Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 01/06/21

 Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Nurbag the hunter (Jose), Yeusof (Jose).

Date in Campaign is: 34th of Grentle

Yeusof lends Sir Dawnstar 400 gp to get his sword from the Kunaxx the enchanter. Yeusof, Frog and Sir Dawnstar then go to his shop. Yeusof gets his ring of spatial storage (10c. ft, 150 lbs, 3/uses day, requires Attunement). Sir Dawnstar gets his Sword (Great Sword +1 to hit/damage (Faux) and +2d4 Radiant Damage). Yeusof then buys 5 healing potions from the Marketplace and puts them in his ring of Spatial Storage. Kunaxx looks at the components that Frog has from his trial with Gib and tells him the piles are worth 23, 21 and 28 gp respectively. Switching the scene to Nurbag, he is running through the passages to the area of the phase spiders and where the bugbears ambush him and his fellow hunter. Even though he is in a hurry, it's over a 6 hour journey to the spider area, and his hurrying gets him lost costing him 3hrs. But in the area he is looking for the bugbears lair he is unable to find anything on his searches (spending 3 hrs). searching for the next six hours Nurbag finds bugbear tracks in various locations, (4 successes out of 6) and now knows where the bugbear's lair was and then goes back to meet the rest of the party at the predetermined meeting place. They meet up and take a short rest, giving Nurbag a chance to rest (but not the long rest he needs to level to 3). Yeusof and Nurbag finally meet and Nurbag seems quite taken and impressed by Yeusof…(GM Note: Both of these were played by Jose.. and was funny to listen too and seems sort of gay?). Getting to the area of the bugbear's lair, Nurbag searches the area and then leads the party in circles for 6hrs eventually coming back to the place where they started their search. Thineli searches and finds some buried trash and then finds the cave where they were held captive. From there it is a 2 hour walk to the hole that they were lowered down to the glowing riddle obelisks. Looking down into the hole it is dark and empty seeming. Nearby are the holes that the bugbears had mounted a rope and pulley system to lower people down but just the holes remain. Ellalan looks into the hole and therizes about a giant cave turtle the bugbears rode off on.... Ellalan throws a lit torch into the hole. The torch falls over a 100 ft and when it hits the bottom it sputters and goes out. Ellalan thinks there is some water down there. Yeusof talks about making a pulley but they ignore him and there is nothing nearby to make one out of. They tied all the ropes together so they have about 180 ft of rope...they use the holes the bugbears had made to attach the ropes to spikes stuck in the holes. (GM Note: I kept asking them about their prep, which was next to nothing, and how they would do this.. the obvious method should have been to lower each person one at a time using the rope and the last person spider climbing or beast shaping to spider to go down.. but no... no team work here...) Ellalan goes down the rope using her athletics, her hands roughed with dirt and wrapped with cloth.. making it all the way to the bottom before dropping the last 10 ft to the ground, landing cat-like on the somewhat muddy ground. Thineli grabs the rope and starts acrobatically climbing down, missing at the halfway mark and falling 60 ft on to the muddy rocks below...(18hp damage) Ellalan says "you should have changed into a monkey.." Sir Dawnstar takes off his Armor and Yeusof does the same, they then lower the Armors to the cavern floor far below. Sir Dawnstar grabs the rope and starts climbing, slipping off the rope immediately but catching himself after 10ft.. he then climbs down the rest of the way and slips off again at the last 30 ft.. (-15 HP damage) crashing into the pile of armor below... ouch! Frog (having watched Sir Dawnstar and Yeusof disrobe) heads rapidly down the rope, disdaining using a spell of Spider Climb... He makes it halfway and falls 60 ft (-21 HP) crashing loudly into the muddy ground.. not dead yet... Frog takes out his Healer kit and works his feat on himself (+11 HP). Nurbag grabs the rope, "see you at the bottom!" he says, smiling at his man crush... The rope slips out of his hands and he grabs at it … missing and falling to his death.. crashing to the ground like a rotten fruit...(-46 HP) (GM Note: If Nurbag had taken a long rest he would have been lvl 3 and survived..just saying). Ellalan suggests leaving Nerdbag's body where it is to cushion Yousef if he falls..Ellalan thinks, at least the last thing he heard was his love's voice. I wipe the bits of NErdbag off of me and wait for yousef to climb down. Sir Dawnstar Lays On Hand for 15 HP to himself. A Chuul crawls out of its rocky lair to attack the party on the ground and Yuesof makes his way down the rope. Thineli yells look out as the weird giant lobster creature rushes towards them...The Chuul grabs Thineli and poisons him, Ellalan uses her Chromatic Orb ability (and hits!) and Sir Dawnstar rushes into combat with it without his armor on. They kill it easily. After the battle, Yeusof continues down the rope and falls the last 20 feet onto the dead Chuul... (-9hp). Thineli casts 3 lvl Cure Wounds on himself (+13 hp). Sir Dawnstar and Yeusof put on their armors...Yeusof uses his ring for the 2nd time today and hands out the healing potions (2d4+2), one each. Frog drinks his right away (+6 hp). Thineli cast 2 lvl 1 Cure Wounds on himself (+9+6hp). Ellalan scouts ahead a bit and see that the bugbears are moving as a group and not exploring much..And so they move forward into the dark scary caves and tunnels ahead.. leaving Nurbag's corpse behind to be consumed by the tiny spawn of the Chuul that exit it's body after it's death....(GM Note: not a word or pray said.. didn't even take his equipment.. just forget that guy was with us...). Wandering through the caverns till they come to a large open tunnel area.. winding through mounds and hills of darkness.. Thineli's hand flame illuminates the area and the hills are actually ruins of ancient cyclopean buildings... Thineli shuts the light as he hears something... there is something watching them... in the dark... Cliffhanger!!
Kill Count=(Chuulx1) Exp= 1100/5=220 exp each. For finding the area of the Shattered Tooth +250 exp (Nurbag only), For climbing down a 120 foot drop the worst way possible +50, For abandoning the body of a fellow party member without a care -0
Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 13030, Ellalan 17359, Thineli 19083, Sir Dawnstar 15020, Frog 6240., Nurbag The Hunter RIP.
Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930, Hej Mallorca 2810 

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