Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 04/13/2021.

 After action for 04/13/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose), NightWolf (John)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 55th of Grentle, ending at 57th

Meltara begins attempting to harvest one of the mimic corpses..P'wox looks over the south wagon, determines it was once owned by a human merchant(s) and has been here for a few months... nothing of value. Flipping over the wagon P'wox finds a small purse... he stabs it with his longsword just in case..In the purse is 15 sp, a few bits of paper and a small black needle stuck in a black cork (GM Note: Later experimentation would show that anything the black needle is stuck into (up to a surface area of five square feet) becomes black and returns to its normal colouration when removed.) Meltara collects a vial of acid from the mimic stomach. They call Grandpa and the wagons forward..tell their tale.. and then Night Wolf wanders over with his confusing story. Resuming the slow wagon trip to Weepmire..which is still about 20hrs of travel away... NightWolf joins the group. Two hours of travel later (about two miles).. in the distance a smaller wagon is slowly rolling towards them along the same trail. The wagon is carrying grain to some village, driven by a farmer and his two sons. When close enough to chat Grandpa and the farmer chat, the farmer purchases something from Grandpa and then the wagons continue onward. Three more hours later, Elkas and Meltara spot someone standing in the middle of the road up ahead. He seems to be wearing leather armor, a janunty feathered hat and carries a rapier. The wagons are stopped several hundred feet away and the party sent ahead to check it out. Stopping over a two hundred feet away the party debates and then sends NightWolf to check the small stand of trees to the south of the road. NightWolf sneaks in the woods and sneaks into a small group of goblins hiding there.. but does not discover them till he and they are next to each other. A goblin swings a scimitar at him but NightWolf disengages and runs back to the party. Tired of waiting, the person on the road moves closer and yells out to them, saying he is Jornor Olohom, a gentleman bandit and he patrols this road. If you wish to pass this way you need to pay the toll. Party debates this, till Meltara says fuck it and asks how much is the fee and what guarantees does he offer. Meltara tells him to swear on his family jewels, so Jornor swears on his "Strong Long sword that brings forth the proper cries'' that they shall not be molested or bothered by man, monster or beast for the ensuing eight miles, which is the area he claims as his patrol. He asks for 5 gp per wagon and 1 sp per person, Meltara pays 12 gold. (GM Note: Meltara should have bargained him down, there is no way that farmer they crossed three hours earlier paid that much). Jornor steps off the road and enters the south woods, a band of nattily clothed goblins (clean, equipment in good repair and their hair combed!) join with him and wave to the party and wagons as they pass. The wagons travel three more hours and then camp is made. The night is set into 3 watches of 4 hours each...1st Solaris/Nightwolf, 2nd Elkas/P'wox and 3rd watch is Meltara. The night passes uneventfully. The wagons start to roll at dawn...12 more hours to Weepmire. Journeying the whole day without incident...maybe that bandit's word means something...

The village Weepmire, a small village of 20+ buildings in a loose circle around the inn at the center and a ring of farms around that. The inn is called The Second Turnip and doubles as the local fort in times of trouble. Hedmon Micsan meets you all at the village center. As they enter the inn through the old, hardwood door, they're welcomed by the smell of alcohol and a feeling of comfort. The bartender is a little preoccupied, but still manages to welcome them with a smile. Solaris is thinking it is strange that no one seems to recognize Grandma and Grandpa in the tavern especially after Elkas said he thought they were suspicious...So Elkas has to explain (again) that he knows Grandpa and Grandma are Reckless and Nightingale. The wagons will be staying at this village overnight and then leaving in the morning for the warehouse. Nightwolf and Solaris stay with the wagons for the first 4hrs, then P'wox and Elkas and then Meltara for the last 4hrs. Well that was the plan, till the bartender tells them about the demons at the old Ferno farm not that far out of town. Grandpa says "I know adventurers like yourself can't resist a haunted farm so you can go.. try not to get killed." Jojor the serving boy will lead them to the farm "but I'm not stepping on to that farm!" Jojor leads them there, about 1.5 miles away and then heads back. The group investigate the lightless abandoned farm, the moons providing enough light to see. They tried to sneak around but were pretty noisy. Getting to the farm house it's a typical enough place with shuttered windows and heavy wood doors. P'wox tries to push the front door open with his longsword but the door seems barred from the inside. Using their various detect fiends/undead/etc they determine there are four fiends in the building. Circling around the farm house they find the animal pens, a few dried out carrasses still in the area and a large dead tree in the middle of pig pens. While looking for a wood beam to hit the door, the huge dead tree in the animal pen area come life and attacks Meltara.. and they blast it to burning timber. Meltara smashes the farmhouse door with his spiritual weapon twice then kicks the door and runs into the farm house, and is attacked by demons, surprising no one. (GM Note: This seems to happen in one form or another every week). He disengages and runs back out. The demons are two Maw Demons and what appears to be some demonic animated corpses. After killing all the demons in the farmhouse, they enter the house and see the crystal radiating evil in the house... P'wox first tries to destroy it (damaging his sword). Trying to study it to figure out how to destroy it and then wants to eat it! Nightwolf shoots the crystal from his hand before he can eat it. The crystal shatters and falls to the floor. Solaris gathers up the pieces, planning to use her mending cantrip to try to turn it into an ordinary crystal. They return to the Inn and tell their story. We will start just before they take a Long Rest.

Kill count=(Animated Dead Tree)+(2xMaw Demons)x(2xCorpse Demons)

Exp=(200)+(2x200)+(2x100)=800/5=160 exp each

For Not fighting the gentleman bandit and his band +150, Paying off Jornor +100 (Meltara), Freeing the Ferno farm from demons/destroying the summoning crystal +100, Shooting the crystal out of P'wox hands +100 (NightWolf) 

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 2664, Elkas 2914, Solaris 2664, Meltara 2864, NightWolf 810.

Elkas and Meltara can level to 4 once they take a Long Rest.

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