Saturday, January 1, 2022

After action for 08/31/2021

 After action for 08/31/2021.

Playing: Kerian as Meltara, Aaron as P’wox and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 1th of Howper, ending on the 1st of Howper. Year is 2663.

Meltara appears at the scene just as we return. He is curious how this job is going. The other fills him in on the details. As P'wox investigates the area where the zombies appeared, he finds a trench that leads underground. After investigating the zombie bodies, FrostBeard and Jolene discover that all of them are wearing similar clothing. Searching the zombie's pockets and pouches yields eight silver. Frostbeard discovered that this was a fashion worn by servants in an empire that ruled this part of the world about 300 years ago.

P'wox checks the ghoul acolyte and determines that this is an undead priest. Meltara looks at the ghoul acolyte and realizes that this creature has continued worshipping a god even after death.. Gelgres investigates the skeleton warriors and sees they are also dressed in a similar fashion and were possibly guards or something.

They head back to the farm’s house to see if they can take a rest till morning. The farmer listens to their story and gives them a place to stay. P'wox levels up during the night. FrostBeard spend 100exp and turns Jolene into a lvl 1 Expert Sidekick.

That morning Shadow Wulf is missing and P'wox and Gelgres are both asleep and will not awaken even when shaken. After about 20mins P'wox awakens...

The party heads back to the trench they had discovered and climbs down into the hole.. they find themselves in a hand clawed tunnel leading deeper and deeper. There is no light in this tunnel. FrostBeard determines that the tunnel was clawed out of the hard packed dirt by skeletal and zombie hands. On the uneven ground P'wox takes a nasty fall, stretched out on the ground for 5hp. Both Frosty and Jolene fall on the uneven ground. Following the sloped and curved tunnel then enter into a huge roughly circular room with a ripped apart and decomposing body of a Bulette towards the center, surrounded by scattered Undead arms, legs, head and torsos. This seemed to have been a major battle. The tunnel the Bulette had dug in from is to the north and collapsed. As the party takes this in, three zombies stagger towards them from behind the Bulette.. as they fight them, three Skeleton Warriors come from the south, where they can see some stone walls that have been knocked down by the Bulette (?). The battle starts and in the first round, Jolene's tattered sword breaks, forcing her to steal one of FrostBeard's short swords. Meltara summons a Spiritual Weapon. Lonnie's bow string snaps, leaving him unarmed. One zombie refuses to die and Jolene Jolene goes down surrounded by undead OH NO! She makes the first death save. Two of the Skeleton Warriors are downed. P'wox summons a Moonbeam. And we end at the top of the round! Cliffhanger!!

Meltara's Spiritual Weapon has been up for 2 rounds so far, 3rd coming. 

Kills and Exp will be figured after the next session.

-100 Exp for FrostBeard to make Jolene his sidekick.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 6863, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 8962, Shadow Wulf 7541, FrostBeard Battlehammer 2358. Elkas will be able to level to 5 when he takes a Long Rest.

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