Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 07/27/2021

 After action for 07/27/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Kerian as Meltara.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 64th of Grentle, ending on the 65th

In the morning they eat get ready to explorer the ruins. Heading east they find the remains of a paved road. that leads to the ruined center of the town. Meltara explores one of the ruined shops and finds some scraps of brass. Rest of party on guard on the road.  Exploring the ruins... Lots of nothing.. Shadow Wulf finds a small bottle of wine. Then in a room in the ruins of the town hall (?) two skeletons and a zombie burst out of the debris of the room and attacked Meltara. The rest of the party rush in and they quickly destroy them. The head across the street to the large circular ruins (library? museum?) and are ambushed by five skeletons hidden under the leaves and rubble, which are joined by a spector. Meanwhile Meltara, who was heading towards a different building hears noise from a boarded up well. He rips the wood off the well and drops a rock in to it. A Lesser Water Elemental bursts out of the well and heads towards him. P'wox hit by the Spector for 14hp and then fails the CON save, lowering his max by 14! Meltara Inflict Wounds at 3rd lvl on the Lesser Water Elemental for 32 HP! Really pissing it off so then the water elemental slammed and Whelmed him.. knocking him out and drowning him inside it. 1st successful and then the elemental keeps drowning him for two fails. Shadow Wulf and buddy go over the wall to attack the water elemental attracting it's attention. Shadow Wulf's arrow and Buddy's bite do some damage, so it spits out Meltara and then slams buddy and whelms him, missing Shadow Wulf. P'wox runs out of the ruined building and manages to heal Meltara enough to awaken him. This forces the elemental to retreat back into the well it came out of. Gelgres finishes off the last skeleton in a fierce one on one battle Meltara searches the ruins of the library and finds in the area where one of the skeletons popped out of a Lyre made of silver (worth maybe 60gp?) Bard personal items (4) worth 1d6 gold each. Before leaving the ruins, P'wox gives an inspiring speech (giving Gelgres, Loonie, SW and P'wox +6 temp HP). They head back to their small camp, P'wox checking for traps (poorly) and then sit around telling stories and drinking till nightfall. They are shaken by their near TPK. It seems as if a voice is whispering to them from the wind... giving them bad advice and telling them to do unwise things. As night falls they set watchs, P'wox and Lonnie,Shadow Wulf and Buddy and then Meltera and Gelgres. The first watch passes without incident. During the second watch a talking raven questions Shadow Wulf and asks his motives. It warned of undead and a corruptor of nature... During Meltara and Gelgres' watch two Ettercot discover the party, try to trap Meltara (to carry away) but are discovered by the party.. Shadow Wulf shoots arrows at them as they retreat and wakes a group of five Giant Wolf Spiders. The party kills them with only SW going down. The forest comes alive with the sounds of spiders moving and shifting but no more attack.. This extends the Long Rest by 2 hours.. We will pick up the next morning.

Kill count is 7 Skeletons, 1 Zombie, 1 Spector, 1 Lesser Water Elemental (driven off) and 5 Giant Wolf Spiders. 2 Ettercots attacked and left themselves (so half exp for them).

Experience is (7x50)+50+200+700+(5x50)+(450x2/2)=2000/3=667 each 

Good team work battling in the ruins +50, Talking to the raven +50 Shadow Wulf.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 4972, Elkas 6344, Solaris 5941, Meltara 7554, ShadowWulf 5650, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510.

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