Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 12/22/20

Playing: Hej Mallorca (Rumo), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John),  Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Nurbag the hunter (Jose).

Date in Campaign is: 26th of Grentle.

When the party awakens all of their gear and armor etcetera has been taken away and  they find themselves lying on the ground in a cave wearing just a prison shift. they are drugged and their hands are bound behind their back. Frog wakes and tries to cast a spell that doesn't go off (drugged) and then tries to kick the elderly shaman that is sitting cross legged nearby. Frog misses and the shaman smashes Frogs head into a nearby wall. The shaman seems a lot stronger then he looks. Also nearby is an Orc hunter, wearing a shift but not bound, sitting calmly and by the the shaman side, a bugbear that looks different from the run of the mill others (Jose is playing Nurbag the Hunter (Orc Ranger) and Rumo is Hej Mallorca (Bugbear Berserker)). The shaman gives the party a few minutes to sit up and begins his tale.

Who are the Bugbears? They are half of a larger tribe, the rest of the tribe has decided to follow the Hobgoblins. This is the part that was led by the Shaman and is mostly non combatants (cubs, elderly, woman and injured). The tribe that they use to belong to was called the Amber Fangs.. They call themselves the Shattered Tooth tribe now. The Shaman that leads them is called "Rea'Vis'' which means "Few Teeth" in Goblin.

Why are they here? They have separated and moved from where they were, leaving that area to the Amber Fangs. Now they search for an area of their own that they can feel safe in and build a new tribe. They have no interest in becoming an appendage of another group. They are not strong enough to defeat the groups and creatures living in nearby areas that they know of. They are gathered in a section of caves not far from the Ch'Click! but have no interaction with them beyond threatening each other. 

Why did they spare the party? Rea'vis prayed to the Goddess Ah'shss'ta and was grained visions of them and knows they will be of use to the tribe. That is why he had them captured rather than driven away or killed. He knows they are favored or marked by God and hopes to use them to find his tribe's new territory. Note that going to the surface isn't an option since the tribe suffers from fear of large open spaces. 

What is the task for the party? There is an area of obelisks, each will ask a riddle. There is a time limit... if the riddle is not answered or answered incorrectly within the time limit, summoned guardians attack. If the guardians are defeated the party may pass. There are ten obelisks... (the guardians summoned are equal in number to the obelisk/2 round up +1 and are elemental variations of common creatures (use 1d4; 1-Giant Eagle, 2-Dire Wolf, 3-Brown Bear, 4-Tiger, Elemental type, 1d4 1 Air, 2 Earth, 3 Fire, 4 Water)).. Past this there is a passage to a forested zone the Shattered Tooth Tribe can call their own (or so Rea'Vis has been told in his visions).

 Party is given a long rest,  then all of their mundane equipment is returned. All of their magic items are kept by the shaman, who states "since you want these things back you will return...". Hej Mallorca is sent with the party as a guide and to give them the potion that undrugs them at the site.  The party is escorted to a hole in the ground and they have to climb down a rope ladder to reach the area they need to be in. The ladder is retracted...

 They find themselves in an area of elevated columns, some of them tens of feet across. They cannot tell how high up they are or how far away the ground is between the pillars; it just seems to fade Into darkness and cobwebs. There are wooden and bone bridges linking some of the columns. There are ten softly glowing obelisks scattered among the tops of the columns. A nearby one is glowing more brightly. As they stand there, they hear a voice in their heads..."Touch the obelisk and you will be asked a riddle. There is a time limit..if you are wrong you will be attacked by the elemental guardians." Hej tells them that only the person that touches the Obelisk will hear the riddle but if they join hands they can all hear it and answer. It will ask for a final answer at the end of the time limit.

Frog  chooses not to participate doesn't want to touch anybody's hand but still won't shut the fuck up, yelling out answers and such.. this is how player's characters get killed... just saying. So anyway... The first 3 riddles are answered correctly... the riddles are 1) Riddle: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? Answer: The future, they guessed Air which was also acceptable, 2) Riddle: What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it? Answer: Silence, and 3) Riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they? Answer: Footsteps. The 4th riddle was 4) Riddle: I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again, what is in will not get out. What am I? Answer: A key, they guessed Door... three Earthen Brown Bears rose from the ground and fought them.. wasn't a hard fight. They then answered riddles 5, 6, 7 and 8. 5) Riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: A river. 6) Riddle: What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks? Answer: Day, and night. 7) Riddle: There is a house. One enters it blind and comes out seeing. What is it? Answer: A School or place of learning, they answered church which is acceptable. 8) Riddle: What building has the most stories? Answer: The library. Riddle nine was failed, 9)  Riddle: What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves? Answer: Nothing, they didn't have an answer. Five Flame Tigers appeared. This was a pretty tough fight but they won.  Riddle 10 also failed.. 10)Riddle: The person who makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it? Answer: A coffin, they couldn't get an answer before they timer ran out... Six Air Dire Wolves attacked them, this was a brutal fight and they could have easily lost but a well placed Thunderwave by Thineli pushed two of them off the small platform.. they vanished into the depths below... 

Having fought the Air Wolves summoned by the last Obelisk and defeating them.. they touch the still glowing obelisk and are teleported to a huge stone temple.. it looks abandoned, there is dust and cobwebs everywhere... and weird glowing bubbles..They hear a voice in their heads "Well Done! You have made it to the final round!!" They have no idea who is telling them this... until they see the huge glowing dragon on the altar!!


Kill Count=(Earthen Brown Bearx3)+(Flame Tigerx5)+(Air Dire Wolfx5)

Exp=(200x3)+(200x5)+(200x6)=2800/5=560 exp. Bonus: Eight riddles right=150x8=1200exp each

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 16349, Thineli 18063, Sir Dawnstar 14000, Frog 5220, Hej Mallorca 2060, Nurbag The Hunter 2060. Sir Dawnstar, Hej Mallorca and Nurbag The Hunter can all level next long rest (to 6, 3, and 3).

Not appearing: Yeusof 12760, Lord Fatty 13213

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