Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 09/07/2021

 After action for 09/07/2021.

Playing: Kerian as Meltara, Aaron as P’wox, John as Shadow Wolf and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 1th of Howper, ending on the 1st of Howper. Year is 2663.

Loonie tries to stabilize Jolene and fails with a 1, giving her a failed death save (1/1). Jolene makes her second save (2/1). Gelgres stubbs the zombie his rapier (for 9HP!) but the 1hp zombie refuses to die!! But then is is fried by the moonbean and falls to ground a undeadless husk. P'wox uses Lay on hands for 9 pts to Gelgres and shield bashes and smites a zombie. Jolene fails the death save (2/2) (bites nails!) Jolene makes her last death save and is stable. P'wox destroys the last zombie with a shield bash and divine smite then moves up and attacks the last skeleton warrior with a sword thrust and divine smite but the skelly warrior sacrifices his shield to take the damage. At end of four rounds the undead are destroyed, P'wox moves the moonbeam onto the dead Bulutte just in case. Meltara heals Jolene (back to full for 6hp). P'wox and Gelgres are searching the room of the dead Bulutte and piecing together what happened (A Bulutte was nesting here and it accidently broke open the tomb, resulting in a battle. The zombies latter starting tunneling out when they heard digging and walls being broken above them). P'wox uses Lay on Hands for 4 pts to Gelgres and 10 pts to Meltara. FrostBeard goes to the dead Bulette and examines it.. realizes some of it is harvestable. Three main things harvestable, made difficult by the decay and rot..1xBulette Head Plate. Acts as a shield. Can be carefully crafted (smith’s tools) into a shield +1 that grants its wielder tremorsense out to 10 feet while holding it. 2xBulette Claws. Act as daggers. Can be crafted (smith’s tools) into daggers +1 that require attunement, and can cast Jump once per day on a creature they are attuned to. 1xBulette Tendon. No immediate use. Can be carefully crafted (weaver's tools) into a shortbow +1. When attuned, Once per day, on a hit, the target must make a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target's choice) or be knocked prone. Meanwhile Shadow Wolf returns to the farmhouse and finds the party gone on without him. He rushes to the field and into the tunnel arriving as the rest of the party is looking around the broken tomb. They explain what happened so far. They find a large sealed door in the first room of the tomb! There is much pushing against the cemented closed door to the tomb. FrostBeard uses his mason's tools to chip and break away all the cement and then uses his thieves tools to pick the lock in the center of the door. there is a click as the door is now unlocked. Meltara opens the door and then something tries to claw him, then something frightens him and makes move back. Gelgres tries to close the door and fails. Shadow Wolf moves forward and slashes a Ghoul Acolyte. In the room are two Ghoul Acolytes and an Elder Skeleton, the Elder Skelton comes out and fights the party. The Elder Skeleton critically strikes Gelgres but Gel sacrifices his shield to avoid the damage. P'wox hits the Elder Skeleton with a divine smite 2nd lvl and Shadow wolf hits it with two arrows. The two Ghoul Acolytes use Restore Undead on The Elder and it keeps fighting! It uses its Dreadful Glare on P'wox paralyzing him and then starts carving him like a cooked bird! FrostBread scores a crit on it weakening it and tells Jolene to charge in! Jolene races in and lands a critical blow with her borrowed short sword, destroying the Elder Skeleton! One of the Ghoul Acolytes comes out and tries to Toll the Dead on Gregles but it fails and it is cut apart by arrows from FrostBeard. Shadow Wolf and Buddy charge into the room to destroy the last one. As the rest of the party enter the room they see there is another door leading from this room... Cliffhanger!!

Kill Counts=3 zombies amd 3 Skeleton Warriors (P'wox, Meltara and FrostBeard) then 2 Ghoul Acolytes and an Elder Skeleton (P'wox, Meltara, FrostBeard and Shadow Wolf)

Exp is (3x50)+(3x100)=450/3=150exp and then (2x450)+700=1600/4=400exp 

+50 First to check the Bulette for harvest (FrostBeard), +50 breaking open the door using tools (FrostBeard).

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 7413, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 9510, Shadow Wulf 7941, FrostBeard Battlehammer 3008. Elkas will be able to level to 5 and FrostBeard will be able to level to 4 when he takes a Long Rest.

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