Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign Recap for 06/15/2021

 After action for 06/15/2021.

Playing: Shadow Wulf (John), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 60th of Grentle, ending at 61th

Start of the next day, P'wox announces that he had a dream from his god that he should stay in this area and gather converts. Meltara says I need converts too.. or something like that and decides to stay with P'wox.

Shadow Wulf takes the Lesser Healing potion and Solaris takes the 3 Minor. Not that a Minor healing does 2HP, and a Lesser does 5HP. Waving goodbye to P'wox and Meltara the remaining characters continue on with the wagons towards Assium. Travelling slowly along the rutted path to Assium, 3 hours later the wagons are halted as a few crows are seen circling over something off to the left...Shadow Wulf goes first, seeing two dead Ogres being eaten by murders of crows. Getting closer he sees they were killed by numerous small arrows, the type used by goblins. Looking at the footprints, Shadow Wulf determines that there were at least 20 twenty Goblins fighting with 5 Ogres, the Ogres retreating from the Goblin archers. They seem to have come from the south and all the survivors have gone to the north, north east away from Assium. A search of the bodies show anything metal or of value had been taken off the Orges. Solaris says "I don't want to get involved in a Goblin vs Ogre war!" (she is totally exaggerating because she isn't used to real life outside the temple. They return to the wagons and report their findings. 

Another hour plus slowly passes and Solaris sees signs of something off to the east. Shadow Wulf sneaking up to it and finds an abandoned Goblin camp. Finding tracks of Ogres that attacked camp, heading off to the north (where the Ogre corpses were found). Searching some tents still standing, finally spending an hour to systematically search the entire camp,  the following as found: An empty wooden barrel (2gp), a blue candle (1gp) and a handaxe. Solaris (Julie):I take the blue candle because it is pretty and I like to pray.

They walk back to the wagons, tell of the goblin camp. Grandpa says they were about to go see if they were in trouble, having spent over an hour on a quick investigation. It has been 5hrs since leaving the warehouse.

About 6 miles from the city, walled in giant fields, walled with small stone walls (3 ft high), with vast numbers of slaves working the fields, with armed watchers both watching the slaves and looking for creatures attacking. Typically 1 armed slave per group of 12-20 (lower numbers farther from the city). Almost everyone wears grey. Solaris (Julie):I use the mending cantrip to fix any of our clothing that was damaged in our adventures so we look presentable going into the BIG city. Solaris has big wide eyes looking at everything. The party sees some young freeman from the city buying the 'services' of halfway attractive slaves, paying a few coppers to the slave and the watchman. Solaris (Julie):Solaris is so excited when she realizes people can get paid for hugs!!!! (She is completely naive and innocent!) They pass a burnt out field, some slaves dragging bodies to be burned, armed freemen chopping off heads of corpses and looking for undead and demons.

The wagons turn onto the Camsee plantation, slowly rolling up to the manor house. Lots of people of various races and sexes working the fields, most are wearing grey. As they get to the main house they see it is a large mostly one story building, though there are also basements they didn't see. This is a big plantation manor, lots of slaves, very slave holding.. the family seem nice enough people except for the whole slavery thing.

The head of the family is Camsee (Human Female), she has four daughters Lelise ,Mirqee ,Kumii and Bifani and two sons Elemo and Iree. It turns out the Male of the household died over two decades ago, all the children of born freed slaves. Camsee picked the 'best' slaves to father her children, four men Asmund, Calcote, Yveno and Closse. Solaris sees and tells Shadow Wulf and Elkas that grandpa is trading stuff from the wagon that we never saw. Grandpa tells Shadow Wulf about buying a slave that knows how to fight as an idea of increasing their combat power. But nothing is available at Camsee's plantation. After a longish meal that was quite enjoyable they head back onto the road to the city, now just 3 miles away. The guards at the gate question and check the wagons, looking for demons and undead. finding nothing they let them in. They head to the merchant section of the outer city and goto the warehouse of Reign of Peace.There are friendly faces that greet the group. Grandpa tells them they can stay with them for the two weeks the wagons will be here before heading back or wandering about the city. They can return with them back if they want or go their own way, he warns them about what not to do in Assium.

Paying for their services. started on 51st of Grentle (Shadow Wulf joined on 55th of Grentle) arrived on the 61st, He pays them 1.5gp per day or 15gp each, except for Shadow Wulf who is still in debt for having him rezed (for the moment we will say is owns them 150gp-(6x1.5=9gp)=141gp). The party of Shadow Wulf, Elkas and Solaris decide to goto another tavern in the area. The taverns that Elkas can see from the warehouse are: The Laughing Triangle, The Limping Sea, The Superb Bachelor Pub and The Metal Flame Bar. They go to the Metal Flame. The Metal Flame seems to be an place that Adventurers and Body Guards go to. A small bar, maybe seating for 30 with 12 people inside. It is dark and dingy with a dirty floor kind of charm. Shadow Wulf tries the Ceter Ale, Solaris has Sweet Mead and Elkas has Bitter Ale. Assium is known for their various types of ales, meads, baked goods and sweets. The party at the other table came from Thespyra another city by the shore. Exchanging information, They are called the Order of Hounds.. they encountered demons and crystals/ Swarm Masters:come from tiny portals and find swarms of insects to control and make humanoid bodies. after drinking and eating at the Flame Metal they head back to the warehouse to sleep. The next day they head towards the Scholar section of the outer city and the center of higher learning is known as the Institute. At the Institute (of knowledge), Elkas wants to see the headmaster but it's stymied by one of the local scholars, Hikmet the scholar. Hijinks ensue. They learn the milky crystal the bees were building is believed to be some kind of portal to bring over large items and or creatures from the invading dimension. Shadow Wulf is uneasy in the large confining city and they are all unsure about their feeling about all the slaves. They go back to the warehouse and tell Grandpa they are going out of they city to hunt for meat and adventure but will be back to leave with the wagons in two weeks. They rent a small 1 axle wagon from the Reign of Peace for a gold piece a week. Wagon will hold up to 250 lbs of stuff and they will use it to carry their kills. Shadow Wulf invests in two stacks of arrows. 

2.5hrs to get out of the farming area and start hunting.

Zero Combat Exp

+50 Investigating the Ogres, +50 Investigating the Goblin Camp, +50 Meeting the Camsee Household, +50 exchanging information with the Order of Hounds, +50 Learning at the Institute, +50 Solaris thinking about selling hugs (Solaris)

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 4854, Elkas 4944, Solaris 4666, Meltara 5179, NightWolf 3400, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510. 

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