Saturday, January 16, 2021

Campaign Recap for 12/15/20

 After action for 12/15/20. Playing: Fai Starflower (Rumo), Thineli (Aaron), Sir Dawnstar (NPCed by Jose),  Frog (Keiran), Ellalan (Julie)

Date in Campaign is: 25th of Grentle.

When last we left the party they're in the process of being ambushed by a large group of Bugbears with more Bugbears coming in the distance.  They got themselves trapped in the cave while trying to stop the last Bugbear from sending out an alarm.  But they failed and were mesmerized by the lever he was pulling, getting themselves trapped by the approaching reinforcements. The battle begins with Ellalan using Fangs of The Fire Snake to send flaming fists into the Brute that is pinning them down for the archers, but it is mostly uneffective. The Brute and Cutthroats focus on Sir Dawnstar. Fai enters the fray and cuts down a wounded Cutthroat with his Short Swords before healing Frog, who was laying dying on the cave floor. Spider thineli climbs and runs to the ceiling then runs over to archers and falls on him.. and then is stabbed by another. He changes back into a drow, making the archer yell at him! Another round of combat has Fai nearly down, so he uses his last spell to heal himself and off-handed strikes a Bugbear with a short sword. Suddenly the Bugbear shieldboys pour into the area, five of them, young Bugbears each armed with two shields, assisting the grown Bugbears and shield bashing where they can. Thineli is fighting with his lightning scimitar and using Healing Word on himself. Sir Dawnstar is striking and Smiting the Brute fighting him, finally bringing him down. Frog attacks a Cutthroat's ankles, hits but doesn't do much damage.  The Bugbear shaman shows up and uses a spiritual weapon to attack Sir Dawnstar. Fai strikes at the Bugbears before yelling "Were being overrun! Everyone run!" Thineli casts lvl3 healing word on himself and then Throws Flame and runs!! Will he escape? Sir Dawnstar hits the Brute again and smites again! Frog disengages and runs through the gauntlet of shieldboys!  Ellalan uses Step of the Wind to try to break out of the encirclement and run toward Thineli but is stopped by a shieldboy.. She has to use 25 ft of movement to evade him (wow...) and runs down the tunnel towards Thineli. Ellalan's face is red with shame from being hit by a little shield boy. the shaman casts Guiding Bolt at Sir Dawnstar but Sir Dawnstar evades it! The archers are attacking Thineli with daggers, so he disengages and runs blindly down a tunnel. Ellala follows and Fai dashes past her... The shaman yells to them is barely understandable Common " You all go to your doom that way!"  while he casts Spirit Guardians, taking out Frog and Sir Dawnstar and closing off the way past him. As the three (Ellalan, Fai and Thineli) enter a large sandy cavern they hear a scraping sandy noise (?). They stay on the rock slope overlooking the room.  Ellalan pulls a beast out of her bag and throws it on the sand... a Panther appears... it looks around curiously..Ellalan tells the Panther to look adorable and tasty! The Bulette springs out and swallows the Panther whole... "oh no..just like that gypsy woman warned!!" the Panther thinks as it's swallowed. Thineli hears the Bugbears approaching behind him.. He casts Wind Wall! And the Shaman Dispels it! Yay for Bugbears! Fai dashes into the sandy area and is chased and eaten by the Bulette.. Ellalan goes down fighting hitting the shaman and breaking his concentration on Spirit Guardians before going down. In the end Thineli was the last one standing but he was trapped invisible between the Bugbear horde and the hungry Bulette..They used poison mushroom spores to shake him out and take him prisoner as well.
The session ends with everyone except for Fai (who was eaten by a Bulette) captured by Bugbears... Who are these Bugbears? Why have they captured the party instead of killing them? What could they want? What will happen next? CLIFFHANGER!!

Kill Count=(Bugbear Archerx2)+(Bugbear Cutthroatx2)+(Shieldboysx2)
Exp=(100x2)+(200x2)+(50x2)=700/5=140 exp. 
Current Exp Totals are: Ellalan 14589, Lord Fatty 13213, Thineli 16303, Yeusof 12760, Sir Dawnstar 12194, Frog 3460, Fia Starflower RIP..

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