Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campiagn Recap for 11/24/20

Playing: Lord Fatty (Romo), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John),  Frog (Keiran).

Date in Campaign is: 22st of Grentle.

The party talks to Cirha, then he tells them about the Cr'C!C!Kr! (the intelligent Phase Spiders) well what he knows about them so far. He also tells Thineli about two creatures he would be able to shapeshift to if he studies them, the Feral Hunting Lizard and the Giant Torment Frog.

He draws them a map to the area of the Hunting Lizards.

The party takes a long rest. (Thineli/Sir Dawnstar/Yeusof/Lord Fatty). 

While Thineli and Cirha are talking, one of the Guardian Shrubs tells him a spider is in the webbing nearby. Cirha approaches the webbing and starts making a display to the spider, turning into a spider to talk to it. When he finishes, Cirha explains that he thinks he has asked the CriC!C!Kr! to bring someone that is willing to talk with him.. he thinks..Cirha tells the party he smells Roper on them and they should wash to remove the scent as Roper brood will track that scent. Sir Dawnstar buries the Roper and Prowler parts the party has been carrying back to town.. but not that great a job...

On the 6th hour of the long rest..Another Phase Spider shows up wearing a harness and a hat!.. Cirha and the spider do their displays and then the spider puts out a slate to write stuff on.. after a few moments, Cirha bids the party well, turns to a spider and follows the spider in the webbing…

Date in campaign is: 23rd of Grentle.

After the long rest, Thineli, Sir Dawnstar and Lord Fatty will follow the map to the area of Feral Hunting Lizards...After 40min of following the directions they enter a cave with a large sandy area ahead of them.. Sir Dawnstar detects something hidden in the sand.. Thineli thinks it may be some kind of insect ambusher..two Giant Scorpions attack the three of them but are killed by them after a running battle... yay!

Lord Fatty used Spiritual Weapon and a 3rd Lvl Cure Wounds. Sir Dawnstar used 1 1st lvl smite and 20hp lay on hands.. Thineli used his Scorching Ray. Lord Fatty harvests one of the Giant Scorpions and recovers 2 Giant Scorpion Claws. Acts as a dagger. Can be mastercrafted (jeweler’s tools) into a musical instrument, 1 Giant Scorpion Stinger. Acts as a dagger that deals +1d6 poison damage (breaks on a roll of 1-3) and 9 rations. This takes 30mins. 

Frog shows up (he was left behind sleeping) and joins them.

They continue on and 10mins later than come to another large cavern system.. There is a large stoney "island" or hill about ten feet high in the center of the area.. As they enter the area Sir Dawnstar sees a shadowy figure ducking down behind some vegetation.. Sir Dawnstar climbs up the small hill. A stoney figure pops out and gives a him a glowing stare that paraylizes him.. the figure then pushes him off the hill. After a moment the paraysis wears off and they decide to go around the island and avoid the Stone Gazer..They head off on the final leg of the short journey and Sir Dawnstar gets lost for 35mins...getting back on track they make it to the cavern with the Feral Hunting Lizards..The area of the Lizards is a large cavern about 1/2 km across and with a roof about about 200 feet up. There are various ferns and other plants and abundant wildlife.. Most of animals seem to be lizard based. Thineli sneaks around invisible for a bit and then has to return to the cave were they are waiting. Frog kills a smallish lizard with his crossbow..They start killing the smaller lizards to get larger lizards to come eat the corpses.. after 5 hours of this.. the Feral Hunting Lizards show up...Thineli observes them for 20mins and connects to their form... he can now shape change to their form. Yay! So the group heads back, trying to avoid encounters.. getting back to the area where yeusof and ellalan are waiting in about 2 hours. On the way back, they clean their bodies and gear in some running water. Their whole side trip took 9 hours. Ellalan and Yeusof studied the Linan Slates for 4 hours while they waited. (16 hrs down for Ellalan, 4 hrs for Yeusof /48hrs needed).

Kill Count=(2xGiant Scorpion) Lord Fatty/Sir Dawnstar/Thineli (1xStone Gazer Avoided) +Frog

Exp=(2x700)=1400/3=467 exp. 700/2=350/4= 88 exp. Exploring the path to the Cave of the Feral Hunting Lizards +250 exp

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 13782, Lord Fatty 12946, Thineli 15496, Yeusof 12493, Sir Dawnstar 11654, Frog 2653.

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