell the king that you remember the old ways and will fight to defend the hearth and spawn.” “You can just call me....*pause* sally.” She points him towards the village and sends him on his way. At the Inn Grandpa listens to P'wox and Solaris's tale and explains them what they did wrong. He is also talking to the drivers and some villagers having them complete some missions for him. (hunting?) About an hour after that Elkas showed up at the inn. Elkas freshens up and then gathers the party to tell them his tale. Elkas' tale: this unknown force drove me through the marsh, leading me to the cottage of Sally of The Marsh. "She told me what I need to do, we have to get to the cave before Grandpa!" The PC's run out of the village and head towards the Lizardman cave as darkness falls. Meanwhile Grandpa is wondering where these assholes are… He waits for about an hour before heading off with his cart.  Elkas gives his gear to his friends and then disrobes as he enters the cave...The first thing he sees when he enters is the remains of Ironhide, leaning with his back to a wall, obviously dead. Elkas thinks "I guess he kicked the bucket" making a reference to Ironhide having a bucket-like head (this was as funny as it sounds but I added it here cause it was memorable). He enters further and as a Lizardman is about to javelin his ass to heaven (kick the bucket smh)..Elkas throws up his hands and says "Wait! I am not an enemy! I'm a friend! I have a message for the King!" The King comes forth and demands an explanation. Elkas apologies for the attack on their nest and repeats what Sally had told him "I remember the old ways and will fight to defend the hearth and spawn." The King listens.. then has Elkas follow him to the Hall of Old Elders.. which are animated mummified heads. The heads initially are against him but he shouts his line over and over, eventually gaining the favor of the elders (GM note, there was a bit where he started telling the heads his backstory but the King told him this isn't a therapy session and just say your line..). The large altar like stone in the center of the room splits open and a wood and crystal staff arises from it. The King tells Elkas to take the staff and then leads him to the prisoner area. He tells Elkas that there were three humans that were demon worshipers that were discovered performing a ritual and killed when they fought, two others were found out away from the village at night and were captured and finally, the demi-human that was captured from Elkas' party Meltara. "He has the stink of demons on him.. about his face and rear end!"  The Lizard king gives Elkas the 3 prisoners, Meltara, June and Rollo. Elkas leaves with the prisons but has loads of confusion regarding what is happening and what happened. He ties up June and Rollo, telling the others they are demon worshippers. Meltara defends them but then Elkas accuses him. As they are talking and questioning June and Rollo, Grandpa and company shows up with his cart. Grandma has the cart taken to the front of the cave and then yells out in Draconic to the Lizardmen. "Unknown commarders, accept these gifts of meat for services and for misunderstands." The King comes out and looks at the cart filled with 2 deer, 2 pigs and two strings of 10 rabbits. "Very well, the misunderstanding is the past, we look towards the present and future." They take the meat and return to the cave. Grandpa had already discovered proof of the demon worshippers at the village. Everyone walks back to inn at the village. A big party is held for the safe return of June and Rollo. Their families agree to let them marry and they are given a small farm that belonged to one of the slain demon worshippers. Sir Moon Knight joins the party, farewells to Ironhide. During the celebration at the inn after several hours, there is a knock at the door.. When the door is checked Ironhide's body is left in front of the inn. Grandpa says "They normally eat their eat and kills but I guess they have no use for a metal being." They bury Ironhide at one of the local graveyards. A long rest and then they had off in the morning. Meltara tells Elkas the reason the Lizardman King smelled demon on him "My boyfriend's a demon, end of story." While on route to Weepmire, 4hours into the mostly quiet trip, Solaris sees something on the road ahead and calls out for the wagons to stop...Two wrecked wagons in the distance, almost directly on the trail. Grandpa tells them "Ok boys and girl, go investigate and earn your pay." They stop about 200 feet from the wagons and let the party go ahead on foot. The north wagon turned out to be a group of four mimics waiting for goblins or what not to investigate. They got a couple of shots against the party but one of the mimics broke and ran slowly away, yelling "They have casters! Fuck this!". Two of the other mimics yelled at him to come back "Narg don't run away!" "Don't leave us you bitch!" The party kills the three remaining mimics after a few rounds. The wagon is in bad repair and the mimics were using their bodies to make it look more complete using the nearby other wrecked wagon as a model. While the rest of the party investigates the wagon and mimics bodies, Sir Moon Knight decides to chase the last one. Solaris looks at the mimic bodies, trying to figure out how and what to harvest from them...icky! Elkas is trying (poorly) to set fire to the south wagon. They suddenly realize that Sir Moonknight is missing... Meanwhile.. Sir Moonknight follows the trail of the mimic that had run off. It changed shape a few times but he keeps tracking it. A few minutes later he had found that last mimic. He runs up and fights with it. It was a close battle but the Mimic won. It grabbed his body and continued it's escape. The mimic would have a hearty meal...Moments later, The party decides to find Sir Moonknight, looking for his footprints. Solaris finds the scene of Sir Moonknight's final battle and bits of armor the mimic had spit out. (GM note: Like a person walking eating crab and spitting out pieces of shell) RIP Sir  Moonknight...Solaris is saddened by losing another comrade. They head back to the wagons to determine what to do next..

Kill count=(3xMimic)

Exp=(3x450)=1350/5=270 exp each

For Repairing associations with the LizardMen +200, Defending June And Rollo +150 (Meltara), Entering the Lizardmen cave unarmed and undressed +100 (Elkas). 

Elkas obtained a +1 Quarterstaff.

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 2254, Elkas 2504, Solaris 2254, Meltara 2354, Sir Moonknight RIP.

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