Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 05/26/2021

After action for 05/26/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Shadow Wulf (John), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 59th of Grentle, ending at 60th

Picking up from last session while some stayed at the farm, Solaris and Elkas head off with Grandpa and the Wagoneers! Immediately the trail grows cold, requiring 3 hours to find the first beast at a farm about 2 miles to the north.. but it is too late. the farmers family and the beast had fought in the small house and both sides are dead and tossed about. At the same time, two of the wagoneers had tracked another to another small farm and helped the farmer and his husband destroy the beast with only some injuries to the farmer. Regrouping they start searching from a nearby hill they find the final beast 3 hours later, laying siege to a small cottage.. they close in on it and kill it with no issue. They continue to search for the signs of the buzzing man but are unable to find anything and so return back to the Waldon farm just as the corpses of the demons are finally all burned. Once again united they tell their tales. When everything is over, Nightingale will tell her theory: The Buzzing Man is some kind of Queen Bee type insect or demon that came through that tiny gate. It gathered bees and made a body for itself and then somehow made the first crystal. It then corrupted and warped the farm animals then the farmers. It did this in a matter of weeks.. There are probably more of the Buzzing Man.. it seems to be the vanguard of the invasion. They all eat and get ready for a short rest. P'wox tells Shadow Wulf "I have had a chance to check out the shortbow you gave me. It will be great for detecting undead. I owe you a drink at the next public house!!" The watches are Meltara and P'wox 1st watch, Elkas and Solaris 2nd, Shadow Wulf and buddy 3rd. Two Wagoneers will also stand watch with them. During the 2nd hour of the first watch Meltara hears a noise P'wox and Meltara investigate and see some creatures eating the corpses of Ankhegs. Decide to leave them to their meal as they seem like natural scavengers like wolves or foxes or something. The rest of the watches pass uneventfully. In the morning the wolves eating are gone, an Inspirational breakfast and they are on the road again. A few hours later they are passing through a narrow rough road cut through a wooded area. Several of the characters notice humanoid figures hiding in the forest with bows on both sides of the road.  They inform Grandpa who tells them that they've been following the wagons for the last half-hour.  They see some people up ahead standing on the road, a warrior type with a sword and shield and three hulking humans with clubs. "My name is Rhoads! I patrol this stretch of road and for you the road stops here.. for now. First do any of you buzz? And what do you know of Demons?!" He demands.  Information is exchanged (poorly, as the players just blaher out whatever enters into their heads...) till Grandma and Grandpa explain what has been happening. Told of two other bands of highwaymen wiped and broken by Demons, of Asium closing the inner city, and the Code of the Highwaymen. And then Rhoades lets them roll past on their way to the warehouse. Three hours laters almost at the warehouses... Wagon 1 has Grandpa, Meltara, Shadow Wulf and Buddy, wagon 2 has Grandma, P'wox, Solaris and Elkas. Each wagon has three wagoneers as well. The wagons are ambushed by 3 Warmongers and 5 husks... A warmonger and 4 husks are destroyed but one of their own, Clevon the bowman, has fallen and was carried away. Meltara was down again... but saved by Solaris. Searching the husks the party 26 silver, and the one warmonger that was dropped has a belt with a pouch of 17 gold and 2 small 10gp gems. Some of the husks have matching tattoos that the party remembers having seen on some of Rhoed's group. They burn the bodies. The weary travellers get back on their wagons.. "Who the fuck damaged Wagon 1?" (it was Elkas...)

Kill count is 1 Warmonger, 4 Husks, 2 Escaped Warmonges and 1 Husk.

Exp is 200+(2x200/2)+(4x50)+(50/2)=825/5=165 base

Demon hunting with Grandpa +50 (Solaris and Elkas), Not pointlessly fighting with the wolves at the farm +50, Not pointlessly fighting with Rhoads +100, Handling negotiations with Rhoads +0

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 4364, Elkas 4156, Solaris 3876, Meltara 4639, NightWolf 2610, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510

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