Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 07/13/2021

 After action for 07/13/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Julie as Solaris, Jose as Elkas and Kerian as Meltara.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 62th of Grentle, ending on the 63th

P'wox has been proselytizing at the hidden warehouse since the rest of the party left three days ago. Most of the workers ignore him or tell him they aren't interested. The second day one of the younger workers, a boy named Gelgres, listens and asks questions. Gelgres is always cloaked even in hot weather and seems somewhat mysterious. He reveals to P'wox that he is a Tiefling and was named by his mother after his father. By the third day, Gelgres is interested in becoming a follower of P'wox's faith and P'wox has the opportunity to gain a sidekick. 

Meanwhile many miles away, in the woods of the Molloda Forest..

Going over the boulders, they build a small campfire and set up watches. four watches of three hours each. Solaris and Shadow Wulf, Elkas and Meltara, Meltara and Solaris and finally Shadow Wulf and Elkas. Solaris hears something moving beyond the fire's light during her watch but the night is otherwise quiet. The party gets a Long Rest. In the morning they see scavengers eating the dead spiders. One of the carasses has been half carried. Elkas wants to back track the spiders to their nest to look for loot. Elkas finds the path the hunting spiders had taken and also sees that there are other breeds of spiders in the webs in the trees above that aren't threatening as their webs are not being distrubed. Ten mins of tracking and they find the nest where the spiders originated. It is a big 40 by 25 ft jumble of dead trees, about 15' high with an entrance on top. The whole thing is basically a tinder box as the spiders had packed it with dried grass and leaves. As the spiders had packed it with dried grass and leaves, it is basically a tinderbox. There is much debate about setting up some kind of track for the spiders that might be in there, something to injure them or pin them as they come out. After a few minutes of debate, Shadow Wulf says he will scout the interior of the nest.   He climbs to the top and goes inside. He has to stoop a little bit as the tunnels are wide but lower than human height. Having dark vision he can see easily in the  There is only a single curved path in the nest, he passes two man sized egg sacks, crawling with hand sized spiders and then sees the last Giant Hunting Spider resting at the tunnel's end next to another egg sack. He gets as close as he can without alerting it and then leaves the nest to report back. When he returns there is again debate about what to do. Meltara decides to go into the next, scrambling noisily up the side of the nest (awakening the spider) and then heading in the near pitch back tunnels with no light source. He narrowly misses the egg sacks but then the spider attacks him. Elkas and Solaris both charge in after him, also no light sources (though Solaris has dark vision). Shadow Wulf decides to wait outside and do nothing, just standing there with buddy. When Solaris saw Meltara fighting with the spider she unleashed a Scorching Ray at it. Two of the three rays hit it, doing a lot of damage to it. But the third strikes the wall behind it and immediately goes up in flames. Since this nest is, as said before, pretty much a tinderbox, the flames will spread rapidly. (Note:  this is where the party kind of fell apart. I feel bad for them since they have no idea how to fight fires and will probably all die if they ever find themselves in one. All I kept hearing was how they had no magic to fight fire,  except for Elkas who figured out he did).  Meltara killed the spider with Inflict Wounds then ran out behind Elkas, Solaris left the nest and stood next to Shadow Wulf. (In RL Solaris' player had a personal emergency so had to leave). Elkas used Control Flames to snuff out an area of fire but it was spreading faster than he could snuff it out without help.  So he abandoned trying to control the fire and went further into the nest to the area where the spiders usually ate their prey. He started searching among the dried bones and rotted skins, seeing that there were some humanoid artifacts scattered there.  Searching as the fire  spread to more and more of the rear and left side of the nest he found a Dungeoneer's Pack (with a broken strap) and a small case with Jeweler's Tools inside, before the smoke and flames drove him out.  They moved away from the now burning spider's nest, kind of standing around clueless. (Ended here as players had to deal with personal emergencies).

Kill count is 1 Giant Hunting Spider (the three eggs contained Spider Swarms but they fled rather than interact with the party).

Experience is 200/4=50 each

Exploring the spider nest +50 Shadow Wulf, Keeping to the mission of getting treasure +50 Elkas

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 4854, Elkas 6344, Solaris 5941, Meltara 6629, ShadowWulf 4675, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510.

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