Saturday, January 1, 2022

Campaign recap for 06/07/2021

 After action for 06/07/2021.

Playing: P’wox (Aaron), Meltara (Keiran), Shadow Wulf (John), Solaris (Julie), Elkas (Jose)

Date in Campaign is: Start at 60th of Grentle, ending at 60th

Note, the game was switched to Monday for this week. As this week's episode starts none of the others have seen where Meltara has gone. Solaris is still searching the barn looking for anything of value but finds nothing. Meltara, having moved into the field, is attacked by three swarms of bees. Covered in bee stings he disengages and runs out of the field chased by hordes of bees. The party finally sees him and the bees and open fire. It's a long fight and almost everyone is stung by bees but no one is brought down by it.  Seeing that once a swarm has emerged from its hive, the hive is more or less empty they attempt to burn some of the empty hives with negative results.  For future information just holding a torch to something we usually do not set it on fire unless it is highly flammable. Solaris takes a "Sample'' of honey from a hive to see if it has any villainy or crystal energy juice in it."I know nothing about honey but I am hoping to find a wizard.'' The party makes plans to get to the crystal towards the center of the field except for Meltara who has run to the far side of the field and refuses to get closer to the bees.  Their plan was to draw the swarms of bees from the still active hives one at a time and defeat them as they came closer to the crystal. P'wox gets to the crystal, sees it looks different from the other crystals being a milky white and there are bees working on it as he watches. He smashes it with his mace, destroying one of the two maces he carries and finally smashes the crystal. Then P'wox is covered in 3 swarms of bees and goes down! And right after the crystal was shattered! On his death save..OH NO! DOUBLE FAIL! Buddy tries to assist and is stung so many times he he is destroyed. Solaris brings P'wox back to consciousness and he manages to smite a swarm and the rest fall soon after. After fighting a total of 9 swarms of bees. P'wox and Shadow Wulf going down and Buddy being destroyed they finally leave the field of bees. Meltara carefully investigates the barn and reconstructs the murder of the farmer by the demonic cow. During his search he finds a bronze Ornate Letter Opener (worth 4gp) wrapped in cloth in the one of the farmer's pockets. Solaris is happy we destroyed the crystal. Sad we didn't find the two guys, Tomas and Raek. Elkas goes and takes a small chunk of the bee crystal, totally to study it and not make a deal with the demon bees. He takes the shards and puts them in his pocket. The party leaves, heading back to the warehouse... (leaving behind all the treasure...). Shadow Wulf gets back and talks with Grandpa. They all tell their stories to him. Solaris and Elkas don't mention Elkas's crystal shards... (GM rubs hands evilly). Looking the bees, P'wox providing some bees from under his armor. Shadow Wulf sees these are different, smarter bees and Elkas believes them to be extra planar from a different plane. Solaris thinks to herself, "I have alien bee honey...I am never eating or selling this!!!!" Grandma/Nightingale returns from checking out the bee farm and gives the party the treasure they missed in the main house..(41 gp in assorted coins, 3 gems worth 10 gold each and 1 Lesser Healing and 3 Minor Healing potions). Further information she turned up; Farm belonged to Duncan Onion and his wife Lisa. Both their ripped up bodies are there.... and a third unknown person. Solaris takes a healing potion and says if no one takes the others she will hold them all. They all eat at the main fire and then sleep in the warehouse, Long Rest. Shadow Wulf levels up.

Kill count is 9 Swarm of Bees.

Exp is 9x50=450/5=90 base

Breaking the crystal +100, Not investigating the main house +0, Investigating the extradimensional bees +50 (Elkas and Shadow Wulf). 

Current Exp Totals are: P’wox 4854, Elkas 4696, Solaris 4366, Meltara 5179, NightWolf 3150, FrostBeard Battlehammer 510. 

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