Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 08/24/2021

 After action for 08/24/2021.

Playing: John as Shadow Wulf, Aaron as P’wox and Rumo as Frostbeard Battlehammer.

The dates in the Campaign are: Starting  on the 66th of Grentle, ending on the 1st of Howper. Year is 2663.

The party is at the Noble House of Balaban celebrating the return of Alime. Lord Balaban has sent runners to nearby and not so nearby houses and nobles line the tables before long. The characters tell their tales of how the rescue happened and their parts in it. Somehow during the tales, Gelgres' part seems the greatest, followed by Shadow Wulf. Loonie, P'wox and then FrostBreard. At the end of the party various nobles give gifts of coins.. Gelgres receive 75gp, Shadow Wulf 50gp, Lonnie 25gp and P'wox 10gp. As a party the group has the 50gp Toygar had given them and given them another 50gp on top. Lord Balaban also gives the group another 100gp. P'wox splits the 200 gp by 4 - 50 gp each to P'wox, Meltara, Frostbeard and Shadow Wulf.. There are no rooms left in Balaban Manor as there are drunken nobles to be put up so Lord Balaban asks them to take their leave. He asks them the name of their Adventurer company..this results in a lot of discussion (Shadow slavers, P'Wox's Punch, Magnificent Seven, Ass Defenders, Shadow Bain Marie, The Vengeful, Bloodhound Gang, Bloody Swords) After much debate and random roll for who give to name them, ShadowWulf states we are called the Bloodhound Gang! They go back to the Reign of Peace Warehouse and take a Long Rest, Shadow Wulf leveling up. Frostbeard goes to the market and then to the slave market, buying Jolene (an unremarkable slave, human female) for 6gp. They then go to the adventurer guild and get the job with the farm having undead troubles. The farm is in the SW corner, the Doolish farm. Walking there, by the time they arrive there is about 2 hours of sunlight left. They meet with Genor Doolish, master of Doolish farm. He describes the situation with the zombie field, which is plowed land (difficult terrain, 1/2 movement), and somewhat covered with half grown crops (light cover from ranged attacks +2 def). They head there and find five zombies in the 'safe' field, which is the field south of the area being expanded into. At the north edge is a partially disassembled wall, about 3 ft, which the Asuim farmers use to mark territory. When the wall was moved past the undead showed up. There is a long fight with the five zombies (Buddy savages the zombie but it refuses to die. Lonnie shots with it with his short but it is still moving! Jolene hides and screams!) The party  destroy the zombies and then move past the wall. Using Divine Sense P'wox can see the location of the undead laying on or just under the ground and having cover of the half grown plants. Three zombies, three skeleton warriors and a ghoul acolyte arise and fight the party (GM: At this point there were a lot of problems with chat and this combat sucked and took way longer than it should have). The party triumphed. FrostBeard tells Jolene Time to upgrade from a dying torch to whatever this dead guy used. All Hail!! Jolene the Gladiator!! Jolene picks up one of the skeleton warriors tattered longsword and shield. We end at this point for tonight, But where are these undead coming from? What evil has the farmers awakened? Cliffhanger!

Kill count is 8 Zombies, 3 Skeleton Warriors and 1 Ghoul Acolyte 

Exp is (8x50)+(3x100)+100=800/3= 267 exp (P’wox, Shadow Wulf and FrostBeard)

+100 no horrible incidents at the party.

Current Experience Totals are: P’wox 6747, Elkas 6744, Solaris 6491, Meltara 8962, Shadow Wulf 7425, FrostBeard Battlehammer 2342. Elkas and P’wox will be able to level to 5 when they take a Long Rest.

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