Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign Recap for 06/01/2021

 After action for 06/01/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Shadow Wulf (John), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 60th of Grentle, ending at 60th

After a short time travelling they encounter Lars and Chocho. Lars is a woodsman adventurer that had been rescued by the God Marked Marauders in a Haunted forest. He is a follower of a nature spirit that sometimes guides him towards adventures. Chocho is an awaked brown bear that wears a backpack and can only say "Chocho". Lars tells them he is travelling from the city of Asuim and delivering mail, mostly from the slaves of that city. The party is  shocked by Asuim being a slave holding society. Lars is shocked by their seeming nativity and explains some stuff about the city, slave tattoos, things to buy and avoid in the outer city and to be wary of the inner city. And then he and Chocho head toward Weepmire to deliver the mail. About an hour after meeting Lars..They encounter a staggering man covering himself in a dirty threadbare rug. He is revealed to be an escaped slave from the city of Asuim and is looking for Lars to deliver a letter he has had written to his father in the Village of Weepmire. The party gives him food and water but he refuses their offers of clothing and such. He tells them his name is Eaghan and his father is Henry and he is owned by Kieran Kerruish. Meltara takes Eafhan's soiled note to his dad and promises to deliver it. Eagham thanks him and staggers back to the city to be punished. Later when Meltara tries to read the letter he realizes the letter is just gibberish and not a real letter. Meltara is unsure what to do about this. Another few hours and they arrive at the secret path in a dense section of woods that leads to another secret warehouse. Solaris (Julie):As we get to the warehouse, I give everyone a silent high five of joy. "We did it!!!" The people at the warehouse tell them about a nearby farm fallen into abandonment but is somehow overrun by bees. The workers are afraid to gather or purchase supplies, as two of them (Tomas and Raek) are presumed dead. Also the wagon from Asium never came. The party decides to check out the farm while the wagons is being unloaded and reloaded. Elkas at first stays to help with the wagons but latter follows the others. The party carefully approaches the small farm, seeing the main field is unharvested and still growing barley. There are numerous beehives in the field, all with clusters of bees around them. Keeping their distance from the field the group (Solaris, P'wox, Meltara, Shadow Wulf and Buddy) make their way to the only barn. Hearing noise in the barn, Everyone except P'wox and Buddy climb on top of the barn. When P'wox opens the door on the side a hideous twisted demon cow attacks him. It was a battle mostly between P'wox and the cow as P'wox was blocking the doorway so the cow was trapped in the barn. The noise of the battle alerted a group of demonized sheep past the house, who charged through the damaged house towards the battle, screaming erie baaahs! Elkas showed up and run towards the barn as he saw Shadow Wulf on top of it. Edging too close to the field, he triggered a Swarm of Bees that attacked Shadow Wulf. There was a lot of talk about burning stuff down, but since nothing was really trapped in a slowly burning area it seemed like a bad idea. The fighting took a while but wasn't that difficult for them (as they mostly avoided the bees). P'wox checks out the house sees that there are huge rents and holes in the walls, everything inside has been wreck and thrown about. Not seeing anything interesting he quickly leaves. Solaris and then Elkas check the barn. There are body parts thrown about the place and the stench of rotting meat and blood. Solaris (Julie):"There has been a murder. There are dead body parts in this barn. It's so gross and smelly." Elkas goes to the house.. looking around he sees that though everything is destroyed nothing has been taken, so if there is anything of value it would still be here mixed into the trash, but he is too busy for that and leaves. Meanwhile. Meltara sees a crystal shining near the center of the field and starts heading towards it activating 3 swarms of bees... cliffhanger!

(next game will start with Meltara running or beeing killed..bee seeing you)

(move game to monday next week, follow up in chat)

Kill count is 1 Swarm of Bees, 1 Demon Beast and 4 Lesser Demon Beasts.

Exp is 50+100+(4x25)=250/5=50 base

Meeting Lars and Chocho +50, Meeting Eagham the slave +50, Taking Eagham's letter +50 (Meltara), Finally getting to the Warehouse +100, Exploring the abandoned farm +50.

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 4664, Elkas 4456, Solaris 4176, Meltara 4989, NightWolf 2910, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510. Shadow Wulf can level to 3 on a Long Rest.

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