Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 12/08/20

Playing: Fai Starflower (Rumo), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John),  Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie)

Date in Campaign is: 24th of Grentle.

This was on Discord..

Thineli :Couple of sidebar items. -studied the rest of the Cirha map. To see what else he added to it.

-Go to the chief to tell him about the spiders and how they are smart and have a civilization. I tell him about the Druid and what he told us about his studies.

GM Bob  After looking at the map you can see stuff has been erased and drawn over but after studying it for an hour you see the following 'places' noted on the map: Sexy Mushrooms, Evil Magic Sword,  Coven of the lode star, The Enraged Teeth, Smog Nymphs, Ruins of Codex Library.. there are more but harder to make out.  You can study the map and see if you can decipher directions to these things...

The chief listens and then asks if you had heard anything about the missing hunters. The same hunters that you were looking for 2 or 3 days ago. When you tell him you don't know he says they are important to the town as they are always bringing in fresh meat and watching the areas beyond the town. Find out if they are alive or dead and he will pay you 50gold. 10 hunters are missing at the moment.

The party is in the Alluring Bottle drinking. Also there is a new character, Fai Starflower, a ranger (Rumo's new character). He meets the group and they chat.. 

Fal:Hello I'm Fai. I love carving wood, drinking ale and talking about carving wood while drinking.

Ellalan:I do carving, too! Scrimshaw. I'm Ellalan. You can also just call me Ella. These are my friends...Yeusof is the one passed out on the floor under the table...this is Sir Dawnstar

Thinelli and a little guy were here a while ago...

Fal: ivory and bone goudes work well for fine details on soft woods

Ellalan: I never deal in soft woods! Only strong bones for me! And the teeth of massive beasts!

Meanwhile Frog is attacking the Orphanage.. He heads back to the orphanage, sneaking when close to it. Frog gets close enough to see the orphans working in the gardens in front of the orphanage. Boppo (one of the yard guards at the orphanage) hears Frog crash into garbage in the alley. He yells at him "HEY! You're not welcome here anymore!" Frog casts Crown of Madness on him. Frog has him grab some vegetables and throw them at the orphanage. The orphans try to stop him but they aren't strong enough. After a few rounds he breaks free of the charm and yells out "It was that FREAK FROG!" but can't see him hidden in the alleyway. Frog casts an illusion of his voice coming from a different alleyway yelling about rats! But it sounds weird to the orphans so they aren't fooled. Boppo tells the orphans to get inside and let out the dogs. The dogs in this case are lizards but same thing. Frog waits for the dogards to get close to the fence and cast Pyrotechnics at them. The flash seems to make them angrier. Frog then runs away and the fence prevents chasing...(This has something to do with Frog being convinced there is an underground orphan gladiator battle thing there.. actually it is part of the survival training that the orphans are all taught so they can live in this harsh environment...)

Then the group (Thineli, Ellalan, Fai Starflower, Sir Dawnstar and Frog) head to the Stone of the Lemental King to find information about the missing hunters.. They enter, Thineli ordering a efete wine, Ellalan a frothy grog, Sir Dawnstar a brandy and Frog asks for tap water!

the names of the missing hunters: Kendell, Slog, Nurbag, Fudhagh, Mor, Durz, Borgakn, Oglub, Yoplmar, Thalla. Fai has ale. They are given a better grasp of where the hunters were to be hunting and they were to investigate the sudden influx of magic spiders! Heading to that area, which the party knows kind of well at this point. They come to a new crevasse that was not there before, 4 ft across and seemingly bottomless, and the other side is 7 ft up. Thineli turns into a Feral Hunting Lizard and ferries everyone across! While ferrying them across the crevasse, Thineli sees a small hidden cache of stuff that he grabs with his mouth.. When he checks it, it is a rotted leather bag containing the following...Goblet:Pine Emerald Engraved Jungle Scene worth 35gp, An ivory and copper smoking pipe with stale tobacco inside. (4gp), A hand-fan of clipped, black-dyed harpy feathers bound with copper wiring. (9gp), A jar containing six eyeballs (2 human, 1 goblin, 1 ogre, 1 worg, and 1 hawk) in a clear liquid. (2gp for all), A copper hand bell with a pinewood handle. (15sp), An ornamental rod of office, bronze topped with a key-like device, roughly 24” long. (5gp), A blood-soaked book; a partially written history about a long-lost keep on the borderlands. The last written page is done in a different hand, and is scrawled with “The rules have changed!” in large, bold letters. Roughly a third of the book (of 100 pages) has been used. (5gp). They make it to the area of the spider caves... the caves are still clogged with webs.. a new sign is nearby.. but not readable with darkvision. Thineli produces flame in his hand to read the sign. It says "This is home of CH'CLICK race. No Enter unless asked!" Written in both common and orcish. Thineli searches and finds a small marker pointing to another tunnel...Thineli is walking with his flame in his hand...Writing on wall. Written in Orcish, maybe in blood, "Bugbear ambushed.. 15+" Thineli finds another marker with the symbol for dig/bury. Ellalan digs and finds a largish sack filled with 24 chunks of dried meat and 20 arrows. Ellalan gives the meat to Thinelli for his owlbear and the arrows to Fai. Exploring farther into the area that they know contains Bugbears they are ambushed by a group of Bugbears... Five Bugbear Archers and a Brute. The fight doesn't last long, the Brute yelling instructions to his cohorts in Goblin (which no one understands) and they do a fighting retreat with the last one making it to a lever connecting to a rope that is connected to bells.. Some of the party hear the bells but continue to chase the last archer into this cave.. finding a large pit trap that they avoid.. before Fai falls in.. the bottom of the pit is covered in oil..the Bugbear stops ringing the bell and pulls a different lever. Fai sees sparks in the pit!! But the sparks don't ignite the oil.. Ellalan and Sir Dawnstar pull the oil soaked ranger out of the pit with ropes. Thineli turns into a Giant Spider and traps the last Bugbear archer in a web.. he can still pull the bell lever though. Sir Dawnstar tries to scoot across the narrow ledge of the pit and fails, falling into the oily trapped pit. Ellalan throws a rope down to Sir Dawnstar. Starflower throws an oily rope to Sir Dawnstar. Spider Thineli bites the Bugbear, killing him with poison. The party then all cross the pit to look at the lever and see where the rope goes.. they see it goes up and through a small hole in the wall..and as they watch they see the level move on its own (as someone is pulling the rope on the other side) and hear more bells. Spider Thineli realizes this could be trouble and tries to tell the party to run out of this dead end cave.. but can't talk as a spider and only does a weird spider dance that confuses them.. he heads across the pit and heads to the mouth of the cave. Sir Dawnstar gives Ellalan 10 HP of Lay on hands. And the party is ambushed at the mouth of the cave.. Three Archers open up on them, two Cutthroats and a Brute pin them there.. Frog goes down.. They hear more Bugbears approaching.. Frog falls his first saving throw..oh my! Ending at the top of the round.. What will happen next!! CLIFFHANGER!!!

Kill Count=(Bugbear Archerx5)+Bugbear Brute

Exp=(5x100)+450=950/5=190 exp. Exploring and Investigating bonus +210 exp

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 14449, Lord Fatty 13213, Thineli 16163, Yeusof 12760, Sir Dawnstar 12054, Frog 3320, Fia Starflower 700.

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