Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 01/13/21

Playing: Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Yeusof (Jose).

Date in Campaign is: 35th of Grentle

Thineli listens and hears far off rubbery whispers of some unknown language. He uses his Comprehend Language to understand it. Listening he realizes it's a bunch of complaints about missing crops, damaged clothes and other stuff. The complainers all blame the "outsiders". A louder, more noble (?) voice tells them to wait and express their complaints to RarJest. Thineli also hears that speaker addressed at JanJal. While waiting for Thineli to relay this information, the party hears a noise to the north from a pile of rubble. Ellalan sneaks up and sees a rubbery looking shark like humanoid (a Kuo-toa Monitor), she jumps him, yelling at slimy creature dude in common, "arrrr, we are trying to befriend you!" and attempts to use Stunning Strike on him. But the Kuo-toa (named TerJal) saves and then when she grapples him he snakes out of her grasp with his slimy skin. TerJal then strikes a martial artist's pose, then hits her twice with lightning blows (real lightning on his fists that prevent the target from taking reactions) and a bite before running away screaming something (which Thineli hears as "FINS OF FURY!! ROCK THE WORLD! HAAZAA!") Ellalan can not opportunity attack (no reactions ) and curses "I hate other monks!!" The tribe of Kuo-toa hear the noise and some run to get weapons and the ones that are prepared head towards the parties.. the party keeps yelling "FRIENDS!" and "PEACE!" till JanJal approaches and speaks with them in Common. Then the chief shows up RarJest. The party explains that they are looking for the bugbears that took their equipment. When Reggie hears this, he exclaims "Ah you are the heroes that opened the way for them, as foretold by their bugbear god."  He then goes on to say how sad it is that they just have one god and that they should make more. This goes back and forth till Yesuof asks how they make a god and RarJest shows them.. making a short stature with a vest, a fish head, a human arm coming out of its chest and three shrimp in its hands. Sir Dawnstar tell them about his God called god.. it is a bright light and a warm feeling.. So RarJest makes a big fire with some shiny metal to reflect the heat... RarJest tells them that the bugbears gave a gift to their gods and in return were show the way to the passage through the Clashing Sands.. The gift that was given was Thineli's Lightning Scimitar. Yeusof tells RarJest he can make a better god and digs up a piece of metal, greyish and weirdly shaped. He uses it as the head.. then thinking it may be valuable switches it for 2 coins. Yeusof's God was dashingly handsome and mighty looking... and was strikingly similar looking to Yeusof.. and 2 ft tall and made of mud, sticks and rocks. As they have nothing to give as a gift they ask if there is a task they could perform for the gods. RarJest tell them of the "ancient servants" that are harassing the farmers and tell them that driving away or killing them would please the gods.. He walks the party to the other side of the ruined city and they see the edge of a large lake.. As RarJest is talking about the lobster creatures, Ellalan sees the water, hears blah blah blah and runs into the water. When she is knee deep in the lake she looks and sees five Chuul (3 Chuul, 1 Incubator and 1 Screecher.. though they all look alike to her). The rest of the party stops listening to RarJest and runs to Ellalans aid. The battle is long and almost lost, but the Chuul aren't that smart and target based on what radiates magic. Frog walks unarmored into the middle of them and is downed, dying on the muddy shore. Ellalan is thinking, "If we die, at least I die near the water..." Thineli uses Wind Wall and then shape changes to a Feral Hunting Lizard.. and nearly gets eaten.. Sir Dawnstar finally remembers he is a paladin and uses his abilities to kill one of the Chuul. Ellalan Steps of Wind away from the ones that were overwhelming her, leaving Yeusof to go down alone.. As the Chuul retreat back from the shore and city, they grab Frogs corpse and Yeusof's unconscious body.. Ellalan yells, "Yousef! nooo!" and prepares to run into the ocean after him...She was going to run away in a Thinelli like move, but seeing Yousef dragged away...she realizes she has to try to save him! She cant leave him behind! But then she helps Sir Dawnstar kill one of the Chuul on the shore.. so whatever... Though she quicky swims out to the Chuul carrying Yuesof away and rips him free, stabilizing him as she keeps his head about water. She tells him "You are too beautiful to die!!!HAHAHAHA In your own mind! You owe me I saved your life." The chief approaches after the party kills and drives off the Chuul.. Frog dying in the melee.. Yuesof almost being carried off as Chuul food... "That was very brave... we just wanted you to spread this poison to drive them away..."

Sad Trombone noise...

all that death and violence for ... fun?

Kill Count=(1xChuul)+(2xChuul Driven away)+(1xChuul Screeher)+(1xChuul Incubator Driven away) 

Exp= (1100+(2x1100/2)+1100+(1100/2))/5=770 exp each. For not fighting the Kuo-tua tribe +1000 each, 

For having a battle of martial artists +100 exp (Ellalan only), For building a god to impress the Kuo-tua chief (even though it didn't) +100 exp (Yeusof only).

Current Exp Totals are: Yeusof 14900, Ellalan 19229, Thineli 20853, Sir Dawnstar 16790, Frog RIP. Yeusof can level to 6 with a long rest.

Not appearing: Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930, Hej Mallorca 2810 

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