Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 07/06/2021

 After action for 07/06/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Julie as Solaris, Jose as Elkas and Kerian as Meltara.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 62th of Grentle, ending on the 62th 

They move across the once plowed field getting closer to the two barns at the edge. One barn looks like it had been hit by lightning at some point in the past and burned mostly down. The other barn is very weather beaten but is still standing and something is blocking the doorway into its interior. Solaris casts the light cantrip on to Meltara's crossbow bolt that he then shoots into the door of the still standing barn. The bolt passes through what seems to be a heavy curtain made of old fabric and animal furs. Shadow Wulf walks around the barn, finally going inside. The interior is lit by the glowing bolt and he can see lots of mushrooms. Apparently the Bullywugs are using the barn to grow edible mushrooms as he can see lots of footprints in the small paths between the mushroom beds. He goes deeper and is surprised by a carrion crawler that was hiding in a half collapsed stall. It paralyses him but Buddy jumps in to defend him before it eats him. Hearing the scuffle the rest of the party charge forward. They burst in and fling spells at the creature before Solaris kills the carrion crawler with a critical Guided Bolt! Shadow Wulf, seeing Buddy is near dead, spends a spell slot and takes a minute to heal Buddy to full. They try to investigate the abandoned manor house and are attacked with Bullywug spears when they get too close. Elkas realizes this is their home and persuades the rest of the party to retreat from it. Moving on, another 3 hours of walking and they get the ruins of the logging town. While still on the outskirts of the ruins, Solaris hears noise from the left of her. She halts the party... They listen and prepare for an ambush. Four giant hunting spiders rush out of the foliage but not getting surprise on the party. The spiders have a simple method of hunting, they bite a target and then try to carry it away to eat. Meltaras is bitten and grabbed, then Elkas. Solaris weakens the one holding Elkas with a Scorching Ray and Meltara crisps the one holding him with Inflict Wounds, killing it. Shadow Wulf wounds the one on him and then it critically bites him, knocking him unconscious in it's jaws and so it starts carrying him off. Elkas is bitten near to death but Meltara Spares the Dying on him. Solaris Healing Words Shadow Wulf, waking him in the grasp of the spider. He stabs it and then it bites him unconscious again. Meltara casts Cure Wounds on Elkas, awakening him. Then Elkas does a long range Magic Missile barrage at the spider carrying off Shadow Wulf, killing it before it can consume his near dead body. They gather together and kill the last spider fighting Solaris and then she Healing Hands Shadow Wulf awake once more. At this point it is about 3pm. Elkas spends  two hours and pulls six giant spider fangs and gathers 11 rations from the corpses. While he is doing that the rest of the party takes a short rest (Solaris spends 2 Hit Dice. Meltara spends 2, Shadow Wulf spends all 4 Hit Dice). Having exhausted most of their spells, they realize they need to camp and hold up till the next day.  Shadow Wulf quickly scouts the nearby areas and finds a small cluster of boulders they can make camp at... as night closes in, they realize they are in a very dangerous situation... Cliffhanger!!!

Notes: They can collect the spider webs they see in the trees.. but the spiders that attacked were not tree dwelling. They also may want to backtrack to the hunting spiders nest. Each member of the party was almost eaten by a spider! YAY!

Kill count is 1 Carrion Crawler and 4 Giant Hunting Spiders. They will also get an Experience Bonus for the Bullywugs they realized they did not need to fight with (10x Bullywugs, 2x Bullywug Champions and 2x Giant Toads).

Experience is 450+(4x200)+((10x50)+(2x100)+(2x100)x0.25)=1500/4=375 each

Convincing the party to avoid the Bullywug fort +100 Elkas, Good use of Magic Missile for last second save of Shadow Wulf +25 Elkas

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 4854, Elkas 6244, Solaris 5891, Meltara 6579, NightWolf 4575, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510.

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