Saturday, January 16, 2021

Thoughts on the Campaign thus far

 1) I think I am not giving enough exp.. I'm doing it by the books but my players are leveling super slow... (though part of this is they just run in circles a lot and don't finish missions or tasks given so don't get the end bonus).

2) I try to explain in detail but they still seem to not have a clue how to over come simple obstacles.. decided to not hold their hands as much and see if they live or die.. (I can tell some of them want to be other characters as well).

3) There is an larger story arc (the faceless god sending them on quests to make them stronger so they can repel or halt the upcoming demon invasion..) but the players can't focus on anything that is not in front of them.. I get it that it is hard to remember week to week but that is why I keep the recaps.. that they do not read... 

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