Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 10/20/20

The party of Sir Dawnstar, Yeusof, Ellalan, Frog and Thineli rush away from the spider's lair looking for a safe haven to heal up before anything else. Sir Dawnstar finds a safe cave, empty and large enough for the group.

They decide to take a short rest to heal up. hey vote and head back to town, getting there safey. Thineli goes to the Lemental King to see if any word on the scales. Yuesof wants to find a bag of holding or similar. Thineli buys a big bag of Rock Lizard scales from Borda the hunter for 80gp and is directed to Morgo's Hauberks.. Morgo takes an instant dislike to Thineli, but his gold is still gold so... They discuss various armor ideas, before deciding on a suit of enchanted Studded Armor that will have resist Slashing or Piercing on it, Thineli's choice, but he will have to come back tomorrow for the price and time to make it (Morgo has to talk to some wizard friends for the enchanting part). Yuesof askes for directions to and goes to see the wizard Kunaxx. He arrives at the wizards small stone tower on the NorthWest side of town, seeing some white smoke and sparks coming for it's roof. Since none of neighborhood seems to pay attention to it, he goes to the door and rings the bell (which hangs under the sign "Kunaxx the Wizard. Magic Items Created and Repaired." After a minute he hears the door unlatch and a tall thin male orc, on the older side and dignified in appearance. Yuseof notes that Kunaxx has the largest tusks he has seen on an orc, remembering that large tusks are considered a sign of sexual proless among orcs. Yuseof introduces himself, says he was recommended by the Elf Ellalan. "Ah yes. The pervert pirate elf maiden.. Couldn't keep her eyes off my tusks!... HA! Pirates, Am I right? So what brings you to my shop." Yuesof askes about bags of holding and is given a brief explanation of Spacial Storage devices. He finally orders a ring of Spacial Storage (10c,Ft, 150lbs, 3/uses, requires Atunement) for 400gp, with Kunaxx telling him to come back in 9 days. Ordered on the 19th. Ellalan reads the Linan Slates for an hour... sooooo boring but she has to learn this... She reads for an additional hour and makes the roll (7 hrs down/48hrs needed). She goes to the Alluring Bottle to drink. Asking about the Hobgobin bandits.. they find there actictivity at the north gate. Ellalan hears lots of stories about the bandits... some true some false..she tries to start rumors about important people leaving from the North Gate tonight. Their plan is to get two small wagons and have a few people hiding inside to draw out and then take the bandits. Thineli turns into a Giant Lizard to pull one of the wagons and Ellalan summons a Boar from her bag of tricks and has it put the other. Ellalan tells the boar to pull the wagon, and walk, and if frog stops and anyone attacks us, to protect frog or attack whichever is closer. They head out and while still in the giant cave with the town in it, they encounter bandits. An armored Hobgoblin steps out of some cover and on the road about 40 feet in front of the wagons and yells "Stop your wagons and prepare to be robbed!" Frog fired a Chromatic Orb at him, hitting him with a bolt of cold. Several hidden archers fires arrows and drop Frog. The battle goes on for a while and results with 3 Hobgoblin Warriors and two Bugbear Archers being taken down, and four other Bugbear Archers fleeing. Searching the bodies results in 3 cheap Chainmail, 3 cheap Short Swords, 3 cheap Shield, 4 cheap Daggers, 2 cheap Longbows, 2 quivers with 34 arrows and 2 cheap Leather Armor. In addition, they also found 11 days of hard tack rations, a pouch of iron hobnails, a stone arrowhead carved with notches and 2 well made arrows (count as +1 arrows). Lord Fatty keeps one of the Chain, Short Sword and Shield as his share of the loot. They party gather what loot there is and chop off their heads, Frog takes a body and puts it on the wagon and head back to town. The other weapons and armor are sold for 70gp and split four ways for 17.5gp each. The chief gives 4gp for the Bugbear heads.. looking at the Hobgoblins he is surprised... (and pays 3 gp per for 9 gp). 15/5=3gp each. "So Hobgoblins are behind the bandits..." He muses.. And writes on the board "Hobgoblin Bandits 3gp per head!" Kill Count=(Hobgoblin Warriorx3)+(Bugbear Archerx2)+(Bugbear Archerx4 fled) Exp=(100x3)+(100x2)+(100x4/2)=700/5= 140 exp Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 12282, Lord Fatty 11116, Thineli 13216, Yeusof 11018, Sir Dawnstar 8739. Kendell 3458, Frog 790.

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