Saturday, April 10, 2021

Heat or What happens when you're too flashy for your own good.

 Heat is the measure of how much unwanted attention you’re getting from the local community. A city starts at 0 Heat. After each adventure, roll 1d20. If the total is equal or less than the community’s Heat, the Heroes will have to either move on or the adventure will have the Plot elements that revolve around coping with the consequences of their notoriety.  

Heroes earn Heat by becoming either too problematic or too useful to the local powers. A cleric who’s constantly healing the sick with potent magic can find herself suddenly “invited” to be the permanent physician of the local magistrate while a regular head-breaker might find himself sought for punishment by the city watch captain. A hero who wins an adventure that revolves around dealing with their Heat can decrease it by 1d4+1 points.

Aside from Heat the GM might add to your total when it seems narratively appropriate, Heroes can also gain Heat by choosing to solve Challenges in ways that could come back to haunt you. If you beat a Challenge with magic in a way that others might hear about, roll 1d20. If the roll is less than the total levels of spells used in the Challenge, add (1d4+ Highest Level of Spells used) Heat. Strong magic makes rulers nervous. If you beat a Challenge with violence and your opponents are not socially-acceptable targets for brutal disposal, add 1d4 Heat to the community. If they’re very sympathetic figures, add 2d4 Heat. Spells cast in combat might fall afoul of the prior rule as well..

Note: These rules are taken almost verbatim from Scarlet Heroes by Kevin Crawford.  

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