Friday, October 23, 2020

Campaign Recaps from 07/14/20 to 07/28/20

 07/14/20 The party prepares to head downstairs.  Ellalan summons all 3 of her creatures from her bag of tricks,  receiving a badger, a great badger and a panther. She names the badger lassie. She sends the giant badger down to scout the foot of the stairs. It encounters a spinyspawn but defeats it and escapes. The giant badger returns and reports. The party heads down and encounters a group of 4 ghouls, 2 ghasts and 2 spinyspawns. They use the narrow entryway to limit the foes that they have to face but still are about to be overrun. Lord Fatty uses Turn Undead and Summons a Spiritual Weapon. Thineli summons a Moonbeam. These help destroy the monsters but the ones that are turned flee and call for reinforcements, 4 more ghouls and 5 spinyspawns (hiding under the water of the small lake there). The battle continues, with the party awkwardly maneuvering around the moonbeam. They continue forging towards the area where Kegforged's lab should be. More ghouls are alerted and start to garter, waiting to charge past the moonbeam and spiritual weapon. The party is getting more and more damaged, suddenly two ghost appear out of the lab, using Horrifying Visage and Frightening most of the party. Aging Thineli and Lord Fatty by 40yrs each!!  Yousef yells out we should do "tactical repositioning" away, run away, run away! Ellalan hears people getting older!! Fuck No! She grabs her little badger spirit friend, Lassie, and run the heck out towards Keg Guy. The attacks the party unleash on the ghosts do nothing as they close closer while using Etherealness.. The ghost are moaning out in Dwarven "No one may desecrate the lab!", "Destroy the intruders!". The ghosts chase the party back to the stairs and they run up...

Kill count= 8 spinyspawn+5 ghouls+2 ghasts, escaped 5 ghouls+ 1 ghast

Exp= 400+1000+900+125+225=2650/5=530 

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 5818, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 5102, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 6702, Yeusof 4692, Sir Dawnstar 1875. Thineli has enough exp to level to 5, but needs a long rest to do so.


07/21/20  The party arrives back at Kegforge's lair. Thineli tells about the ghosts that drove them out. Kegforged says the lab ghosts might be Theligeata and Brenbeline, his former lab assistants. He gives Thineli a sigel of his clan on a chain and tells them they may recognize it. Thineli gives it to Ellalan since she speaks Dwarven. Kegforge is unable to break the curse of aging on Lord Fatty and Thineli. As a last ditch effort, Kegforged leads Lord Fatty and Thineli in a pray to the unknow god that has been answering Kegforged's daily prayers to pray for devine intervention and remove the effects of the ghost's aging on the two of them...

How could this go wrong? Sir Dawnstar joins in the ritual since he worships "god" and  is spoken to by the unknown creepy god. He is offered a bargain and agrees to take on the curse to cure the other two. He is aged 40yrs and the other two returned to their previous ages. Sir Dawnstar wants ale now that he is drinking age... Luzed goes and gets him some. Sir Dawnstar gets +200 exp and divine inspiration for excepting the curse and roleplaying.

The party wants to take a long rest to both regain their spells and for Thineli to level to 5. 4 hrs later...

Ghouls are prowling in the south corridor so Girror and Dhukrina head there to see if they will attack. Suddenly four flameghouls (The ghoulmage's fantastic four!!) attack from the ghoul crawl tunnels to the east! They haul flameballs at Maggur, damaging him  and awaken the party. They rush to battle, Thineli summoning a moonbeam on the ghouls to the south... which has no effect. Girror yells out "These are illusions!! What are they planning??!?!" Meanwhile one of the flameghouls is dropped by Yeusof and the awakened dead, which explodes as the other 3 escape back into the crawls tunnels. 

They figure out this was an attack to keep them off balance and keep them from sleeping. The party debates and decides to head down to the stairs again. They decide that Ellalan should speak to the ghosts... Running to the stairs they trip off a small explosive trap taking some damage and do it again when they reach the bottom of the stairs. 

They recklessly run across the area, heading south. Three ghouls and six spinyspawn slow them down as across the small pond a group of flameghouls and the ghastmage throw flameballs at them. They push through in spite of being injured and make it to the lab. When the ghosts rush forward to attack, Ellalan shows the sigel and asks for their help.. like a sailor "Stupid ghosts! We are on your side!" After a few tense moments with most of the party trapped and about to be overwhelmed by the ghouls, Sir Dawnstar manages to convince the ghosts to help them. The ghosts rush out of the lab and engage the ghouls, forcing the ghouls and ghastmage to focus on them. The party hurriedly searches the lab, finds the tools and manuals. The party then makes their escape as the ghosts continue to fight the ghouls...


Kill Count= 5 spinyspawns+1 flameghouls+2 ghouls, escaped=1 spinyspawn+5 flameghouls+ghastmage+2 ghosts

Exp=250+200+400+25+500+350+1100=2825/5=565exp each, +200 for getting the ghosts to help, +200 to Sir Dawnstar for accepting the curse and roleplaying,


Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 6583, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 5867, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 7467, Yeusof 5457, Sir Dawnstar 2840. Sir Dawnstar has enough exp to level to 4 and Thineli has enough exp to level to 5, but both need a long rest to do so.


7/28/20 The party returns with the tools and manuals. Kegforged gives them their rewards: Ellalan chooses an Autohealer (that she gives to Yeusof), Yeusof chooses Night Googles, Sir Dawnstar chooses an Autohealer, Lord Fatty gets Spectral Lens, Thineli requests Camouflage Field. They rest for 8 hrs (Long Rest), Sir Dawnstar and Thineli level up. Their gifts are made and received. The GhastMage makes his appearance! He shows up with 3 GiantSpikedFlameGhouls and a few FlameGhouls and Ghouls. He reveals his identity (as Kegforged’s chief apprentice, Urnead), tells them of his plan to conquer or become a power in the world he is in and leaves with the spawner and his army. Exiting the Mines soon afterwards, Lord Fatty discovered that traps had been left in place to slow them down...The party mostly gets past the explosives without an issues except when Yeusof accidently jumps on top of one of the mines and sets off 3 more....He takes a total of 18 and Thineli takes 3. Yeusof gets to use his new Autohealer and heals 3... yay! The party exits the mine and finds their mounts have been killed and eaten.. They decide to walk to the temple that is the entrance to the sunken ruins... they encounter nothing as they walk and as the sun rises they see the entrance in the distance with the ElderMoks small home nearby...Thineli trades 200gp and a chuck of crystallized mana to get a +1d4 lightning damage enchantment made onto his Scimitar by the ElderMok. Thineli then buys Sir Dawnstar's Autohealer for 200gp. Sir Dawnstar borrows 200gp from Ellalan and begs the ElderMok to enchant his Greatsword to Greatsword+1.

The party gets ready to enter the temple.


No Exp as there was no combat and everyone just bought stuff.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 6583, JohanaHex 4214, Lord Fatty 5867, Thalluvk 1930, Thineli 7467, Yeusof 5457, Sir Dawnstar 2840.

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