Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 11/03/20

 Playing: Ellalan (Julie), Lord Fatty (NPC:Aaron), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Yuseof  (NPC:Julie), Frog (Keiran).

Ellalan parked her two wagons at the stable. These are narrow wagons (about 3 ft by 8 ft long) that can fit though the main marked paths of the Under Temple area and what merchants use. Each can hold about 400lbs and can be pulled by a beast or man, worth 50gp each. This happened after the battle with the Hobgoblins and Bugbears, just keeping track of where they are.

Frog rents a room at the tarven. He than drags a naked headless hobgoblin body through the now silent tarven up to his room. The bar tender shakes his head, "That boy just ain't right in the head...". Frog then starts chopping bones out of the corpse, planning to make a necklace... Thineli goes to the Lemental King, doesnt see the bar singer, the bartender tells him Morgo wants to see him about the armor he is making from the Stone Lizard scales and Kendell is off hunting spiders., Morgo tells Thineli that he can make Studded Leather with a resistance to either Piercing or Slashing damage for 600 more gp. It will take 15 days. Thineli picks slashing and it will be eagerly waiting for it. This was ordered on the 20th of Grentle. Frog finishes chopping up the body in his room to gather bones.. and then goes somewhere to boil the bones....Thineli checks the board front of the chief's house. "Trolls 75gold per head, Magic Spiders 25gp per head, Bugbear Bandits KILL! 2gp per head! Hobgoblin Bandits 3gp per head!" Ellalan studies Linan Slates for 5hrs that day, being studious in her room (12hrs down/48hrs needed). Sir DawnStar asked Kunaxx for his GreatSword enchanted on the 16th of Grentle (it should be ready on the 25th). City guards check on Frog boiling his bones. Frog actions strange but isn't being anything really illegal so they ignore him. Frog gives the broth the homeless and poor peoples. At his house, Lord Fatty conducted a ritual with the orphans, giving them each 300exp so they are now lvl 2 sidekicks. this cost him 450exp.

Long rest. Today is the 21st of Grentle. The party of Thineli, Ellalan, Yuesof, Frog, Sir Dawn Star and a reluctant LordFatty (NPCed by Aaron) goes to hunt trolls. Thineli convences Lord Fatty to join the group, instead of teaching his children. Thineli leaves the baby owlbear in the care of Lord Fatty's orphans.. The party remembers the way to the trolls, Sir Dawnstar will lead the group on this two leg journey, first to the area of the spiders and then further to the lair of the trolls. Each leg is 6 hours. They make it to the area of the spiders with no difficultly. They see the tunnels are full of webs and maybe spiders and so decide to travel around the area. Sir Dawnstar gets confused in the unknown area and leads the party into various dead ends and cul de sacks, wasting 2 hours of walking around. At the end of that they are once again looking at a web clogged tunnel.... Ellalan, Thineli and Yuseof all at the same time see a small round sign, scratched into a flat piece of slate...Written in crude crude common letters that are just barely legible are the words: "This our tunnel.. stay out or be food" Realizing that going that way would be a bad idea, Sir Dawnstar leads the party away from the spider area.... and five hours later, when they are roughly an hour away from the troll's lair... They are wandering through a twisting section of caves when Thineli and Yuseof both hear footsteps coming from up ahead. The party hides and waits to see what is approaching.. A man steps into their view about 70 feet away and yells out "Who goes there? Be ya friend or foe?". Lord Fatty used his shield Bless, Thineli his camoflague device and Ellalan a climbing potion. The party tries to sneak forward, till Sir Dawnstar steps into view and yells "We are friends! We are adventures seeking trolls!" The rest of the party stays hidden as Sir Dawnstar conducts the parlay..The party has encountered a group of men and others patrolling from the town of Hartsong. After some talk the groups part ways.. The patroller seem to have a favorable impression of Sir Dawnstar. The party travels the last hour to the troll caves.. they seem abandoned, though the simple traps they had are still in place and catch Frog in a spiked pit. Ellalan makes a discovery..trolls pile their shit against walls... and that troll poop stays moist for a long time. Frog and Ellalan dig into the huge pile of troll bedding.. most of it is disguiesting filt, but Ellalan finds a rotted coin purse with with 26gp in various kinds of coins...Ellalan suggests hiding and ambushing the trolls in their toilet. but the idea is flushed down the dum dum. Frog searches the shit piles catches an infestation of bitting grubs (diease) and has to be cured by Sir Dawnstar laying on hands.. Frog investigates a boney corpse (bandly) sees a Carrion Crawler and fires a Chromatic Orb at it.. Missing and starting the combat..It is a small herd of Carrion Crawlers (50. At one point Ellalan is almost downed by the Crawlers, paralyzed and poisoned but is saved by Sir Dawnstar using Lay on Hands to cure poison and heal her. They quickly kill the Crawlers and then....Cliffhanger!!

Kill Count=(Carrion Crawlerx5)

Exp=(450x5)=2250/5=450 exp. Exploring the troll lair +50 Exp each, Sir Dawnstar parlaying +150 exp, Lord Fatty ritual with orphans -450 exp.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 12782, Lord Fatty 11166, Thineli 13716, Yeusof 11518, Sir Dawnstar 9389. Kendell 3458, Frog 1290. Frog can level to 3 when he has a long rest.

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