Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 05/04/2021

 After action for 05/04/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose), NightWolf (John)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 58th of Grentle, ending at 59th

There was no game on 04/27/21 as the GM was on vacation.

Things got off to a slow start as everyone leveled up their characters (rather than do it during the week). 

P'wox gives the party a rousing speech about how they will do better and become heros of tales told in all the cities and towns (this gives them each +6 temporary HP). The morning breakfast talk about the demons and the crystals. Grandpa shares all the information he has gathered, but the players seem not to listen, acting surprised when they hear the same things later. They speak with the Hedmon and get permission to interrogate Wade the farmer who was a demon worshipper. He tells them what they had heard earlier (or would have heard if they had been listening). Wade, who is almost an outcast in the village, tells how a mysterious "buzzing" stranger gave him the crystal and told him to wait 2 months and then take it to a graveyard, place it near the freshest bodies. He was also told the creatures that would raise up would not attack him as long as he held the crystal but that was a lie. One clawed at him as it was half formed on the crypt shelf so he dropped the crystal and ran back to his farm to hide. When asked why he did it, Wade told them it was for power and respect. The demons would obey him and he would run the village. They did not learn anything new. Suddenly a farmer runs into the inn and  says an army is coming. In the distance they see a tall person with a large band of shorter humanoids, some pulling wagons. As they get closer, the group hears them. They are singing a popular song called the Ballad of SnakeEyes, with multiple stanzas about his various misadventures and the refrain is "And then he bravely ran away.., Bravely ran away." The last stanza  they sing tells about him working for the Finger at an underground castle.. Jornor and his band of goblins show up with more information, two huge wagon mounted ballista and two more wagons containing several husk and demon beast corpses. The demon beast corpses look like hairless distorted animals, obscenely twisted into horrific versions. He tells of saving some farms in the areas he "patrols". Jornor acts very rakish and tells tales of he and his band fighting with the husks. When asked about the "buzzing man" he tells of how he encountered such a person and crossed rapiers with him and would have won if the person didn't fly away when losing. He tells how he flew off, not with wings or anything. Meanwhile the snappily dressed goblins set up a small market place by the 2nd Turpid (the inn), playing musical instruments (badly), singing (badly), strutting around, posing, selling some weapons and armor and buying local produce and trade goods. NightWolf and Meltarra buy Studded Leather armor from the goblin smithy, Meltara's having a gothic/heavy metal look to it with skulls, spikes and a horned helmet. The farmer that also works as the Executioner shows up and Wade is publicly beheaded, his body taken to the graveyard. The demon corpses and parts are burned in a bonfire built by the goblins. NightWolf summons Buddy, his wolf companion, for the first time. Solaris pets the giant fey wolf and calls it "PUPPY!!!" Jornor and his goblins pack up and leave the village, promising to check the local graveyards for husks and crystals.

In a moment of quiet, Solaris uses mending on the shards of crystal from the farmhouse, and as soon as it is reintegrated it begins trying to draw her in to touch it and be absorbed by it. But she resists and they smash the crystal again. P'wox smashes the shards of crystal to bits. Elkas examines the bits and figures out that the crystal's shape is somehow channeling magical energies. Apparently the crystal is a non-magical resonator that somehow draws magic from the area it is in.. and can absorb spells.. using the energy gained to create husks. Elkas discovers that it is using different laws of magic then he is used to. Or using them in a way he isn't used to. The important take-away is that repairing the crystals (or duplicating them) causes them to reactivate and do what they were doing before. Everyone gets on the wagons and they roll out. Lots of local produce is now on the wagons which will be taken to the next stop, another hidden warehouse/ brewery 15 miles away. Travelling for the next eight hours and making camp 8 miles away from the village. watches are Meltara/NightWolf and Buddy/P'wox/Elkas and Solaris, each 2hr. The night is uneventful, except for Buddy barking wildly at everyone. In the morning,P'wox gives the party another speech. Travelling (slowly) towards the hidden warehouse, Meltara hears movement in the forest ahead. Grandpa calls stop and the group is sent to advance and check it out. Solaris flies to the top of the nearby trees and can see an abandoned farm in the distance with some sort of large geometric pattern in one of the mostly empty fields. NightWolf stalks forward with Buddy by his side. He hears something eating and destroying the trees up ahead. He sends Buddy forward and a pack of eight lesser demonic beasts attack! As the party repositions to help NightWolf and Meltara another pack of five lesser demonic beasts and their controller, a demonic Prowler bursts out from the other side of the trail. There were some exciting moments, like Elkas's 1st mirror image being shattered by the prowler's claw.. sparing him. The next claw also shatters a mirror image. Elkas last mirror image is shattered by acid blood leaving alone once more. NightWolf killing a few with Critical hits and Buddy mauling a couple. The battle ends with no one downed but they did burn a few spell slots... In the distance there is an abandoned farm and what looks like a crop circle with a shiny thing in the center...


Kill count=(13xLesser Demon Beast)+(Demon Prowler)

Exp=(13x25)+100=425/5=85 exp each

Attempting to interrogate Wade +50, Investigating the Crystals +50 (Elkas), Buying the gothic studded leather armor +50 (Meltarra),

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 2984, Elkas 3259, Solaris 2959, Meltara 3209, NightWolf 1230, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510

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