Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 08/12/2021

 After action for 08/17/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Kerian as Meltara and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 66th of Grentle, ending on the 66th

First thing in the morning, Shadow Wulf goes and buys a Longsword from Alfostoick Pebblebuckle, paying 12gp. When he returns P'wox gives his HP boosting speech giving everyone +6hp boost. They then go to Hikmet, the scholar. He is told of the monster's appearance and behavior, believing it to be a Fay Guardian. A Fey Guardian is a Fey creature summoned to protect a person by ancient Elven ritual and is very expensive to have done (if you could find a person to cast it).

Frostbread believes he has heard the name Toygar Daha sometime recently. Possibly from another rogue. (GM: But doesnt follow up this obvious clue). They return to the Noble House of Balaban and ask to see her room. But the room has been cleared out and her personal items are in storage. They then question Alime's personal slave, Merve, who is now working in the kitchen. She lets them know that on the night Alime went missing she had left with a bunch of jewelry (that Toygar had given to her) to go and purchase a bridal gift for Toygar. She thinks that Alime went to see the grey witch. Shadow Wulf goes to see Hikmet again and asks about the White Witch..Hikmet knows nothing about a white witch. Shadow Wulf changes that to the Grey Witch and Hikmet says that's just a slave tale. P'wox asks Lonnie about the Grey Witch. He tells them she lives beyond the north field and has been known to heal and help slaves with health problems. Lonnie thinks he might be able to lead them to the Grey Witch. Heading to the end of the north road, and then walking up the trail toward the city of Titake. Lonnie leads them to a hidden hut off the tail. Meltara runs up to the door and knocks. (GM: Meltara acts brash and impulsive so the Witch casts Friends on him. He makes his save.) The party speaks to the Grey Witch and she tells them of the night Alime came to see her. P'wox gives the Potion of Chair to the Grey Witch in return for knowledge. She tells of the ruined elven temple in Thel Faldir, and how they must bribe, talk or fight their way past the four fey temple guards to talk with the temple spirit. Temple guards are Fey wolves that speak elven and fey. Can be bribed with meat or liquor. If killed, they return at midnight. Inside the ruined elven temple is Lysanthir, the guardian spirit. The Gray Witch says she once had a dalliance with him, but that was long ago when she was young and beautiful. It can be reasoned with, bribed with gold, jewels or art or fought. but it is old and quite powerful. They quickly return back to the city and to Toygar's jewelers to tell him what they know. Toygar provides several bottles of wine and 50gp to buy some art. They go to a butcher that sells them some cuts of meat, charging it to Toygar. They go to the House of Balaban and speak again to Alime's father. He hears their story and gives the the following items to give to the Guardian: A strange marble vase, inlaid with glass, An old bronze bowl, inlaid with brass,An old limestone pendant, set with a banded agate and A sturdy granite figurine of a fox, set with a beryl. He lets P'wox know he will get his revenge if he is being tricked. It is now around 3 and it will be dark if they head towards Thel Faldir now. They debate amongst themselves and then head off to Thel Faldir in the fading light. Shadow Wulf leads them towards the temple following the ancient elven paths. Moving slowly and carefully through the woods, they get to the temple as the moon breaks through the clouds. The Fey wolves challenge them  as they near the temple.  They seem a  rough uncultured lot for Fey creatures.  They ask how will you go past us? what will you give us? The party gives them the wine and meat. The wolves quickly grab it and walk off the path in front of the temple, drinking and eating.  The party watches them for a while till one of the wolves tells them, "Hey! Didn't you want to go see the guardian?"  they entered a small ruined Temple,  the place seems to have an aura of great age.  They see  a beautiful high elf of indeterminate gender flitting about the place.  When it sees them flounces over to them, speaking in a mocking teasing voice. Lysanthir the guardian spirit  explains how Alime  pledged everything she had brought with her to the creation of the Guardian spell and look there she is trapped in the magic circle powering it.  The party asked if she'd be set free and give the art pieces that were provided by her father. Lysanthir grabs the strange marble vase, smiles mischievously at them and quickly eats it like a cookie, with loud crunching noises and perfect bites. Then the bronze bowl.  Daintily wiping his/her lips, Lysanthir snaps their fingers and shatters the spell. She is confused about how much time has passed and what happened. The party escorts her back to the city. They bring her first to Toygar,  who is overjoyed to see her and then  all of them head towards her father's Noble House.  The father is also Overjoyed to see her there was a huge feast held for their honor and this is where we ended.

Kill count is 4 Fey Guardians and 1 Temple Guardian (All Bribed).

Exp is (4x100)+700=1100/4= 275exp (P'wox, Shadow Wulf,  Meltara and Frostbread)

+400 following most of the clues of the mystery, +300 freeing Alime.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 6380, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 8962, ShadowWulf 7058, FrostBeard Battlehammer 1975. Elkas and ShadowWulf will be able to level to 5 when they take a Long Rest.

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