Saturday, January 1, 2022

Creature Looting Rules


If the players were fighting the creature and killed it in combat, they must make the appropriate check in order to claim the loot. Items that were carried and just found on the body, no rolls required.

  • Beast/Dragon/Monstrosity/Plant: Nature check
  • Giant/Humanoid: Survival check
  • Celestial/Fey/Fiend/Undead: Religion check
  • Aberration/Construct/Elemental/Ooze: Arcana check

This represents the type of knowledge required to successfully identify the valuable loot on the body. Character doing the check must have proficiency in that skill or they roll with Disadvantage. Only one check is allowed per creature.

Loot Claim Check 

  • CR   DC (all items) DC (half items)    Injury (this or lower)
  • <5      10                         5                        7
  • 6-10     15                         10                      12
  • 11-15   20                         15                      17
  • >16     25                         20                      22

This represents the PCs ability to gather the items without harming them or hurting themselves and to find the useful or rare within the unusual or rare internal structure of the creature. It might be difficult to harvest a demon heart when their blood is like acid and you just stabbed the fell beast a dozen times. On a half harvest result, check as normal and half results of items found. Time to make the Check is 3d4 minutes - INT or WIS Modifier.

If an injury occurs, all involved (roller and anyone helping) take CRd3-CR (so for CR 1 or less, 1d3-1, for a CR 5 5d3-5).

Beasts, Dragons, and Plants can also provide a certain amount of rations:

Ration Amounts

Size Days of Rations (1 person)   

Tiny                 1d2-1                                   

Small         1d3                                    

Medium         1d4                                    

Large         2d4

Huge         3d6

Gargantuan 5d6

Time to butcher the creature is 1d6 minutes per ration. So if you butcher a Large creature and roll 6 rations, roll 6d6 to see how many minutes that takes to gather.

Some items are not usable until they have been crafted into a usable form. The following terms are used throughout the list:

Crafted. A PC or NPC must spend a number of hours equal to the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. The crafter must be proficient in the listed tools. NPCs may charge gold for their services.

Carefully Crafted. A PC or NPC must spend a number of hours equal to two times the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. The crafter must be proficient in the listed tools or be a wizard studying the listed school of magic. NPCs may charge gold for their services.

Mastercraft. Must be created by a PC or NPC who has dedicated themselves to the use of a particular tool or school of magic. This means at least a +7 to rolls with that task. This is unlikely to be a PC, meaning they may have to carry the loot into a city to get it crafted. The crafter must spend a number of hours equal to 6-10 (2d3+4) times the creature's CR using the listed tools to create the new object. NPCs may charge gold for their services.

A CR 0 creature's crafting can be completed in 1 minute, or multiple minutes for careful/master crafting.

Certain items require Alchemist's Supplies to craft. If the item has a beneficial effect OR if the item is from a plant creature, it can also be crafted with proficiency in a Herbalism Kit. If the item has a malignant effect, it can also be crafted with proficiency in a Poisoner's Kit.

Some modifiers that will be applied to certain pieces of loot:

Cheap/Tattered. This item has been is a crudely made version or damaged as a result of its owner’s death. You will need to spend gold to repair it or upgrade it, equal to half the cost of a brand-new version of the item. (e.g. a tattered shield would cost 5GP to repair, since a new shield costs 10GP). These loots can usually be sold for 25% of book value to a interested merchant.

Vial. Any item described as a vial must be collected using a flask, vial, bottle, waterskin, or other liquid container. If a container is used to collect multiple different types of liquids, refer to the "Mixing Potions" table (DMG pg. 140)

Treasure Hoard. Roll on the listed Treasure Hoard table (DMG pg. 137-139)

In Lair. These items only appear if the creature is in its lair when it is fought, and the PCs have the time to search the lair after the fight. Depending on the type of lair, the DM may call for additional checks to find this treasure.

For what can be Looted from Creatures I tend to use Creature Loot 53 (

In my game, most 'evil' races (i.e. the monsters that raid and control dungeons) will be using tattered (will break on a natural roll of 1-3 on a d20, repairable after 15mins and a skill check), poor quality/cheap (looks like crap, most will not like it) and worn (will need to be maintained between battles, 10min to do, or disadvantage with use) equipment. Each of those conditions half the value and used equipment is sold for half value at best. 

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