Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 07/20/2021

 After action for 07/20/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Kerian as Meltara.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 63th of Grentle, ending on the 64th

P'wox takes Gelgres as a sidekick. He spends 700exp to level him to 3 as a Warrior (Proficiency in DEX saving throws, Acrobatics and Perception, Attacker, Second Wind and Improved Critical) and +1d6 to DEX for 200exp (+4 to DEX) for a total 900 exp from his P'wox' Exp bank. Meanwhile at the Forest., Elkas and Solaris have vanished. Shadow Wulf and Meltara try to figure out what happened to them but there seems to be no evidence. Just the footprints they stood in and gone. SO they shrug and head back to the city... 9 hours of rapid walking and avoiding everything and they are back at Asium. P'wox heard a message from his god during the binding ceremony and realized he needed to rejoin the party. So he and his sidekick walk to Asium. It takes a few hours but is without incident. Going to the Reign of Peace warehouse in the merchant district, P'wox meets up with Grandpa and Grandma once more. He meets with Shadow Wulf and Meltara shortly after this and they tell him how Elkas and Solaris vanished. Grandpa tells P'wox they have a deal with Alfostoick Pebblebuckle, a smith that runs a smallish weapon shop nearby. He gives 25% off to members of the Reign of Peace. P'wox buys Gelgres a rapier, and 20 darts in a bandoleer. The group then heads back to the ruins near Molloda Forest to look for Elkas and Solaris. As they are walking on the road between the NE and SE farms they hear yelling and the wacking of wood on flesh. Heading over to see what is happening they see a wagon with 12 slaves on it and a rope line behind it with 10 more slaves that are tied by the hands to it. Most of the slaves on the line looked battered and bruised as if they've been dragged. In front of the wagon a slave was beaten by his owners for disobeying. P'wox saves the slave (Lonnie) from the owner by paying the slave for 6 gold. "Thank you for buying me mister dragon, my name is Lonnie" "Ohno I am going to be eaten." They take Lonnie with them and continue walking for another 2 hours and then.. Entering the forest, they approach an ambush by 5 bandit bowmen. Shadow Wulf spots them and then a quick battle happens. The bandits are all killed without any attempts to find out why they were there. As a group the bandits had 25 silver pieces total, 5 tattered shortbows. 13 arrows total. Shadow Wulf recovers all but one of his arrows used. Lonnie given a shortbow and arrows, Gelgres given a shortbow. Returning to where they had last camped, they explain to P'wox what happened. Just as they said, Solaris and Elkas are gone without a trace.. but when P'wox investigates he finds someone(s) had been fighting the fire at the spider nest. He finds one or two boot prints in the ash.. smaller than human. They return to their previous camp by the boulders and set watches for the night. Meltara and Gelgres, P'wox and Lonnie and finally Shadow Wulf and Buddy. During P'wox and Lonnie watch P'wox hears branches and twigs swishing in the breeze and them moving after the wind stops... Waking the others, Shadow Wulf and Gelgres look out into the night and see a ring of blights about forty feet away from the campfire. Shadow Wulf shoots at one and the battle begins. The party destroys a group of six twig and four needle blights that come shambling out of the darkness... Even though it is a group of ten blights no one goes down. The rest of night passes without event.. so they finish a Long Rest. The morning after the battle Shadow Wulf thinks about the blights actions. He realizes they shouldn't have acted the way that they did, they don't form ranks attack and  in fact they are repelled by the campfire. He examines the campfire and sees that it was disturbed, it is not the same camp fire he built a day ago.  The ground has been dig up and covered. Digging in, he finds blight seedlings that were almost ready to open, now cooked by the nearby fire. The seedlings had been calling for help from the other blights but they were repelled by the fire. This was set as a trap! But who? And Why? Cliffhanger! 

Kill count is 5 Bowman Bandits, 6 Twig Blights and 4 Needle Blights

Experience is (5x25)+(6x25)+(4x50)=475/3=158 each

Making Gelgres his sidekick -900 P'wox, Worrying about equipping Gelgres +100 P'wox, Saving Lonnie +50

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 4262, Elkas 6344, Solaris 5941, Meltara 6837, ShadowWulf 4883, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510.

Meltar levels to 5 during his Long Rest!

Note: Tattered Weapons break on a roll of 3 or less on the d20 to hit. This requires an hour to repair (can be done while others take a short rest).

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