Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 12/01/20

Playing: Lord Fatty (NPCed by Aaron), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John),  Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: 23st of Grentle.
The party decides to head back to the town, 6 hr walking..But first Sir Dawnstar takes a short rest.. uses 3 hit dice. Ellalan summons a weasel from her bag of tricks. She picks it up "Hey friend. I like having a pet on my shoulder! Keep your eyes and ears open for any magical beings or creatures." Sir Dawnstar leads the way,... and gets lost making the 6 hour trip take 12 hours! And one the 11th hour... Three Darkmantles drop from the ceiling, popping their darkness bubbles. One covers the head of Sir Dawnstar and one on the head of Thineli. The third missed.. Then the hijinks begin.. Frog, in the darkness, casts Thunderwave hitting Thineli, Sir Dawnstar and Yuesof and the 3 mantles...Yuesof, out of the darkness, attacks and kills one of the Darkmantles that is wounded.. Thineli uses Poison Spray on the one on his head.. Sir Dawnstar slashs with his Greatsword at the one of his head but is not able to remove it.. then Lord Fatty casts Spirit Guardians and walking into the darkness.. almost killing Thineli.."Oh I have to see the things I don't want affected when I cast the spell.." meanwhile a Giant Scorpion has engaged Yuesof.. Yuesof almost is poisoned to death.. but kills the Scorpion. Yeusof calling the people trapped in darkness to run towards him... not realizing the Darkmantles on their heads are the source of the darkness...But they fight their way though and walk the rest of the way to Dagambi...
Ellalan heads towards the market to try to sell carrion crawler gland and 2 prowler tentacles. The alchemist offers and pays Ellalan 61gp for the gland and 12+15=27gp for the tendrils. Frog sells his two Crawler glands for 43+31=74 gp, Frog begs for 75 for both.. and gets it. Frog buys a planter pot and a small bag of dirt mixed with troll poop to help it grow for 10gp
The Person that might buy or sell magic items is Baish the Factor located in a corner of the market. To have items made or repaired you would see Kunaxx the Wizard. Frog goes to Kunaxx and is offered a job as an apprentice enchanter paying 6gp a day. Thineli goes to Lord Fatty's cottage/ church and gets "Owlie". he seems in good shape and high spirits. Thineli walking him through town, seems a lot of the locals know about this Owlbear. Yeusof wants fire bombs so goes to see the alchemist. But the alchemist tells him that magic would be better long term. Ellalan goes back to the inn with Sir Dawnstar, studies the Slates for 6hrs (16+6=22hrs out 48hrs down) and then she drinks with Sir Dawnstar. 
It is now the 24th of Grentle, Sir Dawnstar's sword was ordered on the 18th and will take 12 days. Owes 400gp. Yeusof orders his ring of storage on the 19 and 9 days to make it ready on the 28th, Paid. Thineli Armor was ordered on the 20th and takes 15days, ready on the 35th, Paid.

Kill Count=Giant Scorpion+(3xDarkmantle)
Exp=700+(3x100)=1000/6=167 exp. Fighting in the dark hijinks +100 exp
Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 14049, Lord Fatty 13213, Thineli 15763, Yeusof 12760, Sir Dawnstar 11654, Frog 2920. Frog can level up to 4 and Ellalan can level up to 6.

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