Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 05/12/2021

 After action for 05/12/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose), NightWulf (John)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 59th of Grentle, ending at 59th

Sneaking around the farm, they see a Prowler with six lesser demon beasts patrolling the south west edge of the fields, turning and heading up the edge as they get to the end. In the field they see a Warmonger and 2 Demon beasts standing around the slowing pulsing crystal. The party heads to the west side of the farm and goes up the rear of the barns, encounting a group of 3 lesser beasts and a demon beast from the field that heard them and showed up. They kill these without alerting anyone else. They continue to sneak up to the house. Hidden around the back corner of the closest barn to the house, they can see the warmongers and hear them talking, the one in the house being called Mom by the one in the field, it being called Taylen. The Mom one calls the two husks that follow her Jacob and Winson. It seems they were the family that ran this farm at one time, now twisted and warped into demons. Also from where they are they see the Buzzing Man, tending a beehive in the distance, near a fenced in bed of flowering plants. At first he ignores the by play between the Warmongers but then tells them to return to their tasks. They respond with "Yes Lord!" and go back to what they were doing. The Warmonger in the field (Taylen) is watching the crystal in the field and making a sword extend from his hand and arm and then retracting it.. giggling as he does so. After a few moments, the corpses of the horses surrounding the crystal mutate and twist, becoming 3 more Demonic beasts. Sticking to their plan, they use buddy to set the attack, having him bark near the front of the house and draw the demons to them, allowing them to ambush the smaller groups as they come to investigate. 'Mom' and the two husks show up and are beaten ('Mom' screaming about her destroyed 'sons') before the Prowler and his group of six Lesser demon beasts show up. P'wox has NightWulf send Buddy back for help. Elkas uses an up-powered Burning Hands to kill the horde of Lesser demonic beasts. Doing 15pts of fire damage, halved for their resistance is 7 and 5 out of 6 Lesser beasts failed. NightWulf gets lots of crits with his longbow. P'wox using his symbol to Abjure the Extraplanar, but they all resisting. The Buzzing Man going to the roof of the barn with Solaris and Meltara, attacking Meltara. Solaris using her Warding Flare to help Meltara in his battle with the Buzzing Man. They destroy the Buzzing Man's shell revealing his actual form, a humanoid horde of bees! Meltara taken down, Healed by Solaris, P'wox running to the field to destroy the crystal. NightWulf running from and then being taken down by the three Demon beasts chasing him. Battle ended with the BuzzingMan about to attack P'wox, then seeing more people crossing the dry stream bed to the south (Grandpa and ma and most of the wagoneers alerted by Buddy), It ceased attacking, flew to the crystal, enveloped it into his chest and flew away to the north, taking the last 3 beasts with him. "Beeee seeing you..." he said as he left.. Abandoning the farm and heading north, the beasts each head in a separate direction while the Buzzing Man escapes with the crystal. Since he is flying there are no tracks to follow…  At the party’s request Grandma uses a Revivify Scroll on NightWolf, restoring him to life. Now he owes them for that too.

Grandpa and the wagon operators will go and hunt down the last 3 beasts, Grandma will stay with the PCs to help them check the farm.

GM Note: The PCs made a plan and mostly stuck to it. There were some cool action moves in the battle, climbing on roofs, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Solaris running around to heal and use Spare the Dying.

Kill count is 9 Lesser beasts, 2 Beasts, 2 husks, 1 prowler and 2 warmongers. 3 beasts and the buzzing man escaped.

Exp is (9x25)+(2x50)+(2x50)+100+(2x200)+(3x50x0.5)+(1100x0.5)=1412/5=282 base

Freeing the farm +150, Revealing the Buzzing Man's true form +50, Using the Demon beast's corpse to jump off of to try to hit the Buzzing Man +50 (Elkas), Running across the roofs of barns to escape +50 (Meltara), Running around to heal and use Spare the Dying +50 (Solaris).

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 3466, Elkas 3791, Solaris 3491, Meltara 3741, NightWolf 1712, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510

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