Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 09/21/2021

 After action for 09/21/2021.

Playing: Kerian as Meltara, Aaron as P’wox, John as Shadow Wolf and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 1th of Howper, ending on the 2st of Howper. Year is 2663.

No game last week (09/14) due to having to work overtime.

Picking up where we left off. Frostbeard investigates the door and sees it has a trap on in, a mystic rune of some kind. Frostbeard and Jolene work together to detrap the door to the next area, harmlessly setting off the elven fire trap. Entering they see the walls of the t-shaped corridor is adorned with rich painted murals of Elven heroes fighting various creatures and beings. There are various battles, some of the murals have a small area that in like a finger slide and will animate the scene for a second or two. There are a few scene of humanoid enemies that seem like vampires. Few humans in the scenes, mostly Elves and similar. There are two doors at the ends of the east west corridor. Frostbeard unable to pick the lock on the west door so  Shadow Wulf pries it open with his crowbar. He sees a room filled with debris and some shiny trade goods. He starts searching through the rubble and 2 mins later he finds a comb made of carved bone (worth 5gp). Meanwhile Frostbeard and Jolene are talking off the side about something (GM- Romo had an emergency at home and left the game for 30mins or so). P'wox goes and investigates the east door and notices a trap on the lock of the door. Leaving Frostbeard and Jolene at the door, P'wox and Gelgres head to the trade good room to search. Shadow Wulf searches for 2mins and finds a well oiled and preserved pelt (4gp). P'wox searches 2mins and finds a  worn smooth worry stone worth 6g, Greles searches 2mins and finds a brass mug with intricate jade inlay worth 4gp. P'wox decides to try the detrap the east door, exposing a poison needle. He then can't unlock the door. Meltara beats open the east door with his mace. Seeing the iron sarcophagus in the center of the room the other leave and Meltarra opens the heavy lid. A ghost of Princess Shael appears and possesses Meltara. Lonnie stares and then runs away. Everyone runs out of the tomb except for the possessed Meltara, who is screaming in ancient elven. Thought trapped in his own body Meltara uses his Mind Link to communicate with the ghost. Meltara manages to convince the ghost to leave but had to promise to tell the tales of her kingdom etc. Knowledge was left implanted in his mind. The princess leaves and tells Meltara to take the items in the sarcophagus. Meltara takes jewelry worth 200 gold and a Elven Longsword, called Balare, a magical weapon that requires attunement with the properties of Dark  (This item is of such deep black color that it seems unquenchable by light, allowing the owner to ignore the first 5 points of radiant damage received once per turn) and Guardian (This item whispers warning to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the bearer isn’t incapacitated). Meltara walks out with the items, telling the others "this is mine." P'wox and Gelgres go to the trade good room to gather all the unruined items (19 items worth 64gp in total), this taking them an hour. Meanwhile FrostBeard goes to the Bulute and harvests the Bulette Tendon successful. Than he harvests a Bulute Claws. P'wox finishes searching the trade good room and heads to the Bulute to take the Bulutte's Headplate. And Shadowwulf takes the last Bulette claw. Finally after 2 hours of harvesting and searching they leave the lost tomb. Head to Farmer Doolish and tell him the mission is complete. P'wox tells him of their adventure and all the combat. Doolish is so impressed that he gives them 30gp and 2 healing potions, telling them he will have his slaves chop up and drag out all the corpses to be used as fertilizer for the new field. P'wox keeps one of the potions and gives the other to Shadow Wulf. They then head back to the warehouse, time is around noon. They tell Grandpa of their adventure and their need for master craftsman. Grandpa directs them to a master armorer, (dwarf male) Brumdur Steelbreaker, a master weaponeer, (half orc male) Magamar and Master Bowyer (a half elf female) Maretrana. He gives each of them a token so they can speak to the masters directly. Shadow Wulf goes to Magamar's forge. Speaking to an apprentice, Shadow Wulf finds out it will cost him 40gp and 2 weeks to mastercraft the dagger. He dicides to give the claw to the smith instead. This so impresses the smith he will work at cost for SW's next project. Meltara practices his silver lute. P'wox goes to Brumdur Steelbreaker. It's a busy shop, with a human apprentice trying to act like a dwarf. P'wox makes a good impression. Brumdur tells him it will take 5 days to make the shield and he will push his other work to the side for P'wox, P'wox also buys a new shield for Gelgres, for a total of (5x8gp)+7 for the shield=47gp. Frostbeard goes to Maretrana, who has a shop made from a live tree in a small field. No good impression made, she tells him it will take 6days to make and she needs 2 days to finish what she is working one so 8 days till ready. and 6x10= 60gp for the task. Frostbeard pays and leaves. Everyone returns to the warehouse for food and a Long Rest, Frostbeard leveling to 4.

Kill Counts=Ghost of Princess Shael (Convinced to leave without a battle).

Exp is 1800/4=450 exp base.

+100 Investigating the first door (Frostbeard), +50 Prying open the West door (Shadow Wulf), +50 Detrapping the East door (P'wox), +50 Smashing open the East door (Meltara), +100 Convincing the Ghost to leave without a battle (Meltara).

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 7913, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 10110, Shadow Wulf 8441, FrostBeard Battlehammer 3558. Elkas will be able to level to 5 when he takes a Long Rest.

Campaign recap for 09/07/2021

 After action for 09/07/2021.

Playing: Kerian as Meltara, Aaron as P’wox, John as Shadow Wolf and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 1th of Howper, ending on the 1st of Howper. Year is 2663.

Loonie tries to stabilize Jolene and fails with a 1, giving her a failed death save (1/1). Jolene makes her second save (2/1). Gelgres stubbs the zombie his rapier (for 9HP!) but the 1hp zombie refuses to die!! But then is is fried by the moonbean and falls to ground a undeadless husk. P'wox uses Lay on hands for 9 pts to Gelgres and shield bashes and smites a zombie. Jolene fails the death save (2/2) (bites nails!) Jolene makes her last death save and is stable. P'wox destroys the last zombie with a shield bash and divine smite then moves up and attacks the last skeleton warrior with a sword thrust and divine smite but the skelly warrior sacrifices his shield to take the damage. At end of four rounds the undead are destroyed, P'wox moves the moonbeam onto the dead Bulutte just in case. Meltara heals Jolene (back to full for 6hp). P'wox and Gelgres are searching the room of the dead Bulutte and piecing together what happened (A Bulutte was nesting here and it accidently broke open the tomb, resulting in a battle. The zombies latter starting tunneling out when they heard digging and walls being broken above them). P'wox uses Lay on Hands for 4 pts to Gelgres and 10 pts to Meltara. FrostBeard goes to the dead Bulette and examines it.. realizes some of it is harvestable. Three main things harvestable, made difficult by the decay and rot..1xBulette Head Plate. Acts as a shield. Can be carefully crafted (smith’s tools) into a shield +1 that grants its wielder tremorsense out to 10 feet while holding it. 2xBulette Claws. Act as daggers. Can be crafted (smith’s tools) into daggers +1 that require attunement, and can cast Jump once per day on a creature they are attuned to. 1xBulette Tendon. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (weaver's tools) into a shortbow +1. When attuned, Once per day, on a hit, the target must make a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone. Meanwhile Shadow Wolf returns to the farmhouse and finds the party gone on without him. He rushes to the field and into the tunnel arriving as the rest of the party is looking around the broken tomb. They explain what happened so far. They find a large sealed door in the first room of the tomb! There is much pushing against the cemented closed door to the tomb. FrostBeard uses his mason's tools to chip and break away all the cement and then uses his thieves tools to pick the lock in the center of the door. there is a click as the door is now unlocked. Meltara opens the door and then something tries to claw him, then something frightens him and makes move back. Gelgres tries to close the door and fails. Shadow Wolf moves forward and slashes a Ghoul Acolyte. In the room are two Ghoul Acolytes and an Elder Skeleton, the Elder Skelton comes out and fights the party. The Elder Skeleton critically strikes Gelgres but Gel sacrifices his shield to avoid the damage. P'wox hits the Elder Skeleton with a divine smite 2nd lvl and Shadow wolf hits it with two arrows. The two Ghoul Acolytes use Restore Undead on The Elder and it keeps fighting! It uses its Dreadful Glare on P'wox paralyzing him and then starts carving him like a cooked bird! FrostBread scores a crit on it weakening it and tells Jolene to charge in! Jolene races in and lands a critical blow with her borrowed short sword, destroying the Elder Skeleton! One of the Ghoul Acolytes comes out and tries to Toll the Dead on Gregles but it fails and it is cut apart by arrows from FrostBeard. Shadow Wolf and Buddy charge into the room to destroy the last one. As the rest of the party enter the room they see there is another door leading from this room... Cliffhanger!!

Kill Counts=3 zombies amd 3 Skeleton Warriors (P'wox, Meltara and FrostBeard) then 2 Ghoul Acolytes and an Elder Skeleton (P'wox, Meltara, FrostBeard and Shadow Wolf)

Exp is (3x50)+(3x100)=450/3=150exp and then (2x450)+700=1600/4=400exp 

+50 First to check the Bulette for harvest (FrostBeard), +50 breaking open the door using tools (FrostBeard).

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 7413, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 9510, Shadow Wulf 7941, FrostBeard Battlehammer 3008. Elkas will be able to level to 5 and FrostBeard will be able to level to 4 when he takes a Long Rest.

After action for 08/31/2021

 After action for 08/31/2021.

Playing: Kerian as Meltara, Aaron as P’wox and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 1th of Howper, ending on the 1st of Howper. Year is 2663.

Meltara appears at the scene just as we return. He is curious how this job is going. The other fills him in on the details. As P'wox investigates the area where the zombies appeared, he finds a trench that leads underground. After investigating the zombie bodies, FrostBeard and Jolene discover that all of them are wearing similar clothing. Searching the zombie's pockets and pouches yields eight silver. Frostbeard discovered that this was a fashion worn by servants in an empire that ruled this part of the world about 300 years ago.

P'wox checks the ghoul acolyte and determines that this is an undead priest. Meltara looks at the ghoul acolyte and realizes that this creature has continued worshipping a god even after death.. Gelgres investigates the skeleton warriors and sees they are also dressed in a similar fashion and were possibly guards or something.

They head back to the farm’s house to see if they can take a rest till morning. The farmer listens to their story and gives them a place to stay. P'wox levels up during the night. FrostBeard spend 100exp and turns Jolene into a lvl 1 Expert Sidekick.

That morning Shadow Wulf is missing and P'wox and Gelgres are both asleep and will not awaken even when shaken. After about 20mins P'wox awakens...

The party heads back to the trench they had discovered and climbs down into the hole.. they find themselves in a hand clawed tunnel leading deeper and deeper. There is no light in this tunnel. FrostBeard determines that the tunnel was clawed out of the hard packed dirt by skeletal and zombie hands. On the uneven ground P'wox takes a nasty fall, stretched out on the ground for 5hp. Both Frosty and Jolene fall on the uneven ground. Following the sloped and curved tunnel then enter into a huge roughly circular room with a ripped apart and decomposing body of a Bulette towards the center, surrounded by scattered Undead arms, legs, head and torsos. This seemed to have been a major battle. The tunnel the Bulette had dug in from is to the north and collapsed. As the party takes this in, three zombies stagger towards them from behind the Bulette.. as they fight them, three Skeleton Warriors come from the south, where they can see some stone walls that have been knocked down by the Bulette (?). The battle starts and in the first round, Jolene's tattered sword breaks, forcing her to steal one of FrostBeard's short swords. Meltara summons a Spiritual Weapon. Lonnie's bow string snaps, leaving him unarmed. One zombie refuses to die and Jolene Jolene goes down surrounded by undead OH NO! She makes the first death save. Two of the Skeleton Warriors are downed. P'wox summons a Moonbeam. And we end at the top of the round! Cliffhanger!!

Meltara's Spiritual Weapon has been up for 2 rounds so far, 3rd coming. 

Kills and Exp will be figured after the next session.

-100 Exp for FrostBeard to make Jolene his sidekick.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 6863, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 8962, Shadow Wulf 7541, FrostBeard Battlehammer 2358. Elkas will be able to level to 5 when he takes a Long Rest.

Creature Looting Rules


If the players were fighting the creature and killed it in combat, they must make the appropriate check in order to claim the loot. Items that were carried and just found on the body, no rolls required.

  • Beast/Dragon/Monstrosity/Plant: Nature check
  • Giant/Humanoid: Survival check
  • Celestial/Fey/Fiend/Undead: Religion check
  • Aberration/Construct/Elemental/Ooze: Arcana check

This represents the type of knowledge required to successfully identify the valuable loot on the body. Character doing the check must have proficiency in that skill or they roll with Disadvantage. Only one check is allowed per creature.

Loot Claim Check 

  • CR   DC (all items) DC (half items)    Injury (this or lower)
  • <5      10                         5                        7
  • 6-10     15                         10                      12
  • 11-15   20                         15                      17
  • >16     25                         20                      22

This represents the PCs ability to gather the items without harming them or hurting themselves and to find the useful or rare within the unusual or rare internal structure of the creature. It might be difficult to harvest a demon heart when their blood is like acid and you just stabbed the fell beast a dozen times. On a half harvest result, check as normal and half results of items found. Time to make the Check is 3d4 minutes - INT or WIS Modifier.

If an injury occurs, all involved (roller and anyone helping) take CRd3-CR (so for CR 1 or less, 1d3-1, for a CR 5 5d3-5).

Beasts, Dragons, and Plants can also provide a certain amount of rations:

Ration Amounts

Size Days of Rations (1 person)   

Tiny                 1d2-1                                   

Small         1d3                                    

Medium         1d4                                    

Large         2d4

Huge         3d6

Gargantuan 5d6

Time to butcher the creature is 1d6 minutes per ration. So if you butcher a Large creature and roll 6 rations, roll 6d6 to see how many minutes that takes to gather.

Some items are not usable until they have been crafted into a usable form. The following terms are used throughout the list:

Crafted. A PC or NPC must spend a number of hours equal to the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. The crafter must be proficient in the listed tools. NPCs may charge gold for their services.

Carefully Crafted. A PC or NPC must spend a number of hours equal to two times the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. The crafter must be proficient in the listed tools or be a wizard studying the listed school of magic. NPCs may charge gold for their services.

Mastercraft. Must be created by a PC or NPC who has dedicated themselves to the use of a particular tool or school of magic. This means at least a +7 to rolls with that task. This is unlikely to be a PC, meaning they may have to carry the loot into a city to get it crafted. The crafter must spend a number of hours equal to 6-10 (2d3+4) times the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. NPCs may charge gold for their services.

A CR 0 creature's crafting can be completed in 1 minute, or multiple minutes for careful/master crafting.

Certain items require Alchemist's Supplies to craft. If the item has a beneficial effect OR if the item is from a plant creature, it can also be crafted with proficiency in a Herbalism Kit. If the item has a malignant effect, it can also be crafted with proficiency in a Poisoner's Kit.

Some modifiers that will be applied to certain pieces of loot:

Cheap/Tattered. This item has been is a crudely made version or damaged as a result of its owner’s death. You will need to spend gold to repair it or upgrade it, equal to half the cost of a brand-new version of the item. (e.g. a tattered shield would cost 5GP to repair, since a new shield costs 10GP). These loots can usually be sold for 25% of book value to a interested merchant.

Vial. Any item described as a vial must be collected using a flask, vial, bottle, waterskin, or other liquid container. If a container is used to collect multiple different types of liquids, refer to the "Mixing Potions" table (DMG pg. 140)

Treasure Hoard. Roll on the listed Treasure Hoard table (DMG pg. 137-139)

In Lair. These items only appear if the creature is in its lair when it is fought, and the PCs have the time to search the lair after the fight. Depending on the type of lair, the DM may call for additional checks to find this treasure.

For what can be Looted from Creatures I tend to use Creature Loot 53 (

In my game, most 'evil' races (i.e. the monsters that raid and control dungeons) will be using tattered (will break on a natural roll of 1-3 on a d20, repairable after 15mins and a skill check), poor quality/cheap (looks like crap, most will not like it) and worn (will need to be maintained between battles, 10min to do, or disadvantage with use) equipment. Each of those conditions half the value and used equipment is sold for half value at best. 

Campaign recap for 08/24/2021

 After action for 08/24/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 66th of Grentle, ending on the 1st of Howper. Year is 2663.

The party is at the Noble House of Balaban celebrating the return of Alime. Lord Balaban has sent runners to nearby and not so nearby houses and nobles line the tables before long. The characters tell their tales of how the rescue happened and their parts in it. Somehow during the tales, Gelgres' part seems the greatest, followed by Shadow Wulf. Loonie, P'wox and then FrostBreard. At the end of the party various nobles give gifts of coins.. Gelgres receive 75gp, Shadow Wulf 50gp, Lonnie 25gp and P'wox 10gp. As a party the group has the 50gp Toygar had given them and given them another 50gp on top. Lord Balaban also gives the group another 100gp. P'wox splits the 200 gp by 4 - 50 gp each to P'wox, Meltara, Frostbeard and Shadow Wulf.. There are no rooms left in Balaban Manor as there are drunken nobles to be put up so Lord Balaban asks them to take their leave. He asks them the name of their Adventurer company..this results in a lot of discussion (Shadow slavers, P'Wox's Punch, Magnificent Seven, Ass Defenders, Shadow Bain Marie, The Vengeful, Bloodhound Gang, Bloody Swords) After much debate and random roll for who give to name them, ShadowWulf states we are called the Bloodhound Gang! They go back to the Reign of Peace Warehouse and take a Long Rest, Shadow Wulf leveling up. Frostbeard goes to the market and then to the slave market, buying Jolene (an unremarkable slave, human female) for 6gp. They then go to the adventurer guild and get the job with the farm having undead troubles. The farm is in the SW corner, the Doolish farm. Walking there, by the time they arrive there is about 2 hours of sunlight left. They meet with Genor Doolish, master of Doolish farm. He describes the situation with the zombie field, which is plowed land (difficult terrain, 1/2 movement), and somewhat covered with half grown crops (light cover from ranged attacks +2 def). They head there and find five zombies in the 'safe' field, which is the field south of the area being expanded into. At the north edge is a partially disassembled wall, about 3 ft, which the Asuim farmers use to mark territory. When the wall was moved past the undead showed up. There is a long fight with the five zombies (Buddy savages the zombie but it refuses to die. Lonnie shots with it with his short but it is still moving! Jolene hides and screams!) The party  destroy the zombies and then move past the wall. Using Divine Sense P'wox can see the location of the undead laying on or just under the ground and having cover of the half grown plants. Three zombies, three skeleton warriors and a ghoul acolyte arise and fight the party (GM: At this point there were a lot of problems with chat and this combat sucked and took way longer than it should have). The party triumphed. FrostBeard tells Jolene Time to upgrade from a dying torch to whatever this dead guy used. All Hail!! Jolene the Gladiator!! Jolene picks up one of the skeleton warriors tattered longsword and shield. We end at this point for tonight, But where are these undead coming from? What evil has the farmers awakened? Cliffhanger!

Kill count is 8 Zombies, 3 Skeleton Warriors and 1 Ghoul Acolyte 

Exp is (8x50)+(3x100)+100=800/3= 267 exp (P’wox, Shadow Wulf and FrostBeard)

+100 no horrible incidents at the party.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 6747, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 8962, Shadow Wulf 7425, FrostBeard Battlehammer 2342. Elkas and P’wox will be able to level to 5 when they take a Long Rest.

Campaign recap for 08/12/2021

 After action for 08/17/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Kerian as Meltara and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 66th of Grentle, ending on the 66th

First thing in the morning, Shadow Wulf goes and buys a Longsword from Alfostoick Pebblebuckle, paying 12gp. When he returns P'wox gives his HP boosting speech giving everyone +6hp boost. They then go to Hikmet, the scholar. He is told of the monster's appearance and behavior, believing it to be a Fay Guardian. A Fey Guardian is a Fey creature summoned to protect a person by ancient Elven ritual and is very expensive to have done (if you could find a person to cast it).

Frostbread believes he has heard the name Toygar Daha sometime recently. Possibly from another rogue. (GM: But doesnt follow up this obvious clue). They return to the Noble House of Balaban and ask to see her room. But the room has been cleared out and her personal items are in storage. They then question Alime's personal slave, Merve, who is now working in the kitchen. She lets them know that on the night Alime went missing she had left with a bunch of jewelry (that Toygar had given to her) to go and purchase a bridal gift for Toygar. She thinks that Alime went to see the grey witch. Shadow Wulf goes to see Hikmet again and asks about the White Witch..Hikmet knows nothing about a white witch. Shadow Wulf changes that to the Grey Witch and Hikmet says that's just a slave tale. P'wox asks Lonnie about the Grey Witch. He tells them she lives beyond the north field and has been known to heal and help slaves with health problems. Lonnie thinks he might be able to lead them to the Grey Witch. Heading to the end of the north road, and then walking up the trail toward the city of Titake. Lonnie leads them to a hidden hut off the tail. Meltara runs up to the door and knocks. (GM: Meltara acts brash and impulsive so the Witch casts Friends on him. He makes his save.) The party speaks to the Grey Witch and she tells them of the night Alime came to see her. P'wox gives the Potion of Chair to the Grey Witch in return for knowledge. She tells of the ruined elven temple in Thel Faldir, and how they must bribe, talk or fight their way past the four fey temple guards to talk with the temple spirit. Temple guards are Fey wolves that speak elven and fey. Can be bribed with meat or liquor. If killed, they return at midnight. Inside the ruined elven temple is Lysanthir, the guardian spirit. The Gray Witch says she once had a dalliance with him, but that was long ago when she was young and beautiful. It can be reasoned with, bribed with gold, jewels or art or fought. but it is old and quite powerful. They quickly return back to the city and to Toygar's jewelers to tell him what they know. Toygar provides several bottles of wine and 50gp to buy some art. They go to a butcher that sells them some cuts of meat, charging it to Toygar. They go to the House of Balaban and speak again to Alime's father. He hears their story and gives the the following items to give to the Guardian: A strange marble vase, inlaid with glass, An old bronze bowl, inlaid with brass,An old limestone pendant, set with a banded agate and A sturdy granite figurine of a fox, set with a beryl. He lets P'wox know he will get his revenge if he is being tricked. It is now around 3 and it will be dark if they head towards Thel Faldir now. They debate amongst themselves and then head off to Thel Faldir in the fading light. Shadow Wulf leads them towards the temple following the ancient elven paths. Moving slowly and carefully through the woods, they get to the temple as the moon breaks through the clouds. The Fey wolves challenge them  as they near the temple.  They seem a  rough uncultured lot for Fey creatures.  They ask how will you go past us? what will you give us? The party gives them the wine and meat. The wolves quickly grab it and walk off the path in front of the temple, drinking and eating.  The party watches them for a while till one of the wolves tells them, "Hey! Didn't you want to go see the guardian?"  they entered a small ruined Temple,  the place seems to have an aura of great age.  They see  a beautiful high elf of indeterminate gender flitting about the place.  When it sees them flounces over to them, speaking in a mocking teasing voice. Lysanthir the guardian spirit  explains how Alime  pledged everything she had brought with her to the creation of the Guardian spell and look there she is trapped in the magic circle powering it.  The party asked if she'd be set free and give the art pieces that were provided by her father. Lysanthir grabs the strange marble vase, smiles mischievously at them and quickly eats it like a cookie, with loud crunching noises and perfect bites. Then the bronze bowl.  Daintily wiping his/her lips, Lysanthir snaps their fingers and shatters the spell. She is confused about how much time has passed and what happened. The party escorts her back to the city. They bring her first to Toygar,  who is overjoyed to see her and then  all of them head towards her father's Noble House.  The father is also Overjoyed to see her there was a huge feast held for their honor and this is where we ended.

Kill count is 4 Fey Guardians and 1 Temple Guardian (All Bribed).

Exp is (4x100)+700=1100/4= 275exp (P'wox, Shadow Wulf,  Meltara and Frostbread)

+400 following most of the clues of the mystery, +300 freeing Alime.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 6380, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 8962, ShadowWulf 7058, FrostBeard Battlehammer 1975. Elkas and ShadowWulf will be able to level to 5 when they take a Long Rest.

Campaign recap for 08/03/2021

 After action for 08/03/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Kerian as Meltara, Julie as Solaris, Jose as Elkas and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 65th of Grentle, ending on the 65th

When the group wakes the next morning, Solaris and Elkas return in the same mysterious way that they left. One second not there and the next there. They tell their story...They found themselves in an area of mist, as far as the eye could see. After standing there for a few moments they saw a figure approaching them. A tall genderless figure wearing a long hooded cloak, that shifted from white to grey to black and then back again. Solaris recognized the figure as her god Karma. Solaris rushed to him and hugged the figure but it seemed like she was hugging a statue in a robe. Karma started speaking, asking if she had forgotten what he taught her. Solaris said she had not and had been living by the rules he had taught her. Karma asked about the two her and her party had freed from being slaves. Solaris and Elkas said it was better for them to be free than to be slaves so they had been helped and were working at the warehouse. Karma told them they have no experience not being slaves and will be used and taken advantage of by most they meet. Then he asked about the fire in the woods they just watched burn. There was some back and forth before Solaris said she thinks she should see about getting another god to follow. Karma said if that is what you wish and released her from his service. He then told Elkas to remember the warning he received about his brother as his encounter with him was fast approaching. And then they were at the camp with the party. Two days had passed for the party but only moments for Elkas and Solaris. Solaris decided if she is no longer a cleric, she is gonna go dark and look for a warlock patron. Both Elkas and Solaris seemed unsettled by what had just happened and immediately left and headed back to Asium, leaving the others standing there. The remaining party members (P'wox, Shadow Wulf, Meltara, Gelgres and Lonnie) debate about going back to the ruins and heading back to Asium. After a while a group of heavily armed and armored goblins demand that they leave the forest. "Despoilers! You must leave the forest!" Shadow Wulf can see there are goblin snipers hiding in the woods. So they go back to the city. They have some plan about asking for aid against the demons from the Dwarven stronghold, Vorngrum, in the mountains to the north but they know next to nothing about dwarfs. They head to the scholar section of the city and encounter Frostbeard's noisy face.. who has been possessed by loud spirits! He vanishes as quickly as he came. Hikmet the scholar takes them to meet Grurmam Treasurecoat, a dwarven scholar at the Institute. They try to find out if the dwarves would give them armor and weapons for their battles against the demon invasion. The dwarf tells them the stronghold runs no charity operations and they can always find work on farms. They head to the Adventurers Guild and see three jobs available: a farm having problems with restless dead, a person being stalked by some unknown demon (?) that shows up at night and a group on ettercap is keeping a field from being used. The first job is ranged D and worth about 15gold. The second job is ranked B and worth 60gp. and the last pays 5gp per ettercap head. The 2nd job: Toygar Daha is a jeweler. He thinks he must have handled some cursed item cause something keeps trying to grab him at night forcing him to hire guards and sleep in lit rooms. They investigate and find out that this has been going on for almost a year, about the same time his fiance vanished. His ex was named Alime and was of the Noble House of Balaban. There was another suitor called Vadin, but he died being an adventurer over six months ago. Thinking the missing Alime is somehow involved they convince Toygar to wear the ring and the hat for his wedding and wait for the creature. The creature appears, Toygar tries to talk to it and nothing happens.. then they burst into the bedroom and it attacks P'wox. They attack it.. the merchant runs out and the creature fades away. P'wox notices that the creature did not try to attack Toygar.  The party heads back to the Reign of Peace warehouse to sleep and the next morning will go to the Institute for more information. At the warehouse Frostbeard Battlehammer is there.

Kill count is 1 Mysterious Creature (driven off).

Exp is 700/3=233 exp (P'wox, Shadow Wulf and Meltara)

+400 Meeting a god in a demiplane (Solaris, Elkas), +150 Arguing with her god (Solaris), +100 Being kicked out of the woods without fighting (P'wox, Shadow Wulf, Meltara), +100 Pretty good investigating of haunting creature (P'wox, Shadow Wulf, Meltara), +100 kind of showing up (Frostbeard, who was bumped to 3rd lvl).

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 5405, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 7987, ShadowWulf 6083, FrostBeard Battlehammer 1000. Elkas will be able to level to 5 when he takes a Long Rest.