Friday, October 23, 2020

Campaign Recaps from 06/23/20 to 07/07/20

 06/23/20 The party gathers, debates and decides to try to save their mounts, tracking the goblins. Ellalan realized the goblins that attacked from the north west were both spawns and slaves of some real goblins (?) or a wizard. The party tracks down the goblins to their lair and see they are hiding in a broken ground area, the tracks leading into it.. they know they are racing against time to keep their mounts from being eaten by the goblins.

They find an abandoned mine that the goblins are hiding in. Entering the first room, Thineli moves too close to a pile of debris against the North East wall, stepping on crunchy shells left on the floor. The noise makes an Ankheg charge out of it's nest and attack. They fight with the Ankheg and a couple of goblin lookout, to the west they can hear goblins and accuna struggling. They quickly kill the Ankheg and lookouts.

Running into the large mined out room to save their accuna (mounts), they encounter the rest of the hill goblins. Ellalan has the giant elk enter the room and attack but with no light it runs into the accuna that was about to be slaughtered and kills it with it's hoofs...(Thineli's mount). The party quickly kill most of the goblins except for the 3 then ran into the tunnel to the west. Two of them took another tunnel to go back to the entrance to escape and encounterd JohnnaHex that chased them a quarter mile from the cave to finally kill them while the last one used his bow to draw two Carrion Clawers out of another room (the 2nd one eats him as it passes). 

Lord Fatty and Thineli search a few bodies. Lord Fatty finds a small leather bottle containing a mysterious liquid. Thineli find 8cp and takes an ear off a goblin. They hear a rumbling slithering from the cave to the west and when they investigate a Carrion Clawer charges into them. 

They kill the first Carrion Clawer but when the second one shows up they retreat from the mines...

The group find an abandoned bear den about a half hours walk from the mines and make a camp to take a long rest. Ellalan summons a Direwolf with her bag of tricks and has it guard the entrance to the cae.

8 hrs later as they are getting ready to head back to the mine they hear a huge voice singing in the distance in dwarven. They see the head of a giant over the rocks in the distance and hear a group of followers singing along. Cliffhanger!!

Death count of monsters is 1 Carrion Clawer, 1 Ankheg, 7 Hill Goblins, 2 Hill Goblin Archers, Escaped 1 Hill goblin archer and 1 Carrion Clawer.. 450+350+100+450+225+25=1600/5=333 Exp Each.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 4143, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 3527, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 5127, Yeusof 3117. 


06/30/20 John switches characters from JohnnaHex to Sir Dawnstar,  As the party hides in the cave, the giant and his group of goblins (it seems), set up a camp within three hundred feet of them. As goblin scavengers are running around looking for food, they conceal the entrance. The giant stays there and eats, talking to the goblins in dwarven. Ellalan and Yeusof listen as best they can, hearing several twisted nursery rhymes and songs the giant sings to entertain the goblins. They can barely hear another voice, translating and sometimes talking to the giant. Some of the stuff they over hear is the giant saying "Don't worry, the three will not find you where I am taking you" and "I will be another day of walking till we are there". After four hours of eating and resting, the giant and his band contain off to the south.

The group head back to the mines and sneak inside. They notice a lot of the corpses of the goblins are gone. Thineli investigates and believes a carrion crawler ate them. Thineli butchers the ankheg corpse and recovers 2 rations and 1 vial of acid. Lord fatty butchers a baby ankheg and injures himself for 2 hp, finding no meat. Ellalan searches the nest and finds nothing of value, except for a baby ankheg she smashes to death. Heading to the north up the tracks, Yeusof hears what sounds like digging and crying. The party encounters 8 zombies and defeats them. Searching all the zombies Ellalan finds 14 silver, Ellalan pockets 10 silver and gives each other party member 1. Yeusof burns all the bodies of the zombies (thinking they might return). Ellalan sneaks to the north and sees 3 ghouls and a ghast 'speaking' to each other in a side alcove, she sneaks back and warns the party but the ghouls run towards the party to attack. During the battle a ghost slides in from the east. Sir Dawnstar uses his divine smite to seriously damage the ghost and Yeusof finishes it off with his magic longsword. The last ghoul and ghast flee because of Lord Fatty's turn undead.

Death count is 8 zombies, 1 ghost, 2 ghouls. 1 ghast and 1 ghoul escaped.

Exp total is (8x50)+1100+(2x200)+((450+200)/2)=2225/5=445 +150 exp for encountering the giant and company, each player gets 595exp

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 4738, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 4122, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 5722, Yeusof 3712, Sir Dawnstar 895. 

07/07/20 The party heads north and finds a staircase heading down.. they send the wolf down first and then follow at the bottom they see a tunnel complex with mushroom-like growths and the wolf smells lots of ghouls. They decide to go back up stair since they are injuried and mostly out of spells. Exploring to the south they find the area the ghost had come from and find the ghost's body, a female dwarf. They act overly cautious about their body, with Ellalan throwing a dart at the dead dwarf's body shattering it's skull. Yeusof searches the body and finds a book clutched in her hands and a small purse (inside the purse are 5 small gems, each about the size of a dime, 3 are glowing with flame, 1 is a muddy brown and 1 is a cloudy white. and 14 silver coins, 3 gold coins). Yeusof pockets the purse and shares the book with the party. Yeusof tries to slight of hand the purse but Thineli sees him do it. They argue for a few moments before the ghast from earlier returns with four ghouls. A fight ensues in which Lord Fatty and the Dire Wolf are paralyzed and almost killed before the ghast and ghouls are destroyed. They are just catching their breath from that when three armored dwarf-like figures approach from the tunnel to the east (where the zombies were). One of them points at Yeusof and says "YOU.. COME.. WITH US.. NOW!" Yesuof  realizes these are some kind of Undead and rushes forward to attack, smashing the one that talked with his magic sword.  The Dire Wolf follows his lead and also attacks one. The direwolf is quickly killed. As the others run forward another of the undead tells Thineli you must come now.. Yesuof keeps fighting with the one he attacked wondering why the rest of the party is standing around talking to the Undead. Yesuof gets a critical, thrusting his sword into an opening in it's armor but the figure pulls it self free and continues attacking. The rest of the party calms down Yesuof and go with the Undead Dwarves to meet their leader, Kegforged.  Kegforged tells his tale. 

( Originally this mine was in a different dimension.  The world they came from was dominated by Dwarfs as the primary race most belonging to a kingdom called Grilld.  The primary foes that these Dwarves faced were Elemental entities.  This resulted in the land of the doors having a lot of Elemental resources that they used to power their technology. They have a system of spells and devices and they all use Elemental gems. This mine is an Elemental Gem mine and it was brought to this place by a horrible Warp storm. When it happened the mine was invaded by a horde of Undead, Ghasts and Ghouls and somehow a Spawner also appeared in the housing section of the mines (now known as the Ghoul Tunnels). Almost all the dwarves were killed except for Kegforged. He prayed to his god for help but he was cut off by being in another dimension. Another, unknown god answered him, turning him into a form of undead. This was decades ago. He has spent his time developing a ritual to raise some of his friends as Awakened Zombies. He hopes to somehow open a portal home but needs his books, tools and such that are in the Ghoul Tunnels, but they have always driven him off.)

When Ellalan is told that Kegforged and his knight live by eating ambient magic, she uses her magic illusion to make a cheeseburger for him.  Kegforged asks the party to recover his tools and manuals from the Ghoul tunnels and in return he will make them some Elemental gem powered items. Thineli tries to get the Awaked zombies to go with them but fails.

The party takes a long rest and Dawnstar levels to 3

Ellalan tries to make illusionary goulash for kegforged, having studied the cookbook recovered from the female dwarf's corpse. Kegforged likes it and shares it with his knights, one of them recovering a memory of her past. 

The party is about to head to the stairs to the ghoul tunnels.


Death Count is 1 Ghast and 4 Ghouls. 

Exp Total = 450+(200x4)=1250/5=250exp plus +200 meeting kegforged's knights. 450exp each

Ellalan gets a bonus +100 Exp for roleplaying and Inspiration.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 5288, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 4572, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 6172, Yeusof 4162, Sir Dawnstar 1345. 

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