Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 11/17/20

Playing: Ellalan (Julie), Lord Fatty (NPC:Aaron), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John), Yuseof  (Jose), Frog (Keiran).

Date in Campaign is: 22st of Grentle.

Ellalan is on watch. Suddenly from beyond the mouth of the entrance to the Troll's lair she hears a bellowing roar in some gurteral language she can't understand (it's Giant btw). Some of the others wake up when this happens and they wake up the rest. After a moment's pause, the same bellowing is heard, closer now.. Then they hear (in common) "Sister, She isn't answering what should we do?" "Stay calm! Give her a moment, their lair may be quite large." The voices are rough and harsh, another loud bellow in Giant and they decide to move forward. The party has hidden themselves in the outer hall, waiting to see what has been talking.. A large shadowy figure enters in the range of Dark Vision.. It resembles a Manticore, except smaller wings and a more muscular body.. An acidic smell is also noticed by some. Thineli remembers this smell, from a long time ago, in the area of something called Omen, the DemiGod of Poison. The creature (a Spawn of Omen) called out in Giant and then Common, "Hello? We have come to parlay." The party is unsure what to do... Then Sir Dawnstar steps forward and says he is there.. The Spawn asks "Who are you and why are you here?" Sir Dawnstar states his name and that he is an adventurer and here to kill trolls. 

(Now what Sir Dawnstar didn't know was... This is from my GM notes.. Next session the party will encounter two Spawn of Omen "Uzith (male) and Shugerth (female)" and their slave "Hands". They are carrying the crudely butchered carcass of a giant lizard (about 400lbs of meat), bundled so they can carry it on their backs and Hands has two scrolls of speech of giants, 10 ft radius, duration 1 hour. Hands will use the scrolls when told. They have come here to open an alliance with the Troll leader, not knowing she has left the area. They will try to determine who the party is and what side they are on, but they are not too bright and are easily tricked. Will call each other brother and sister. The Spawn each have two Greater Healing Potions (each potion is a quart and in an easily bitten container). Shugerth has two Fireball Spells 1 use items (actually large wooden boards), in case the Trolls are hostile. They keep these items in their chest pouches.)

Uzith is understandably pissed off and attacks Sir Dawnstar with his Tail spikes. The battle starts from there... the party drives the Spawns off, forcing Shugerth to use her two Fireballs (which really pissed her off.. those are expensive!).. The party takes a lot of damage, so decide to stay where they are and finish their long rest so Thineli can level up (and gain a short rest to spend hit dice)... An encounter check gives them another encounter.. This time the returning from the hunt offspring of the Roper, a group of four Prowlers (the middle form of Piercer to Roper) ambush them, tracking them from the smell of the harvested body of their parent. They attack with surprise from the ceiling and do much better than they should have, almost killing Thineli (well A Nature 1 on death save counts as 2 fails). They party kills the Prowlers and after Sir DawnStar harvests one of the Prowler's corpses and gets the following: Prowler's Hide, 1 Prowler Tendril, 1 Prowler eye. This takes 20 minutes. At the same time Ellalan harvents one of the Prowler's corpses and gets 2 Prowler Tendrils. Finally the party decides to leave and heads back to Dagambi. Ellalan uses her bag of tricks and summons two weasels and a badger. The next four hours are harrowing as the Spawn has set up traps and ambushes on the way back. Lord Fatty needs light so they can see him way farther away then they can be seen from. The party avoids a few of the traps but..About 20mins out from the Troll Lairs, Sir Dawnstar steps on a trip wire and gets hit by a rock slide.. one weasel down. About 30mins later the party sees a bright mark on the wall of the tunnel about 8 feet off the ground, they puzzle it out for a few moments and then Frog is downed by poisoned tail bolts and Lord Fatty is hit by one. The Spawn are attacking from close to 250 feet away and retreat after a round. Lord Fatty casts a 10min healing spell and they continue onwards. An hour later.. they enter a large cavern they have to cross to follow the path to Dagambi.. They see a large area of the cave floor has a large painted area with acidic smelling 'paint'. The party springs into action, with Thineli turning into a Brown Bear (that can't see too far away from Lord Fatty's light), Ellalan, Frog and Yeusof drinking climbing potions and climbing up walls.. Sir Dawnstar hears a faint rumbling coming from the tunnel they have to go into so he moves closer to investigate, Yeusof going with him... Suddenly a herd of Giant Lizards come running up the tunnel. Sir Dawnstar kills one and Yeusof severely injures one.. they are almost crushed by the Giant Lizards running pass them but survive.. and watch the herd run to the north out of the cavern (the would have run to the party but the paint on the floor scared them.. said the Spawn weren't that smart). As the Lizards and stampeding, the Spawn shoot a few more long range Tail bolts. The party runs down the tunnel to the south east. That was the last ambush/ trap and so they made it to the area of the spider tunnels.. the halfway point to Dagambi. Seeing light and smelling cooking they sneak up on an old man tending a fire with a pot of soup on it. Standing near him are two humanoid plant creatures. Sir Dawnstar walks over and introduces himself. The old man is the Druid known as Cirha and the plants are his guardian Shrubs. Cirha seems old, canky and excitable. The rest of the party coming out of cover one by one didn't help.. and that was where we ended for today..


Kill Count=(2xSpawn of Omen Escaped)+(4xProwler)+(2xGiant Lizard)+(8xGiant Lizard escaped)

Exp=(2x700/2)+(4x200)+(2x50)+(8x50/2)=1800/6=300 exp. Evading/Surviving all of the Spawns traps +200 exp

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 13782, Lord Fatty 12141, Thineli 14691, Yeusof 12493, Sir Dawnstar 10439. Kendell 3458, Frog 2315.

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