Saturday, April 10, 2021

Campaign Recap for 03/28/2021

After action for 03/28/2021. Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Ironhide (John), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 52th of Grentle, ending at 53th

When we last left our adventurers, they were in a barn and everyone was either asleep or had succumb to a sleep spell except for Ironhide who is in rest mode. Rest mode is he is awake but motionless. Ironhide saw several humanoids in dark cloaks and large furry footwear silently enter the barn. He reactivated his movement systems and moved towards them... and was shut down by another sleep spell cast be an unknown watcher. (GM Note: I expected him to stay quiet and learn stuff before moving but that did not happen....) The next thing that happens is Ironhide and Solaris are awaken by a loud slam noise.. looking around they realize they had been bespelled.. Solaris runs to the inn to tell Grandpa and wake everyone up. Ironhide checks the wagons but is unable to determine if anything had be taken or even moved. Solaris bangs on Grandpa's door and wakes everyone.. when they had down to the inn's main room, there is a note left on the bar.. it has a musical symbol on it. Grandpa reads it and tell everyone to go back to sleep "We all have things to investigation in the morning..." Solaris takes out her incense and says a prayer,  keeping the incense burning all night. "just in case...demons..." As they have breakfast Grandpa explains what happened.. the Mysterious Notes (notes like in music) gang checked the wagons and people looking for slavers and demon worshippers. Local peoples are missing in the area and they are concerned, they recognised the Reign of Peace symbol on the boxes and gear and want no trouble with them. Grandma returns in the morning to tell the group that there are lizard men in the area. As far as any of the locals know the lizardmen were killed and driven away decades ago. After an investigation the party finds that 5 people are missing along with a large number of live stock (pigs, sheep, etc). The only thing the people has in common was being out really late at night. Solaris sings lore and tales she knows of the Lizard men (to the theme of the song from Spiderman). The party is sent to investigate a one set of tracks while Grandpa, Grandma and the drivers investigate another. The party follow some footprints of lizardfolk near a farm, leads them to a nearby farm where a few sheep were taken. Following the prints, they travel a few hours away from the village to some foothills, with lots of marshy ground near by. The prints lead to a largish cave opening. They vote and decide to enter the cave during daylight. Solaris casts Aid on Ironhide, P'wox and herself raising their hp by 5. Entering the caves they realize there are a lot of Lizardmen there (GM note:  I "accidentally" left the lights on the map, revealing their numbers), but they decide to charge in anyway. They head towards the smell of sheep and wind up in a narrow tunnel with several Lizardmen in front of them. Po'wox and Elkas can understand them, hearing things like "Alert the king!" "They are heading for the spawning pit!" etc. but make no serious effort to talk to them. They down a few of the warriors but more come from behind and the King shows up, larger and stronger then then other.. The party has no real tactics, just attacking stuff and was slowly worn down by the greater numbers of Lizardmen. When they were about to be wiped out they decided to run, with three members down. Elkas escapes the cave and runs through the marsh. Po'wox gave a potion to Solaris as he carried out towards the cave mouth. Ironhide and Meltara were left behind, dying. Solaris having regained consciousness due to Pwox's potion, sees P'wox go down, she casts Cure Wounds on P'wox then tries to run and is clubbed down... like a baby seal. P'wox stands, casting Cure Wounds on Solaris and then shield bashing the Lizardman nearby. The Lizardmen start banging on their shields as the King reenters the main cave, cheering him. This sudden pause for ceremonies sake gives P'wox and Solaris a chance to run like scared rabbits... Pwox, Solaris and Elkas dash through the marsh, living but leaving their two fallen friends behind. Ironhide succumbs to his wounds, Meltara clings to life...

Kill count=(5xLizardfolk)

Exp=(5x100)=500/5=100 exp each

For finding the lair of the Lizardfolk +150

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 1784, Elkas 1884, Solaris 1784, Meltara 1784, Ironhide RIP.

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