Friday, October 23, 2020

Campaign Recap 08/04/20 to 09/08/20

 08/11/20 The party travels down the long staircases to the unground of the ruined temple. When they get to the bottom they find torches lighting the area, a small fort nearby and several guards. They talk to the guards and learn that they are there by order of Arzan the Finger! The leader of the guard post is Kuiguz, the three other guards are Hiro, Aratsuna and Tamun. There is a board with the 'rules' posted: Bounty on the trolls 100gp each. (believed to be 3?), The villages of Cragpass, Ironlight and Nightward are under the protection of Arzan the Finger. Omen, the DemiGod of poison and his spawn are enemies of the Finger. The werewolf village (Grayholde) is neutral. The orc town (Dagambi (Dag-am-bi)) is powerful and independent. They have strict laws... A small village of Drow is rumored to be to the far east of the map... (Shadewood). They also learn that Lord Lodex has become Arzan's Chamberlain and with his help has repaired Arzan's Fortress and established trade relations with the nearby villages. Thineli is worried he will be remembered and "disguises'' himself as a pirate (and says Arrh! a lot). The party decides to head to the orc town and get the lay of the land there. They walk through five zones to get there not encountering anything. They find a small alcove where they can take a long rest (next to a dried up corpse). They finally get the Orc Town of DagAmBi. They talk to the guards at the gate and ask what the rules of the town are. No killing, no stealing, no taking advantage of women. Entire party looks at Lord Fatty. Sir Dawnstar says to Lord Fatty, "If you cause trouble I will leave you here!" Hijinks at the Tavern (The Alluring Bottle). Yeusof wins two gold arm wrestling. Ellalan sets up a drinking contest between Yousef and Sir Dawnstar to see who can chug the orc ale fastest. Go to town center to see the job board for adventurers. On the board they see "Trolls 75gold per head, Magic Spiders 50gp, Bone Snake 50gp, Bugbear Bandits KILL!!". Town is run by Chief Guldar. The party decides to try to kill the "Bone snake" that is posted in the orc town. So they set off by the east gate. The orcs give them what directions they can but they need to make some tracking rolls... looking for the yellow snake warning paintings...After an hour of walking the party finds the first snake symbol....They follow the symbols for another three hours coming to a large open cavern with a ruined temple in the back... Seeing the thirty five foot high ceiling, Ellalan drinks a potion of climbing and goes to the ceiling. Thineli turns invisible using his Camo item. Lord Fatty is ready to cast his Bless from his shield. The party advances slowly towards the temple... Lord Fatty notices something buried in the sand of the cavern and casts the Bless spell within his shield on Yeusof, Sir Dawnstar and Thineli. An eerie voice hisses out from the temple..."KILL THEMMMMMM!" And Zombies start bursting out of the sand, some near Yeusof and Thineli. Thineli casts Entangle (becoming visible) on the area of the zombies but it only slows them down. A bolt of Lightning from the temple hits Yeusof full on and Thineli for half, injuring them both. Ellalan throws darts but realizes she needs to get closer so she jumps to the roof of the temple where she can see the Bone Snake! Lord Fatty channels divinity and turns some of the zombies but the party attacks them before they can escape, dragging them back into the battle. The zombies tie up the party (except Ellalan) as the Bone Snake casts Lightning again, hitting Lord Fatty. Ellalan uses her Fist of Unbroken Air, slamming the Bone Snake against the wall. The Bone Snake attempts to Charm her but fails and Ellanlan uses her Fist of Unbroken Air again.. Sensing her zombie minions are almost gone, the Bone Snake runs into its inner lair, down the stairs, the heavy stone slab door slamming behind her. We end on this Cliffhanger!! 


Kill Count= 7 zombies escaped=1 bone snake (Bone Naga)

Exp=(7x50)=350+(1100/2)=900/5=175exp each. +100 for interacting with the guards at bottom of stairs, +100 for interacting with guards at town, +100 for role playing at the tavern (not for Lord Fatty and Yeusof), +50 for Thineli for pirate disguise (just because). 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 7058, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 6242, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 7992, Yeusof 5832, Sir Dawnstar 3315.


08/18/20 The party heals (Sir Dawnstar lays on hands, Yeusof uses his healing bracer) and then Lord Fatty cast Pray of Healing and everyone is healed. They examine the altar... it seems to belong to a forgotten snake god (Yi'ti?). Everything has been stripped and taken from this temple. After about 20mins they start to move the stone lid,... using the wisdom of the ancients. Ellalan uses the wisdom of the ancients to create a rope/rock pulley and push system to move the ginormous 2,000 lb slab of rock! Because they are amazing!!! The first room at the foot of the stairs they are faced with two Armored Zombies that they quickly overcome. They hear the Bone Snake's voice taunting them, telling them she has done divination on them and tells them some stuff she knows.. The party exits to the south and Yeusof falls into a pit trap. They pull him out and the party continues south to another pit trap... Finally they make it to a large almost empty room with an old dusty chest in the center. No one wants to check it out so Yeusof goes to look at it. Yeusof walks all the way around the chest like a cartoon character, inspecting it carefully. He then steps back and shoots an arrow through the side. Nothing happens so he gets closer and then Yeusof smashes the lock. There is a broken glass noise then WOOOOSHHH!!! Fireball explodes for 6 damage (low roll) engulfing Yeusof and Sir Dawnstar. All that was in the chest is destroyed. Yeusof huffs out some smoke and wipes the ashes of his eyebrows away. The Bone Snake laughs at them. Ellalan sees a small hand sized spider-shape with the body being a dark eye but fails to catch it. They head back north and see the pit traps are gone.. so Sir Dawnstar runs into the next room.. except the trap had just rest set so he falls down into the pit... They fish him out with a rope. Moving forward they encounter two more Armored Zombies. They fight them.. Thineli turns in a bear, blocking everyone... kill the zombies.. move forward, spot another pit trip and avoid it. Fight two Flaming Skeletons (something they have never seen before but no one asked any questions....), kill them.. and another pit trap is ahead. First Ellalan falls into the pit and fights an armored zombie. Then Sir Dawnstar climbs down into the pit, then Ellalan ties to climb out and fails. Then Thineli bear falls into the pit and almost crushes everyone. Then Yeusof shots his crossbow into the tangled mess and hits Sir Dawnstar. Sir Dawnstar finally kills the zombie and they all get out of the pit. Going around the corner they see the Bone Snakes lair, well her bedding against the wall anyway. But she is nowhere to be found. There is a chest almost in the hallway way, with scratch marks on the floor showing it had been against the wall. Yeusof walks up to it and gets ready for another explosion. But then, Yeusof safely detects and detraps the chest. Inside the chest is a trap (a fragile bottle of poison gas), a single gold coin and a potion of cure poison.. Scratched into the inner lid in Dwarven is the following.. "I believe it will be the young soldier that opens this chest.. and either kills all his friends or gets a gold coin. You would survive as there is a potion of cure poison in this chest as well.. Tell your druid (if he is alive) that I have gone to tell his friend's where he is.." Yeusof gives the poison gas bottle to Lord Fatty. (Bottle can be thrown up to STx3 feet, breaks up when it lands. Radius 15" gas cloud, 3d8 poison, DC 13 CN save for half, if save fails by 5 or more, target is poisoned for 2d20 hours).

The party decides to take a long rest in the Bone Snake's bedroom... how could this this go wrong? ANNNNNDDDD CLIFFHANGER!!!!! 

Guards: Ellalan/Sir Dawnstar/Yeusof/Thineli.. Lord Fatty guards Ellalan.... Two hours into the rest something happens....DA DA DAAAAAA!!!

Kill count: 5 Armored Zombies+2 Flaming Skeletons, Escaped=Bone Snake+ 1 Armored Zombie. 

Exp=(5x50)+(2x50)=350exp/5=70exp. +(6x75)=450exp for traps, +100 for comedic antics, +100 for Yeusof for detrapping a chest. 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 7678, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 6862, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 8612, Yeusof 6552, Sir Dawnstar 3935. Ellalan and Lord Fatty will be lvl 5 after long rest.


08/25/20 As the party rests, they are visited by floating ghostly statues that identify themselves as echoes of the aspects of the snake goddess. They first talk with Lord Fatty, then Sir Dawnstar and finally Thineli. The long rest finally finished.. Ellalan and Lord Fatty are lvl 5.The party heeds the warnings of the statues and leaves the temple. Falling into some the same pit traps again...shm Exiting the lower level they head to the orc town.the party makes its way back to the orc town. Three hours into the walk back, they encounter a small humanoid cooking a large bug in a small pot. His name is Shig, a catfolk adventurer. After some talk and failed persuasion checks, Shig joins the group.

They get to Orc town. Thineli and Ellalan goto the market, the others go to the tavern. Thineli buys some Studded Leather (bone studded) for 45gp and sells his old stinky leather for 5gp. The orc that sells oranges tells Ellalan to seeks out Kunaxx the wizard. He has been known to make magic items. He has a home at the north edge of town that looks like the place of a wizard.

Meanwhile at the tavern, Sir Dawnsir is napping drunk on the bar, Lord Fatty is chatting up the dancers and Yousef is sleeping in a chair to the side. Shig wanders back munching on a raw hunk of meat..The two dancers at the Alluring Bottle are named Garbut and Shazrol. Both are female orcs, Shazrol is the smarter of the two, Garbut the prettier.

Ellalan, Thineli and Shig wander back to the bar and then off to the north side of town. Kunaxx is a tall thin orc with really large tusks. ...Ellalan had never seen an orc with such large tusks..It made her think of the school of hard c' Ellelan orders a set of gloves that do an extra +1d4 necrotic damage. It will take 9 days to work to finish. She leaves a deposit of 200 gp. They walk back to the Alluring Bottle and drink with their drunk friends. Shig is smoking a pipe. A stranger tells Thineli the way to the Trolls. He turns out he is the Chief of the town. He tells him of a way to properly fight them. Everyone sleeps it off at the tavern.

Exp= +100 for kinda of avoiding the traps, +200 for heeding the warnings of the echos of the aspects, +100 for roleplaying. 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 8078, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 7262, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 9012, Yeusof 6952, Sir Dawnstar 4335. Yesuof is now 5 th lvl.


09/01/20 Having rest and ready to head out they start looking for symbols that warn away from the troll lair. It's only about 3 hours away but...After being lost for 3 hours, Yusoef finds the path of symbols that lead the the troll's cave lair..Entering the lair, they find one tunnel has a large pit trap as you enter it, Yeusof narrowly avoiding falling in..There is a largish church bell in a wooden ringing platform, they debate ringing it then decide not to. Blood trail through the center of the room... they follow it...They head south... seeing a blood trail heading that way... they see a few corpses in the next room.. being eaten by three Carrion Crawlers, they attack and the crawlers rush at them.. the battle is joined.. Ellalan casts Fist of Unbroken Air at the Crawler, doing damage but not pushing it away... In the cave beyond the spike trap, the Troll's eyes snap open as it hears battle in its lair! It runs from it's nest, leaps across the pit and heads towards..... Yeusof slashes it across it's chest as it closes with him. Lord Fatty is paralyzed and being slowly (or not so slowly) killed by the slimy tentacles of the crawlers..oh no he thinks.. a henti death! Ellalan tries to engage the troll but forgets the long slimy reach of the crawler's tentacles! It wetly slapped her and paralyze her!!! The troll claws the bell! Which tolls loudly in the cave!! OH NOOOOOO!!! As it does so.. it's wounds healing with unnatural speed as it fights with Yesof Yeusof is so unnerved by the troll's healing the slash across it's chest that his attacks are ineffectual, missing badly. Thineli whips out his Keoghtom's Ointment and rubs a use on Lord Fatty. Curing his paralyses and healing 5 hp. Lord Fatty and Yeusof both realize they are lvl 5 and haven't updated their character sheets.. (ok I (the GM) will share some blame for this). Thineli uses his bracelet of Scorching Ray and hits the trolls setting alight the oil that Yesuof had splashed onto it. He then pours his K's Ointment on to Lord Fatty again (healing 8hp and curing his paralyses). Sir Dawnstar smights the Crawler he is fighting but it keeps fighting! Ellalan is unable to break the poison's thrall...Still laying on the floor paralyed with the tentacles ooze covering her... Lord Fatty Summons Spirit Guardian! Hitting all the Crawlers and the Troll! The Troll ignores him to focus on Yeusof but the Crawlers turn on LF, the first one attacks paralyzing him and then the other one attacks.. Lord Fatty is Tentacled and Bitten by the Crawler he is fighting, falling down and near death! Yeusof slashes with his magic sword at the oil covered flaming troll, using his action surge to slice it to bits before stabbing it in the heart!! The troll is dead!! Thineli runs up to Lord Fatty and revives him at death's door. Saving the now useful cleric. Shig pops out of cover and snipes at the totally unaware Crawler on the wall.. missing and fading back...Meanwhile Sir Dawnstar has finally gotten into the defense of the Crawler he is fighting, stepping, cutting in half with a might blow and then quartering it before it falls to pieces... Ellalan blinks in victory for him! Lord Fatty's Spiritual Weapon finishes off the last heavily wounded Crawler.. Sir Dawnstar hears a heavy running foot step coming from the south.... Ellalan finally breaking free of the poison, "These tentacles are no fun!", Lord Fatty chuckles "they are kind of fun!" Shig cuts the head off the dead troll. "Shig did it.. Shig is troll slayer!!" The party sets up an ambush with the tunnel towards them blocked by a moon beam but nothing comes towards them, They debate about bringing the bell but decide it would slow them down... they leave the troll caves. Intending to return to the orc town and turn in the head... Not seeing the soft green glowing eyes watching from the darkness....and CLIFFHANNGERRR!!!!! Dun Dun Duuuuuun

Kill count is 3 Carrion Crawlers and 1 Troll!!

Exp = (450x3)+1800=3150/6=525. +100 for not failing into spike trap or ringing bell.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 8703, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 7887, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 9637, Yeusof 7577, Sir Dawnstar 4960. Shig 926. Shiq is lvl 3 when he can take a long rest.


09/08/20 Heading back to the orc town from the troll lair the party comes to a section of caves they had come to before but now the area has spider webbing in a few areas, making them almost impassable. They find out the webbing seems to be non-flammable... they feel cold spots that are in certain areas and seem to move through the party.. they start carefully moving through the caves to the next sigel to follow... Meanwhile on the Ethereal plan, four phase spiders begin to stalk them... The spiders hunt the party while Ethereal. Waiting until they are moving thur them before springing at them in the material plain. Lord Fatty is bitten and is down poisoned and paralyzed. near death. Shig is surprised from behind and bitten, poisoned and paralyzed. near death. Ellalan runs to LF and gives him mouth to mouth keep him from dying, dragging him towards Thineli. The spider that Sir Dawnstar was chasing turns and bites him painfully then turns Ethereal and runs... Thineli slashes the spider in front of him with his Lightning Scimitar... hitting with a stinging blow.. Sir Dawnstar runs up the spider hit by Thineli and smashes it with his great sword, hitting and then divine smiting it..almost killing it! Shig is grabbed by the spider that bit him and then it turns ethereal running away with him! Yeusof kills the wounded spider and runs towards the other one that is wounded.. it turns ethereal and runs away.. A spider appears near and bites Thineli and then grabs the paralyzed Lord Fatty and starts to run away with him.. Thineli slices it as it does so.. Shig suddenly appears in the webs to the west. Ellalan rushes after the spider carrying away Lord Fatty. She unleashes a furry of blows.. hitting once..And forcing it to drop him.. Shig stabilizes and Lord Fatty thou alive is unable to shake off the paralyzation. Spider bites Sir Dawnstar almost killing him but he shakes off the effect of the poison and keeps fighting. Thineli uses his last dose of ointment on Sir Dawnstar, healing him for 10pts. Sir Dawnstar heals himself for 20pts using lay on hands. Ellalan chops a path into the webbing trying to find Shig.. as steps back a wounded spider phases in and tries to bite her, missing and as it tries to escape she stabs it in the abdomen.. killing it.... Yeusof cutting through the webbing looking for Shig... Ellalan slices up the dead spider near her... thinking Shig had been swallowed I right? Yeusof continues cutting into the webbing going deeper and deeper. He calls for Shig... Ellalan runs into the webbing to help. Thineli heals himself.. "I'll guard here!" Lord Fatty says "Me too!" Sir Dawnstar rushes into the webbing bouncing off of Yeusof...Yeusof looks everywhere but can't find Shig.. Alas poor Shig..The group is saddened by his passing and his carrying the troll head... which they need for the reward.,..Thineli tries to harvest a spider. Taking 4 mins, he find 5 Phase Spider Eyes. A creature holding the eye can use it to cast Blink. The eye disappears after the spell is cast, and 5 Phase Spider Legs. Acts as a flail. If an attack roll results in a critical failure, the leg disappears and the attack fails. Ellalan harvests the spider she was hacking. She finds 4 Phase Spider Eyes. A creature holding the eye can use it to cast Blink. The eye disappears after the spell is cast. Two more hours of walking and they are back at the town! They had to the traven to rest and heal the lost of Shig... with booze! The party stays in the tarven for the night.take a long rest... and in the morning decide to see the chief. They tell the Chief some random information. When told they ran into Phase Spiders he seems worried. They are told all that the hunters and such go to a tarven called the Rock of the Element King, on the other side of town. They arrive a small fortress like building, with a sign in front saying "The Rock of the Lement King." The E is missing,... Rakankrak the bartender tells them about his friend that has found a haunted temple. They hang out in the bar for several hours waiting for the friend to show up. Kendells the hunter finally shows up, a massive orc in furs and bones. He offers to join with the group and go to his temple. He says even shares. Tells them where they should go to in the market..

Kill Count is Three phase spiders and one escaped.

Exp=(700x3)+(700x.5)=2450/6=409 exp each. 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 9112, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 8296, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 10046, Yeusof 7986, Sir Dawnstar 5369. Shig 1335.

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