Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 09/21/2021

 After action for 09/21/2021.

Playing: Kerian as Meltara, Aaron as P’wox, John as Shadow Wolf and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 1th of Howper, ending on the 2st of Howper. Year is 2663.

No game last week (09/14) due to having to work overtime.

Picking up where we left off. Frostbeard investigates the door and sees it has a trap on in, a mystic rune of some kind. Frostbeard and Jolene work together to detrap the door to the next area, harmlessly setting off the elven fire trap. Entering they see the walls of the t-shaped corridor is adorned with rich painted murals of Elven heroes fighting various creatures and beings. There are various battles, some of the murals have a small area that in like a finger slide and will animate the scene for a second or two. There are a few scene of humanoid enemies that seem like vampires. Few humans in the scenes, mostly Elves and similar. There are two doors at the ends of the east west corridor. Frostbeard unable to pick the lock on the west door so  Shadow Wulf pries it open with his crowbar. He sees a room filled with debris and some shiny trade goods. He starts searching through the rubble and 2 mins later he finds a comb made of carved bone (worth 5gp). Meanwhile Frostbeard and Jolene are talking off the side about something (GM- Romo had an emergency at home and left the game for 30mins or so). P'wox goes and investigates the east door and notices a trap on the lock of the door. Leaving Frostbeard and Jolene at the door, P'wox and Gelgres head to the trade good room to search. Shadow Wulf searches for 2mins and finds a well oiled and preserved pelt (4gp). P'wox searches 2mins and finds a  worn smooth worry stone worth 6g, Greles searches 2mins and finds a brass mug with intricate jade inlay worth 4gp. P'wox decides to try the detrap the east door, exposing a poison needle. He then can't unlock the door. Meltara beats open the east door with his mace. Seeing the iron sarcophagus in the center of the room the other leave and Meltarra opens the heavy lid. A ghost of Princess Shael appears and possesses Meltara. Lonnie stares and then runs away. Everyone runs out of the tomb except for the possessed Meltara, who is screaming in ancient elven. Thought trapped in his own body Meltara uses his Mind Link to communicate with the ghost. Meltara manages to convince the ghost to leave but had to promise to tell the tales of her kingdom etc. Knowledge was left implanted in his mind. The princess leaves and tells Meltara to take the items in the sarcophagus. Meltara takes jewelry worth 200 gold and a Elven Longsword, called Balare, a magical weapon that requires attunement with the properties of Dark  (This item is of such deep black color that it seems unquenchable by light, allowing the owner to ignore the first 5 points of radiant damage received once per turn) and Guardian (This item whispers warning to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the bearer isn’t incapacitated). Meltara walks out with the items, telling the others "this is mine." P'wox and Gelgres go to the trade good room to gather all the unruined items (19 items worth 64gp in total), this taking them an hour. Meanwhile FrostBeard goes to the Bulute and harvests the Bulette Tendon successful. Than he harvests a Bulute Claws. P'wox finishes searching the trade good room and heads to the Bulute to take the Bulutte's Headplate. And Shadowwulf takes the last Bulette claw. Finally after 2 hours of harvesting and searching they leave the lost tomb. Head to Farmer Doolish and tell him the mission is complete. P'wox tells him of their adventure and all the combat. Doolish is so impressed that he gives them 30gp and 2 healing potions, telling them he will have his slaves chop up and drag out all the corpses to be used as fertilizer for the new field. P'wox keeps one of the potions and gives the other to Shadow Wulf. They then head back to the warehouse, time is around noon. They tell Grandpa of their adventure and their need for master craftsman. Grandpa directs them to a master armorer, (dwarf male) Brumdur Steelbreaker, a master weaponeer, (half orc male) Magamar and Master Bowyer (a half elf female) Maretrana. He gives each of them a token so they can speak to the masters directly. Shadow Wulf goes to Magamar's forge. Speaking to an apprentice, Shadow Wulf finds out it will cost him 40gp and 2 weeks to mastercraft the dagger. He dicides to give the claw to the smith instead. This so impresses the smith he will work at cost for SW's next project. Meltara practices his silver lute. P'wox goes to Brumdur Steelbreaker. It's a busy shop, with a human apprentice trying to act like a dwarf. P'wox makes a good impression. Brumdur tells him it will take 5 days to make the shield and he will push his other work to the side for P'wox, P'wox also buys a new shield for Gelgres, for a total of (5x8gp)+7 for the shield=47gp. Frostbeard goes to Maretrana, who has a shop made from a live tree in a small field. No good impression made, she tells him it will take 6days to make and she needs 2 days to finish what she is working one so 8 days till ready. and 6x10= 60gp for the task. Frostbeard pays and leaves. Everyone returns to the warehouse for food and a Long Rest, Frostbeard leveling to 4.

Kill Counts=Ghost of Princess Shael (Convinced to leave without a battle).

Exp is 1800/4=450 exp base.

+100 Investigating the first door (Frostbeard), +50 Prying open the West door (Shadow Wulf), +50 Detrapping the East door (P'wox), +50 Smashing open the East door (Meltara), +100 Convincing the Ghost to leave without a battle (Meltara).

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 7913, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 10110, Shadow Wulf 8441, FrostBeard Battlehammer 3558. Elkas will be able to level to 5 when he takes a Long Rest.

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