Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 10/27/20

There was no game on 10/27/20 as the GM's car was stolen (and later found) and he didn't get any sleep or time to prepare for the game. Some stuff happened on Discord earlier in the week..

Lord Fatty @GMBob After cleaning up the armor, sword and shield. Lord Fatty will teach his new family how to become familiar with a shield, dagger, sword on the crappy hobgoblin chainmail as Target. Lord Fatty will explain that they need to be able to at least defend themselves in addition to learning how to breathe properly for their prayers. With communal prayerful discernment to find their spiritual connection to Mishakel

Thineli @GMBob, After getting back to town, Thineli wants to check on his owlbear to see how the hatching is coming along. And to go buy some dried meat to be ready for feeding time. :slight_smile:

Lord Fatty @Thineli Hey can Lord Fatty bring the kids to see Thinelli’s owlbear egg?

Thineli @LordFatty The egg and I travel together

GMBob @Lord Fatty if you had looked at the character sheets in your journal in roll20, you would have seen they all know how to use simple weapons and light armor. It will take a long time for them to use anything else and using stuff they aren't trained in has the following penalties: using a non-proficient weapon, you don't get to use the proficiency bonus. The real penalties appear if you use armor without proficiency, as that causes penalties to checks involving Strength or Dexterity, and prevents you from casting spells.

GMBob @Thineli When you get back to town you see the egg is about to hatch, you go and get milk (cause it will be nursing for a couple of days after being hatched). The egg is roughly football sized so you will be able to carry the hatchling around in a sling pouch or something. It will be eating a couple of times its body weight for a while after being hatched and will grow to the size of a giant rat in a matter of days.

Game ruleswise: Owlbears are extremely aggressive carnivores that eat everything that has a heartbeat. I will say the owlbear would grow to a full adult strength in about 1 years and live a maximum of 25 years. 


0-1 months: infant AC:10. HP:1d4+2. Speed:15ft. No attacks

2-5 months: young AC:10. HP:2d6+4. Speed:20ft. Claw attack: +3 to hit, 1d6+2 slashing damage

6-11 months: teen AC: 11. HP:5d8+14. Speed:30ft. Claw attack: +5 to hit, 1d8+3 slashing damage Beak attack: +5 to hit, 1d6+3 piercing damage

1 years + adult: MM stats

I will let you add exp to it as a 'druid ritual' taking 1 hour per 100exp and be able to accelerate its growth by 1 month per 200 exp spent.

Lord Fatty @GMBob Lord Fatty and family will spend time setting up their new home. Meditate to commune with Mishakel. Lord Fatty brought chainmail, sword and shield. Daclor and Uzona will wear the armor during calisthenics to build endurance. Ubram will practice mending on the damaged items. Lord Fatty will arrange rooms as two bedrooms: one for Ubram and one for Daclor and Uzona. The third room has a general purpose kitchen/temple area/ Lord Fatty’s bed. Lord Fatty instructs on spell casting phrases and prayers to Mishakel. What do they use to preserve food in this setting? Barrel of salt for meat? Do we have a basement for cold storage or need to dig one out?

GMBob @LordFatty Meat is preserved with drying and or spices for the most part, though magical means also exist and are expensive compared to spices. Your cottage doesn't have a basement so you would have to dig one out and make a floor that wouldn't collapse into the dugout basement. None of you have the skill set for that so you may want to hire a person to guide you to do it or hire a team to do it. Unless you plan to do any of the other activities for more than a day it will not make any difference. Game rulewise: I will also let you "give' exp to your apprentice(s) to have them level faster (up to one level behind you) as a "cleric training ritual". Each 100exp spend will take an hour and  give one of them 200exp.

Ellalan @Lord Fatty Ellalan suggests LF share his part of adventuring goods with his acolytes. She refuses to share her cut of the wealth and treasures (and is angry if she has to split XP!) with another three bodies. In which case, she will keep her own wealth and become more aggressive in pirating loot. She will also spend time reading the Sacred Flame book for as many hours as she can without penalty and spend the rest of the time at the bar and in the market “listening, overhearing, cough cough, spying” to learn what she can about the town they are in, the people, and all the local news of the Finger God.

LordFatty @Ellalan At no point did LordFatty suggest adding his acolytes to cut in the treasure or experience. His loot from the bandit raid was given as training materials to familiarize themselves with. Thinelli and Lord Fatty Are being allowed to level up their sidekicks at the cost of their own exp.“Consume the Multiverse, Restore the body, Achieve immortal fertility” Is the next of Mishakel’s tenets to instruct

Thineli @GMBob Thanks Bob! I will spend time buying milk and meats. While buying meat I ask around for a steady supply of fresh/cured meats. I want to pass on the basement digging. Will the owlbear avoid biting me?

GMBob @Thineli The baby owlbear should imprint on you once it hatches and feeds. So no biting. Yes you can easily find a source of fresh meats (the hunters).. not sure where you were planning to dig a basement.

GMBob  @Lord Fatty ok so you are going to set up the ritual and spend a total of 450 xp which will bring the acolytes up to lvl2. At second lvl they will have 2 hd, know 3 cantrips and 3 spells, be able to cast 3 lvl 1 spells per day and use Magical Recovery (Beginning at 2nd level, when the sidekick finishes  a short rest, it can recover expended spell slots.  The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half its level in this class (rounded up), and none of the spell slots can be 6th level or higher. Once the sidekick uses this feature, it can’t use the feature again until it finishes a long rest.)

Thineli Bob, I wasn’t planning on digging a basement, can I just shop for fresh meat daily? 

@Lord Fatty I would be willing to share the cost. I plan to see the hunters for most of the food though. Fresh meat:)

LordFatty @Thineli 50/50 split is fine since we each need to feed our wards.

@GM Bob Bob Lord Fatty will either spend this Tuesday studying Undercommon with the kids or have them join the group as a NPC healing troupe. As I’m working this Tuesday.

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