Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 11/10/20

Playing: Ellalan (Julie), Lord Fatty (NPC:Aaron), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Yuseof  (Jose), Frog (Keiran).

Frog jumps onto one of the dead Carrion Crawlers and tries to harvest stuff from the corpse. After about 20mins he gets 2 crawler glands (No immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist's supplies) into Carrion Crawler Mucus (DMG pg. 258).) and a mostly digested corpse of a drow and on that drow's body is a fancy leather cap that is somehow untouched by the Crawler's acid. Ellalan harvests one also and gets a crawler gland. Sir Dawnstar also harvests one but doesn't find anything useful. This takes about 30mins. Frog ritual casts Identify on the hat he found. It has a minor magic spell on it that keeps it clean and in repair. He decides to wear it. The party votes and takes a short rest in the troll's lair moving back to the entrance. They then explore to the south of the Troll's lair and find a section of cave blocked off with large crudely made nets that are attached at the ceiling and weighed at the bottom with rocks. Looking in they see stacks of boxes(?). Frog goes under the netting and starts looking and touching things. He is attacked by savage Cave Spiders. Cave Spiders are a common food source in the Under Temple area and fill in the roll of chicken for a lot of area peoples (Chicken of the Cave!). However the Spiders raised by farmers and such have their poison sacks removed when small making them mostly harmless.. These spiders were raised by Trolls and were both poisonous and untame. They almost kill Frog but he is rescued in time by Sir Dawnstar and Ellalan. Frog then runs further into the netted area and is taken down by a Spider Swarm, again saved by Ellalan and Sir Dawnstar. Multiple investigation rolls reveal that this area is filled with spiders...(actually was pretty obvious). Frog was almost eaten by food. The party has found the cave spider coops where the Trolls raised their spiders to eat. Moving from that area, they enter a large cave passage that goes north and south. Ellalan and Sir Dawnstar find a big heap of Troll bedding against the west wall and investigate. Finding lots of Troll poop, chewed bones and smelly rags. Sir Dawnstar gets an infestation of fleas.. Heading north they find a branch to the east and continuing north find another exit to the lair, guarded with a set of strings with bells and two pit traps they manage to avoid. Investigation of the way east reveals the lair of the Troll leader.. There is a large better maintained pile of bedding and a big pile of loot next to the bedding. Ellalan digs through the pile of Troll 'treasures' and finds the following...A rusty dagger, a very stale loaf of bread, a hat, a glass jar with some suspicious jam inside, a book, a pile of chicken bones, another rusty dagger. She keeps the glass jar and book. Frog searches the bedding and finds a small dirty sack with 4 old onions, a dirty rag , 3 copper pieces, a small bucket and a cheap dagger, a small tanned lizard skin and a rotten apple. He cuts open the apple and finds 2 seeds.. he had never seen an apple before and wants to try to grow it. Yesof looks at the walls and finds a bunch of crazy primitive cave drawings, very violent in nature but is unable to make heads or tails of them. He calls Ellalan and when she sees the drawings and realizes they tell the story of a troll that was smarter than others and rose to become the leader of a group of Trolls and try to make a Troll village.. she is impressed..(Trollopolis!). Going south now, another crude troll pit trap claims a victim... Ellalan's poop covered feet slip while trying to make it across the edge of it... They are almost out of the south exit to the Troll's lair when they see a very unsuspicious pile of coins and shiny stuff piled in the middle of a largest room..Sir Dawnstar runs to the coin pile and starts digging in, frog standing next to him and looking for magic... suddenly a Piercer fall on Frog almost killing him... and then a Roper, on the ceiling and about 30 feet off the ground, shoots out it's Tendrils grabbing Sir Dawnstar, Ellalan and Lord Fatty...This battle seesawed back and forth with the roper grabbing people with it's tendrils and trying to reel them to its mouth and people breaking free and dropping to the ground. Gravity seemed to be the real enemy here. This battle lasted a lot longer than it would have if the party just moved out of the Ropers reach... but after a long needlessly drawn out battle the party defeats the Roper! Frog was the only one getting downed during the fight. They also destroyed the it's six Piercer spawn that fought with it. Sir Dawnstar careful cuts out the Ropers eyeball... as a trophy. 1 Roper Eye. No immediate use. Can be crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Darkvision (grants darkvision out to 60ft for one hour) or carefully crafted (alchemist’s supplies) into a Potion of Spider Climb (grants the ability to climb difficult surfaces, including ceilings, without needing to make an ability check). The party heads back to the entrance and makes camp there for a long rest... (Sir Dawnstar/ Thineli/ Ellalan/ Yeusof) and at the end of the 6th hour...Just as the rest was about to be over.... Something happens.. Cliffhanger!!!

Kill Count=(5xCave Spider)+(2xSpider Swarm)+Roper+(5xPiercer)

Exp=(5x10)+(2x100)+1800+(5x100)=2550/6=425 exp. Exploring the troll lair +50 Exp each, Frog almost getting eaten by food +50 exp, Sir Dawnstar not setting off or falling into traps +75 exp, Ellalan feeling empathy with the smart Troll +25 Exp.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 13282, Lord Fatty 11641, Thineli 14191, Yeusof 11993, Sir Dawnstar 9939. Kendell 3458, Frog 1815. Frog will be level 3 at the start of the next session, Thineli can level to 6 when he has a long rest (or 4 more hours of rest).

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