Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign Recap for 04/20/2021

 After action for 04/20/2021. 

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose), NightWolf (John), Frostbeard Battlehammer (Rumo)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 57th of Grentle, ending at 57th

Back at the inn, the 2nd Turnip, the party regals the villagers with tales of bravery. The barkeeper is most impressed by P'wox's tale and give him a lavender cordial in a small glass vial that has "chair" written on it. He got in from an adventurer that couldn't pay his (and his parties) tab. P'wox studies the potion and determines that the potion "grants the form of a piece of a wooden chair for 2d8 minutes". Suddenly, a soil covered farmer runs into the inn and yells about demons in the graveyard. "I saw them walking in the graveyard when I was heading to the barn." The Hedmon calls up the local militia but that will take at least a half hour to gather. Grandpa tells the party to go manage the situation. The party gumbles and asks the GM about rests and then they goto the graveyard accompanied by Frostbeard Battlehammer, a dwarven rogue that is currently in the village. They get there and fight 4 demon husks and a late spawning demon prowler. (GM Note: The party’s combat tactics mostly non existent, Only NightWolf making any plans). Meltara examines where the demon husks came from and finds a small (1 ft high) crystal, looking very similar to the one in the farmhouse earlier. Meltara grabs the crystal, it burning at his bare hands and tries to run out of the graveyard with it.He and the rest of the group fight over it.  At one point Meltara presses it to his face and the crystal burns off some of his life force and shoots a purple light back into the graveyard. The crystals is creating/summoning more demon husks while this is going on but the party doesn't seem to notice. Meltara finally drops the crystal and tries to step on it, before smashing it with his dagger. Frostbeard goes to where the purple lights shoot off to but doesn't investigate that well (missing the forming demon husks). They walk back to the inn and minutes later suddenly hear screams coming back from the direction of the graveyard. Frostbeard vanishes back into the night. NightWolf and P'wox go to investigate the screams. they rest of the party decides to goto the inn. Seeing a group of four demon corpses about to break into a farmhouse (with people screaming inside), Nightwolf and P'wox run back to the inn. Meanwhile at the inn the rest of the party tell Grandpa that they killed five demons at the graveyard and heard a scream in the distance but "didn't want to die tonight". Grandma and pa run out of the inn toward the graveyard, running into P'wox and NightWolf. P'wox and NightWolf watch as Grandma and Grandpa run to the farmhouse, break in and demolish the demon husks.. but it's too late most of the household has died. Grandpa and Grandma then head to the graveyard and investigate the battle and location the crystal was.. finding tracks that lead back to a farmhouse on the outskirts of the village. They capture the demon worshipper that lives there and bring him back to the inn. The Hedmon identifies him and he confesses. The farmer, almost an outcast in the village, tells how a mysterious "buzzing" stranger gave him the crystal and told him to wait 2 months and then take it to a graveyard, place it near the freshest bodies. He was also told the creatures that would raise up would not attack him as long as he held the crystal but that was a lie. One clawed at him as it was half formed on the crypt shelf so he dropped the crystal and ran. The militia finally heads out and spends the night looking for demons in the village. The party takes a Long Rest.

Kill count=(4xDemon Husks)+(Demon Prowler)

Exp=(4x50)+100=300/6=60 exp each

Finding and smashing the summoning crystal +100, Trying to shout tactics to the others +100 (NightWolf), Fighting over the crystal/summoning four more Demon Husks +0, Half ass investigating the area where the purple lights went to +50 (Frostbeard), Locating the farmhouse under attack but not doing anything +25 (P'wox/NightWolf)

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 2849, Elkas 3074, Solaris 2824, Meltara 3024, NightWolf 1095, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510

Elkas and Meltara can level to 4 and NightWolf to lvl 3 once they take a Long Rest.

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