Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 12/22/20

Playing: Hej Mallorca (Rumo), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (John),  Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie), Nurbag the hunter (Jose).

Date in Campaign is: ??th of Grentle.

The party finds themselves in what appears to be a dusty stone temple, with weird oddly glowing lights floating around. There is a huge alter on which a large gold dragon appears to be resting. As it notices their appearance at the temple it moves. It becomes apparent that it is not a dragon but a giant golden slug. He is excited to see them and is moving and teleporting about as he talks. He waves a tentacle and the temple is now clean and well lite. He introduces himself as Gib'shu'lopi. He is a powerful extra dimensional entity that spends his time testing weaker beings to see if they are worthy of receiving more power. It has set up various testing stations throughout various locations.. some do riddles, some do feats of strength or skill, it's pretty random. If the beings being tested make it to the end they are sent to the next level. They are sent to Gib'shu'lopi lair...There they will be tested by Gib himself with his alien sense of humor... Gib may injure, maim and kill them with his test but will restore them to normal after each round. To put them more at ease he demonstrates this by causally slicing Thineli into two half, length-wise, making him fall to the floor dead and then instantly restores him to full health. Looking at them closely, he notices the God Mark on the Aura/Soul of Ellalan and Thineli. He can see the ties that bind them to the Faceless God and to the rest of the original group (Thineli, Ellalan, Yeusof, JohanaHex, Lord Fatty and Thalluvk). He then shows them the prophetic visions the Faceless God had prepared for them. 

 The Prophecies of the faceless one

Thakkyvk:  you're much older, for the last 20 years you've been trying to avenge the destruction of your monastery. All of the friends you've made thus far have all fallen, All the villages and towns in the area for hundreds of miles have been destroyed and the peoples it's just you against an infinite army of demons, making your last stand on a mountain top. You kill thousands but in the end you fall... 

Thineli: You see yourself wearing the form of a demonic beast and killing humans wherever you find them. In a flashback, you remember fighting the invading demons, being beaten to near death.... then being saved by cultists and priests that healed as they warped your body and destroyed your will. Your mind is barely bestial and all you know is blood and rage...

Yeusof: You are clad in glowing armor with a sword of holy light as you lead a desperate attack on the sprawling demonic enemy camp. Your companions strike deep almost reaching the gate you need to destroy. Then you are discovered and fight  against the massive wave of demons and beasts in camp.... one by one all of your fellows fall till finally it's just you... they pull back as a demonic Overlord walks to you. You battle for minutes that seem like hours but in the end your head is torn from your body by the Overlord...

Ellalan: Your ship is far from land, as you and your crew watched the land be overrun by demons. You regret leaving but hope you can make it to a land that isn't being overwhelmed by demons. Suddenly demonic tentacled monsters grab your ship and rip it apart, you and your crew being eaten one by one by the evil monsters...

Lord Fatty: Your left arm and lower body have been replaced by magically driven items, as you fight before a giant city you have never seen before.. demons are over running the walls, killing and eating the defenders before entering the city to cause further death and ruin. You think back to all your wives that will be killed with the city and fight as you have never fought before...but in the end a giant demonic overlord smashes your body, destroying your legs again before leaving you to be eaten by the surrounding demonic horde as it walks towards the city.... 

JohanHex: You were promised great power and you have it... but no free will... just dim memories of a life with choice and friendships... You stand before the city waiting for the order to kill the humans... not  flinching when a running demon bites your leg, ripping a chunk of skin off and continues running towards the city... For a brief moment you remember the names of some of the defenders that are dying in front of you.. then you wait for your orders...

(Unknown to the party at this time, but everyone one that featured in a vision had that vision that night as they slept...)

Gib then explains there are three types of tasks he can test them on, Feats of Creation (making, sorting, understanding), Feats of Battle (fighting creatures), Feats of Skill (Athletic and endurance). But anything can be a task. He asks them, individually, what they are good at. 

Frog steps forward and states he is a wizard and he wants a wizardly task.  After a few moments of talkin it is decided his task will be to sort a large mixed pile of Spell components of five similar types. He successfully sorts 3 of the piles and passes. Frog asks if he can keep the components that he sorted and Gib agrees. Sir Dawnstar chooses a task of battle. Gib summons a giant glowing cube for him to fight inside and has him fight a Gas Spore, 2 Swarms of Bats and a Worg. He easily defeats them and passes. Ellalan's task is to run through a maze and avoid a summoned silver monkey that is chasing her... at first she is hiding from him but then has to run and dodge him crazily to get the end. Ellaln passes her task. Thineli's task is to determine which of three summoned beasts are friendly and/or tamable. There is a silver scaled Tiger, a fat purple Giant Snake and a spikie Giant Spider.. Thineli feds the Tiger some rations, opens the Spiders cage and then all the cages.. The Spider sits on top of its cage and then decides to eat Thineli. The Tiger fights the Spider on Thineli's behalf so he passes his task. Nurbag the Hunter asks for a hunting task, so Gib sends him to an area covered in snow to find and slay a large unknown bison-like beast. Nurbag tracks it easily and ambushes it, but doesn't kill it. He then continues tracking it back to it's herd but avoids the others, slays his targeted creature passing his task. Hej Mallorca says he is best at eating and consuming food. Gib examines him, sticking his tentacles into his mouth, face and skull and then creates a table loaded with bugbear delicacies,  things that Hej had only had once or had heard about and imagined their taste.  There is so much food to consume that Hej cannot complete two halves of this task,  but then he wins Gib over with a giant plume of projectile vomiting, just passing his task. He then called them up one of the time places his tentacle on their head, which then engulfs and covers their head.  There is a weird feeling of something moving inside their skull and something changing.. and a strong smell and taste a cinnamon, burning tar and peppercorns. Each of them is given the ability to cast a spell once per day, recharge on Long Rest. Frog learns False Life, Sir Dawnstar learns Divine Favor, Ellalan learns Chromatic Orb, Thineli learns Comprehend Languages, Nurbag learns Thunderwave and Hej learns Protection from Evil/Good. These spells are as in the PHB but do not require components just knowledge of where they are casting it.

Gib'shu'lopi bids them well and waves his tentacles... they reappear on the road of the North gate of Digambi, the orc town. Nurbag says he will track down the Bugbears that captured him before and report back... the rest of the party heads to the orc town. They head to the Alluring Bottle.. they find out that they have been gone for ten days... The date is now the 34th of Grindle. Sir Dawnstar checks on his sword, it's ready but he doesn't have his gold, the Bugbears kept it. Yeueof has his ring. Thineli armor will be ready for tomorrow.

Sir Dawnstar and Hej Mallorca level after a long rest. Nurbag is in search of the Shattered Tooth tribe, which has the partie's items and gold.

Exp= For passing the Task they choose, 750exp each.

Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 17099, Thineli 18813, Sir Dawnstar 14750, Frog 5970, Hej Mallorca 2810, Nurbag The Hunter 2810.

Not appearing: Yeusof 12760, Lord Fatty 13213, JohanaHex 4214, Thakkyvk 1930.

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