Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 06/29/2021

 After action for 06/29/2021.

Playing: Shadow Wulf (John), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose), Meltara (Kerian)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 61th of Grentle, ending at 62th 

Picking up where they left off.  They had to be Adventurers Guild trying to find another job. The job that catches their eye is the Branko farm to the Southeast of the city has a burrowing monster in it's south field and is paying 30 gp to have it killed or driven off. The party decide they should not bring Eaghan and Mekica (not wanting sidekicks for some reason) and leave them at the warehouse under the tender mercies of Grandpa. They walk to the Branko farm (which takes about two hours).  They meet the owner of the farm, who tells them about the horrible creature stalking his field and about the few slaves it ate. Everything he, his family and slaves did was  ineffective and the creature only stopped fighting once it was full of dead slaves.  He has a slave that was on the scene that can draw and shows a picture of the creature, which is a Bulette.   The party cautiously sneaks up to the field where the monster is rampaging. Shadow Wulf takes the lead and is almost bitten in half, but they drive the monster away and force it to retreat before it eats him. Only funny scene was Solaris trying to use her Radiant Soul to bust out my wings and lift up Shadow Wulf and herself to a tree, but ended up flapping on the ground like a bug that had been slapped. After a few minutes with no attacks they carefully climb out of the trees and check to see if it is gone. Shadow Wulf believes it is gone. Solaris finds and burns its nest. Back at the manor house they tell of how they drove it off. Branko pays them 30gp.

They each take 7 gold with 2 left over for the two freed slaves. The chewed up party heads back to the merchant quarter and the warehouse. The party goes to have dinner at the Flame Metal Bar. And then go to the Reign of Peace warehouse. There they find out that Eaghan is learning to be a brewer and Mekica is working at the bar and selling hugs. The party decides that this should work and gives Eaghan and Mekica the last two gold and wish them well. (Their saga will be told elsewhere). The party takes a long rest.  The next morning the party is trying to figure out what they should do for the next two weeks. Shadow Wulf buys a Lesser Healing Potion from an alchemist for 25gp. They decide to walk to the ruins near Molloda Forest. No one asked but it is a failed logging town that was overrun by the creatures that live in the woods. Three hours of walking gets them to the edge of the farm lands that surround the city. Another hour and they find an abandoned farm in some marshy area. They investigate and send Buddy in for recon. Buddy goes towards the house and comes back with 2 spears stuck in him.

Shadow Wulf looks at the spears and realizes it is Bullywogs. CLIFFHANGER!!!

Kill count is 1 Bulette (driven away).

Exp is 1800=1800/4= 450 base

Solaris flapping like a bug hit by raid +50, Abandoning Eaghan and Mekica +0.

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 4854, Elkas 5744, Solaris 5516, Meltara 6204, NightWolf 4200, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510.

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