Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 05/19/2021

 After action for 05/19/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Shadow Wulf (John)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 59th of Grentle, ending at 59th

Solaris and Elkas go with Grandpa to hunt the beasts (GM Note: as they aren't around this week) Meltara, P'wox and Shadow Wulf take a short rest while the others leave. Getting ready to explore the farm. Nightingale asks the three about the battle. She listens to their tales, but is unable to draw any new insights from them. They decide to check out the main house first. They enter the main house and into the kitchen. All the furnishings has been moved to the walls and in the center of the room a pile of ripped apart and chewed up bodies. Shadow Wulf sees a short bow hanging about the fireplace, grabs it and gives it to P'wox. Meltara goes deeper into the ruined house but doesn't see much. They find Naida's Journal and each spend a half hour reading through sections of it. The interesting stuff is at the end.. 

Entries from Naida’s Journal.

Seven weeks ago.. Jacob found a weird thing at the edge of the north field. It looks like a group of weeds have somehow grown together into a small ring.. The open is tiny about two fingertips across and any sticks he put into it got burned. Jore is going to check on it.

.. He smashed it with a large rock and checked the farm for something similar, all the boys helping. He didn’t find anything else but was worried..

Six weeks ago.. The bees have been acting funny… It seems there are sometimes a lot more bees than normal and sometimes a lot less. Eddie says he saw somebody stumbling around the north field but could find him or any footprints.. He is probably drinking too much again.

Five weeks ago.. Put the coins from the sale of summer honey in with the rest. Some of the pigs are missing.. No wolves or monsters have been seen in the area. 

Four weeks ago.. Ankheg in the South field. Looks like at least three. Since that field is fallow, Jore is going to wait a while on dealing with them. More pigs are gone. No visitors to the farm in a while now…

Three weeks ago.. Something horrible and glorious has occurred. Jore was killed by the Buzzing Lord. Eddie was turned into a reborn servant and killed Jacob and Winson, but both were also reborn as servants. Myself and Taylen have been transformed into Warmasters! All the missing pigs were turned into battle forms for the Buzzing Lord. He had a small summoning crystal but has started on a large one.. He is taking the smaller one to a nearby village. 

Two weeks ago.. The Lord had us move the Ankhegs into barn 3. He has plans for them.

Few days ago… the New Crystal was complete.. Already some of the horses have been transformed.. I almost finished repairing Jore’s body.. Soon he will be back again.

P'wox discovered a quiver with arrows and a leather duster in the bedroom (gave duster to Shadow Wulf). Nightingale and P'wox drag the bodies out of the house to be burned, Shadow Wulf stands guard and Meltara stares at a barn. Nightingale finds a coin pouch on the Prowler that used to be the farmhand Eddie. Going to the first barn, Meltara, P'wox and Shadow Wulf search through it, Shadow Wulf finding a small sack with a small polished stone picture frame and a set of copper utensils. each of these is worth about 5gp. In the second barn, P'wox finds under a small pile of wood is Taylen’s alchemist and herbalism kits, 5 empty vials, his bag of supplies (Blood herb, 2x Dusk itchweed, Raven silkweed, 2x Ucre bramble), a potion of Waterbreathing (10mins) and a Blinding Bomb (5ft radius, DC 10 Dex Save or Blind for 1 min). In the same barn, Meltara finds hidden under the hay is a tiny box with a note that reads " To Narida, Always the light of my Life. Love Jore. And contains a Mother of Pearl Necklace (worth 45gp). Finally going to the third barn, which they know (from Naida's journal) contains several Ankhegs. Flinging open the barn doors they see a huge pile of potatoes.. being eaten by two Ankhegs. The Ankhegs ignore them, eating the potatoes till Shadow Wulf and Meletara attack them with ranged weapons. Another Ankheg pops out from the potatoes and finally two young Ankhegs show up. The party manages to kill the Ankhegs without much difficulty, except when Meltara was almost eaten by one of them and only saved when P'wox gives the near death Meltara a 2 HP healing potion. Searching the barn after the battle P'wox finds an old forgotten Heavy wool blanket worth 5 gp under the wood pile in the back.Finally searching the farm hand's cabins P'wox finds a trapped sea chest in Eddie's cabin. The trap misses him and in the chest he finds a portfollio of hand drawn erotic pictures. He leaves that and P'wox takes the bear trap from Eddies cabin (DC11 DEX, 1d6 Budg damage on failure). Nightingale has almost finished burning all the the demon corpses. The smoke attracts nearby farmers who show up and ask what has happened. Some stay and help burn more bodies. Some return to their farms to warn others.

(GM Notes: Nightingale spent most of the time here reading the journal, burning bodies that had been demonized and finding the location of the coins of the Waldon family (which she looted).)

Kill count is 3 Ankhegs and 2 Young Ankhegs.

Exp is (3x450)+(2x200)=1750/3=583 base

Important Loot found: A Shortbow, wellmade, +1 to damage and has the minor property of dimly glowing when within 20 ft of undead (given to P'wox), A dark brown leather duster jacket (the wearer ignores rain and will know the coming weather for the next day) (given to Shadow Wulf), Taylen’s alchemist and herbalism kits, 5 empty vials, his bag of supplies (Blood herb, 2x Dusk itchweed, Raven silkweed, 2x Ucre bramble), a potion of Waterbreathing (10mins) and a Blinding Bomb (5ft radius, DC 10 Dex Save or Blind for 1 min) (P'wox), Taylen's Journal (details his experiments) (P'wox). 

Possible other Loot: In the master bedroom is a wrought iron bed frame (large, hard to move, worth about 40gold), Barn 1 has a pile of bags of potatoes. There are 242 bags each weighing about 6 pounds. Each bag is worth a SP.  If left unattended 1d8% of the total will go bad per 1d6 days, if kept in a root cellar or similar every 1d4 weeks. Barn 2 has 23 bags of grain, weighing 50lbs each and worth  5SP each. Barn 3 has a pile of loose potatoes, 800 hundred pounds worth and a pile of bags. If this produce is left behind all the other local farmers will take it in a few days.

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 4049, Elkas 3791, Solaris 3491, Meltara 4324, NightWolf 2295, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510

When everything is over, Nightingale will tell her theory: The Buzzing Man is some kind of Queen Bee type insect or demon that came through that tiny gate. It gathered bees and made a body for itself and then somehow made the first crystal. It then corrupted and warped the farm animals then the farmers. It did this in a matter of weeks.. There are probably more of the Buzzing Man.. it seems to be the vanguard of the invasion. 

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